Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 29: Xia Bingling's Strange Stiffness

Amidst the backdrop of covert schemes and intricate plots, another pivotal event unfolded within the tranquil confines of the Xia Family Manor.

Xia Qingwu, her delicate features etched with a mixture of determination and apprehension, stood in the kitchen, clutching the communication talisman sent by Wang Li. With a deep breath, she activated the talisman, listening intently to Wang Li's instructions.

"Mix this fluid into Mother's food every day," Wang Li's voice echoed through the talisman, his tone confident yet tinged with a hint of urgency. "It won't harm her, just stiffen her muscles. She'll seek treatment, and that's when I'll step in."

Qingwu's brows furrowed in concern as she processed Wang Li's words. "Stiffen Mother's muscles?" she repeated, a note of uncertainty creeping into her voice. "But why? And why involve yourself in her treatment?"

Wang Li's voice continued, addressing Qingwu's unspoken questions. "I'll come to treat her, but you must introduce me as a hidden doctor," he explained, his tone earnest yet shrouded in mystery. "And remember, this is all to ensure your freedom from that marriage proposal with Ye Fan."

Nevertheless, despite her confusion, Xia Qingwu trusted Wang Li implicitly, knowing that he always had her best interests at heart. With a determined nod, she resolved to carry out his instructions.

Amidst the tranquil surroundings of the Xia Family Manor, Xia Qingwu stood in the kitchen, her brow furrowed in concentration as she carefully measured out the herbs specified by Wang Li's instructions.

"Let's see... Mandrake root, check. Moonlight petal, check. And... ah, here it is, starlight orchid," she muttered to herself, arranging the ingredients on the counter with practiced precision.

With a sigh, she reached for the mortar and pestle, grinding the herbs into a fine powder before mixing them with water to form a smooth, viscous fluid. As she worked, her mind raced with questions, wondering about the purpose behind Wang Li's mysterious instructions.

Meanwhile, Xia Bingling, her mother, lounged in the garden, a serene expression gracing her features as she tended to the vibrant array of flowers that adorned the courtyard.

Unbeknownst to her, the fate of her health lay in the hands of her daughter, Xia Qingwu, and the enigmatic guidance of Wang Li.

Once the concoction was ready, Xia Qingwu carefully transferred it into a small vial, her heart fluttering with uncertainty as she considered the implications of her actions.

"Here goes nothing," she murmured to herself, steeling her resolve.

On that day, Xia Bingling savored her meal at the dining table, oblivious to the subtle changes unfolding within her body.

"Something feels... off. But perhaps it's just my imagination," she murmured to herself, pushing aside her nagging doubts to focus on the simple pleasures of her daily routine.

Yet, with each passing day, the effects of the mysterious fluid began to manifest, gradually stiffening Xia Bingling's muscles and prompting a growing sense of discomfort.

"Just a little stiffness... Nothing to worry about," she reassured herself, unaware of the plans set in motion by her daughter and Wang Li.

In the night, Xia Qingwu came to meet her mother.

"Mother," Xia Qingwu greeted, her voice tinged with warmth as she approached Xia Bingling, who looked up with a gentle smile.

"My dear, what do you have there?" Xia Bingling inquired, her curiosity piqued by the vial in her daughter's hand.

With a nervous smile, Xia Qingwu explained, "It's just an herbal remedy I thought might help alleviate some of your muscle tension. You've been working so hard lately, and I want you to feel your best."

Xia Bingling's eyes softened with gratitude as she accepted the vial from her daughter, nodding in appreciation. "Thank you, Qingwu. You always know how to take care of me," she murmured, a flicker of concern crossing her features as she noticed the anxious look in her daughter's eyes.

As Xia Qingwu watched her mother sip the concoction, a wave of apprehension washed over her. She could only hope that Wang Li's assurances held true, and that her mother would be spared any harm.

On that night, Xia Bingling's condition seemed to improve due to her daughter's concoction. But she had no idea that this was in fact a catalyst that greatly enhanced the functionality of the fluid that her daughter was feeding her each passing day.

As the days passed, Xia Qingwu dutifully administered the mysterious fluid to her mother's meals, observing closely for any signs of its effects.

True to Wang Li's assurance, Xia Bingling began to experience a gradual stiffness in her muscles, prompting her to seek medical assistance.

In the serene halls of the Xia Family Manor, the air was thick with tension as Xia Bingling's illness persisted, defying the efforts of every healer summoned to her side.

Day after day, a parade of doctors, physicians, and alchemists filed through the manor's gates, their brows furrowed with concentration as they examined Xia Bingling's condition. Yet, despite their expertise, none could unravel the mystery of her ailment.

This was only natural because this was a soft poison that had been developed during the ancient period. And Wang Li came across this soft poison's recipe because it was available within those ancient alchemy recipes that he had discovered in hidden chamber in the heart of the Spiritual Mines.

Meanwhile, Wang Li worked tirelessly behind the scenes, preparing the antidote to counteract the effects of the mysterious fluid plaguing Xia Bingling's veins.

In the serene ambiance of the Xia Family Manor, Xia Bingling lay upon her bed, her face contorted with pain as she struggled against the relentless grip of her mysterious illness. Beside her stood her concerned family members, their worried expressions reflecting the gravity of the situation.

Xia Qingwu, her daughter, watched over her mother with a mixture of anxiety and determination. "Mother," she said softly, her voice tinged with urgency, "I've found someone who might be able to help you."

Xia Bingling's eyes flickered with hope as she turned to her daughter. "Who is it, Qingwu?" she asked, her voice trembling with anticipation.

"It's a doctor I met recently," Xia Qingwu replied.

Xia Bingling's eyes brightened with hope, her pain momentarily forgotten as she turned to her daughter. "Bring him to me at once," she instructed, her voice weak but determined. "I'll try anything if it means finding relief from this torment."

With a nod of determination, Xia Qingwu hurried out of the room, returning moments later with the mysterious doctor in tow.

Entering the chamber with a confident stride, the disguised Wang Li cast a reassuring glance at Xia Qingwu before turning his attention to Xia Bingling. "Greetings, Madame Xia," he said, his voice deep and reassuring. "I've heard of your plight and have come to offer my assistance."

Xia Bingling regarded the disguised doctor with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, her gaze lingering on his unconventional appearance. "Thank you for coming, Doctor," she replied, her voice strained with pain. "I hope you can help alleviate my suffering."

Wang Li nodded solemnly, his expression masked behind his disguise as he approached Xia Bingling's bedside. "Let me examine you first," he said, his tone gentle yet authoritative. "I need to understand the nature of your illness before I can prescribe a treatment."

With practiced hands, Wang Li began his examination, his keen eyes scanning Xia Bingling's frail form for any signs of distress. As he worked, he listened intently to her symptoms, his mind racing with possible solutions.

After what seemed like an eternity, Wang Li finally straightened up, his expression grave as he turned to face Xia Bingling and her anxious family. "I'm afraid the situation is dire," he began, his voice heavy with sorrow. "Your illness is unlike any I've encountered before. It's as if your veins and meridians are under attack by a potent energy."

Xia Bingling's family gasped in horror at the grim prognosis, their worst fears confirmed by the doctor's words. But even amidst the despair, Xia Qingwu's eyes flickered with hope as she looked to Wang Li for guidance.

"There must be something you can do, Doctor," she implored, her voice trembling with emotion. "Please, we'll do anything to save Mother."

Wang Li's heart swelled with admiration for Xia Qingwu's unwavering determination, his resolve strengthening as he met her gaze. "Fear not," he said, his voice infused with conviction. "I may have a solution, but it will require courage and trust on your part."

Xia Qingwu and the rest of the Xia family leaned in, their faces etched with anticipation as they awaited Wang Li's next words. "What do you mean?" Xia Qingwu asked, her voice tinged with hope.

Wang Li paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before speaking again. "I need you all to leave this chamber and trust me to handle everything," he instructed, his tone firm yet reassuring. "I promise you, Madam Xia Bingling will be alright."

Though hesitant, the Xia family reluctantly agreed, their faith in Wang Li outweighing their doubts. "But how can we be sure?" Xia Qingwu pressed, her brow furrowed with worry.

Wang Li met her gaze with unwavering confidence. "If anything were to happen to Madam Xia Bingling under my care, I am willing to sacrifice my life," he declared solemnly.

The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, but Xia Qingwu nodded resolutely, her trust in Wang Li unwavering. "Alright," she said, her voice filled with determination. "We'll leave it to you, Doctor."

With a reassuring smile, Wang Li watched as Xia Qingwu and the rest of the family filed out of the chamber, leaving him alone with Xia Bingling. Taking a deep breath, he retrieved a small vial from his pocket and carefully uncorked it, releasing a potent aroma into the air.

As Xia Bingling inhaled the fragrance, her eyelids fluttered before closing, her body relaxing into a peaceful slumber. With a gentle touch, Wang Li adjusted the blankets around her, his mind racing with thoughts of the task ahead.

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