Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 42: Xia Bingling's Resolve

Xia Bingling snatched a steaming cup from the tray, taking a long, slow sip to avoid meeting her daughter's eyes. Thankfully, the scalding tea provided a good excuse for the flush creeping up her neck. Across from her, Wang Li took a delicate sip, his eyes lingering on Qingwu for a beat longer than necessary.

"Excellent tea, Qingwu," he declared, his voice dripping with charm. "Just the thing to soothe a weary traveler's throat."

Qingwu's cheeks turned a delicate shade of pink, a shy smile gracing her lips. Xia Bingling felt a low growl rumble in her chest. Here she was, stewing in a pot of humiliation, and her daughter was blushing like a lovesick fool over the very man who'd… well, let's just say taken advantage of the situation.

"So," Qingwu began, setting the teapot down with a gentle clink, "did you find any lingering effects from Mother's illness?"

Wang Li set down his cup, leaning back against the headboard. "Not at all, my dear," he assured her, his voice dripping with a sweetness that made Madam Xia Bingling want to gag. "Your mother will be back to her old self in a few days, stronger than ever. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if her cultivation takes a significant leap forward."

A glimmer of hope lit up Qingwu's eyes. "Really? That would be amazing!"

"Absolutely," Wang Li confirmed with a nod. "With a bit of rest and some proper cultivation techniques, I wouldn't be surprised if she breaks through to the Soul Formation Realm soon."

Qingwu's gasp filled the room. Breaking through to the Soul Formation Realm was a dream for many cultivators, a gateway to an entirely new level of power. For her mother to achieve that… well, it was almost unthinkable.

"That would be incredible, Mother!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement. "Think of it! You'd be one of the strongest cultivators in the entire city!"

Madam Xia Bingling forced a smile, the muscles in her face aching with the effort.

Then, as if to add insult to injury, Qingwu chimed in again.

"Speaking of cultivation advancement," she began, a touch of pride coloring her voice, "I actually reached the peak of the Golden Core Realm last night! I was planning on attempting a breakthrough to the Nascent Soul Realm tonight, actually."

A collective gasp filled the room – well, at least Madam Xia Bingling did. Qingwu reaching the peak of the Golden Core Realm at such a young age was an impressive feat, but attempting a breakthrough to the Nascent Soul Realm so soon was… ambitious, to say the least.

"Whoa, slow down there, Qingwu," Wang Li said, his voice laced with a hint of concern. "Breaking through to the Nascent Soul Realm isn't something to be taken lightly. You need to be properly prepared."

"I know, Li," Qingwu countered, her chin held high. "But you don't need to worry. You gave me that incredible treasure last night, remember? It helped me refine my Spiritual Root all the way to Tier 6 Sovereign Elemental Root! I feel stronger than ever, and I have a good feeling about this."

Wang Li shot Madam Xia Bingling a fleeting glance, a knowing smirk playing on his lips. Madam Xia Bingling's insides turned to ice. That 'treasure' her daughter spoke of… it wasn't some fancy herb or rare artifact, was it? It was him. The realization hit her like a bucket of cold water.

Suddenly, the pieces clicked into place. The way Qingwu had looked slightly different this morning, a newfound confidence radiating from her. The faint scent of musk that lingered on her clothes, a scent she vaguely recognized from… well, from last night.

Anger, hot and potent, boiled within Madam Xia Bingling.

This manipulative snake had not only seduced her, the mother, but had also used some underhanded tactics on her innocent daughter! The audacity! Yet, she couldn't very well burst out the truth. Not in front of Qingwu.

Taking a deep, calming breath, Xia Bingling plastered a smile on her face. "That's incredible, Qingwu! Tier Six – you're a natural," she lied through gritted teeth. Secretly, she wished she could unleash a torrent of fiery insults in Wang Li's direction.

"See, Mother?" Qingwu said, her eyes shining with excitement. "With Li's help, I'll be a powerful cultivator in no time!"

Wang Li, the shameless charlatan, simply shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips. He knew exactly what he'd done, and he reveled in the power dynamic he'd established. Here he was, the secret benefactor, the one who held the key to both their cultivation advancements.

Xia Bingling clenched her fists so tightly her nails dug into her palms. She was caught in a web of her own making, a web spun from desperation and a twisted sense of desire. Now, she was beholden to Wang Li, a prisoner of his blackmail and the twisted bond they shared.

"Well, that settles it then," Wang Li announced, rising from his chair. "I should leave you two mother-daughter duo to your preparations. Qingwu, remember what I taught you about channeling your spiritual energy. Focus, and you'll be basking in the Nascent Soul realm by sunrise."

Qingwu practically gushed with gratitude. "Thank you, Li! I owe you so much!"

Wang Li leaned in, brushing a kiss against her forehead. The casual intimacy made Xia Bingling clench her jaw so hard she thought it might crack.

"Just focus on your breakthrough, sweetheart," he murmured. "And remember, I am always here for you," he finished, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper meant only for Qingwu's ears. He winked, then with a final, lingering glance at Madam Xia, he sauntered out of the room, leaving behind a thick silence and a tangled mess of emotions.

For a long moment, the only sound was the gentle clinking of Qingwu setting her teacup down. Finally, she turned to her mother, a hopeful smile blooming on her face.

"So, Mother," Qingwu began, "what do you think of Li?"

Xia Bingling swallowed, the question catching her off guard. "Think?" she echoed, buying herself some time.

"Well, isn't he amazing?" Qingwu gushed. "He's so strong, so knowledgeable… and he's been so helpful with our cultivation! He's practically a miracle worker, wouldn't you agree?"

Xia Bingling forced a smile. "He certainly… possesses a unique skillset," she said carefully. 'Unique' was one way to put it. Manipulative, cunning, and shamelessly opportunistic were a few others.

"He's not just good for us, Mother," Qingwu continued, her voice filled with an innocent fervor. "He'd be invaluable to the Xia Family! Think about it – with his knowledge and connections, we could reach new heights!"

Xia Bingling gritted her teeth so hard her jaw ached. Here was her daughter, singing the praises of the man who'd violated her, all thanks to a night of… well, let's just say a night of misplaced trust. The urge to scream, to expose Wang Li for the snake he was, was almost overwhelming.

But the memory of the Vision Recording Stone, a cold dread in the pit of her stomach, held her tongue. No, revealing the truth was not an option. Qingwu wouldn't believe her. The recording would paint a very different picture – a picture of a desperate whore enticing Wang Li into doing something forbidden.

With a sigh that was more of a growl, Xia Bingling forced another smile. "You're right, dear," she said, her voice tight. "Wang Li… has his merits."

"Exactly!" Qingwu beamed. "And you know what else?"

Xia Bingling braced herself, suspecting the worst. "What?"

"I want to marry him," Qingwu announced, her voice filled with a shy excitement. "Not a big ceremony, of course. Just a small, private thing with the three of us."

The room seemed to tilt on its axis. Marry her daughter to him? The very thought sent a jolt of something akin to terror through Xia Bingling. To bind her daughter to this… this deviant… The anger, the frustration, threatened to boil over.

But she couldn't show it. Not yet. Taking a deep breath, she plastered a smile on her face that felt a little too wide. "Marry him?" she repeated, feigning surprise. "Well, that's… unexpected."

"Maybe," Qingwu giggled. "But it just feels right, doesn't it?"

Xia Bingling searched for the words, the right response that wouldn't give anything away. "Marriage is a big step, Qingwu," she finally said, her voice measured. "There's a lot to consider."

"We've considered it," Qingwu said, her eyes filled with a newfound determination. "Li and I have talked about it, and we both think it's the best course of action. Think about it, Mother – with him by our side, the Xia Family will be unstoppable!"

Xia Bingling fought back a groan. Unstoppable? More like trapped at the mercy of a cunning rogue. Yet, she had no choice but to play along.

"Look, Qingwu," she said, her voice gentle, "why don't you… why don't you get some rest before your breakthrough tonight? We can discuss this… this proposal… later."

Qingwu frowned slightly, her usual cheerfulness dimmed a touch. "But Mother…"

"Please, Qingwu," Xia Bingling pressed, her voice firm. She needed some time alone, some time to plot, to strategize. There had to be a way out of this mess, a way to neutralize Wang Li without revealing her own vulnerability.

Qingwu hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Alright, Mother. But we will talk about this later, right?"

Qingwu, ever the dutiful daughter, nodded in agreement.

Placing a quick kiss on her mother's forehead, the faint scent of jasmine tea lingering on her breath, she turned and left the room.

The door clicked shut, leaving Xia Bingling alone with the suffocating silence and the tempest of emotions churning within her.

The facade she'd worn for Qingwu crumbled in an instant. The anger that had simmered beneath the surface erupted in a volcanic geyser.

"Damn him!" she roared, flinging the teacup across the room. It shattered against the wall, spraying porcelain shards and tepid tea like a miniature explosion.

Her fist slammed against the mattress, the pain a welcome distraction from the humiliation that burned in her gut.

"Depraved wretch!" she spat, the words laced with venom. "He used me, then targets my own daughter with his… his…" She choked on the word, unable to bring herself to utter "seduction." The reality was far more sinister.

Slowly, with each ragged breath, the fury began to ebb, replaced by a cold, steely resolve. Wang Li had her cornered, his blackmail a noose tightening around her neck.

Denial was a luxury she couldn't afford. For now, at least, she was at his mercy. She had to play his game, but that didn't mean she had to lose.

A predatory glint entered her eyes. Wang Li may have won the first battle, but the war was far from over. She, Xia Bingling, was no damsel in distress.

She was a seasoned cultivator, a woman who had clawed her way to power. She would find a way to turn the tables, a way to make him pay for his crimes.

For now, however, compliance was key. She would be the dutiful mistress, the willing participant in his charade. She would play the role he wanted, all the while keeping her eyes peeled for a weakness, a chance to strike back.

The thought of becoming his… his "whore" as her mind phrased it with bitter disdain, filled her with a fresh wave of anger. Yet, she swallowed it down, turning it into a steely resolve.

This was temporary. A humiliation she would endure, a price she would pay. But his arrogance, his belief that he could control her, that would be his ultimate downfall.

Xia Bingling smiled, a cold, predatory smile that would send down shivers on even a beast's spine.

Wang Li may hold the cards for now, but she, the tigress in her cage, was just waiting for the right moment to pounce.

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