Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 30: Temporarily Healing Madam Xia Bingling

As Xia Bingling remained peacefully asleep, Wang Li sat beside her, his fingers gently tracing the contours of her forehead. With a focused expression, he channeled the energies of Yin and Yang, allowing them to flow through Xia Bingling's veins with a soothing touch.

Feeling the tension in Xia Bingling's veins gradually ease, Wang Li couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. 'She'll be alright for now,' he thought, knowing that his temporary treatment would grant her relief for the next three days.

As he quietly slipped out of Xia Bingling's chamber, he was met with the concerned faces of the Xia family members waiting outside.

They bombarded him with questions about Xia Bingling's condition, their worry palpable in the air.

Wang Li offered them a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I've managed to suppress the illness for the time being," he assured them, his voice calm and reassuring. "But I'll need some rest to gather my strength for the next phase of treatment."

Xia Qingwu, ever the dutiful daughter, stepped forward. "I'll show you to your room," she offered, her voice filled with gratitude.

With a nod of appreciation, Wang Li followed Xia Qingwu down the hall to the room designated for him. The door closed behind them with a soft click, enveloping them in a cocoon of privacy.

The door to Wang Li's room closed softly behind them, sealing them in a cocoon of privacy. With practiced ease, Wang Li discarded his disguise, revealing his true self to Xia Qingwu. Her eyes widened in astonishment, a soft gasp escaping her lips as she took in his familiar features.

But before she could gather her thoughts, Wang Li closed the distance between them, enveloping her in a warm embrace. The touch of his arms around her sent a shiver down her spine, stirring emotions she had long tried to suppress.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur, her gratitude mingling with a hint of vulnerability. In that moment, she felt a sense of closeness with Wang Li that she had never experienced before.

Wang Li held her close, his embrace offering solace in the midst of uncertainty. "I'm just glad I could help," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm to her troubled mind. "But we can't afford to let our guard down. We'll need to remain vigilant, especially with what's at stake."

As they stood there, locked in each other's embrace, Xia Qingwu couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her. Despite Wang Li's assurances, the specter of her mother's impending marriage to Ye Fan loomed large in her mind.

"I trust you," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "But what if my mother doesn't see things the way we do? What if she insists on going through with the marriage?"

Wang Li's grip tightened ever so slightly, his resolve steeling in the face of uncertainty. "I'll do everything in my power to convince her otherwise," he vowed, his voice laced with determination. "I won't let her sacrifice your happiness for the sake of an alliance."

In the meantime while Wang Li was spending his time in Xia Family Manor, Wang Xiangyi had gone to the Pill Tower in Western Wind Kingdom.

Wang Xiangyi, concealed beneath a veil, made her way through the bustling streets of the Western Wind Kingdom, her heart pounding with anticipation. She had a mission, one that could potentially change the course of history, and she wasn't about to let anything stand in her way.

Arriving at the imposing gates of the Pill Tower, Wang Xiangyi took a deep breath, steeling herself for the encounter ahead. She had heard of Ning Yue, a woman harboring a fierce grudge against Ye Fan, and she knew that convincing her to join their cause would be no easy task.

As she entered the Pill Tower, Wang Xiangyi's senses were assailed by the sharp scent of herbs and potions, mingling with the hushed murmurs of alchemists at work. She made her way through the labyrinthine corridors, her steps echoing against the polished marble floors.

Finally, she arrived at Ning Yue's chambers, her heart pounding with nervous energy. With a steady hand, she knocked on the door, her pulse quickening as she awaited a response.

The door swung open to reveal Ning Yue, her expression guarded as she regarded Wang Xiangyi with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice tinged with caution.

Wang Xiangyi remained unfazed, her demeanor calm and collected. "I come bearing a proposition," she replied cryptically, her eyes locking with Ning Yue's. "A proposition that may be of mutual benefit to both of us."

Intrigued, Ning Yue set aside her work and motioned for Wang Xiangyi to take a seat. "Speak," she said curtly, her curiosity piqued.

Taking a seat opposite Ning Yue, Wang Xiangyi leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I know of your vendetta against Ye Fan," she began, her words laden with significance. "And I believe I can offer you the means to achieve your revenge."

Ning Yue's eyes gleamed with interest, her lips curling into a sly smile. "Go on," she urged, leaning in closer to catch every word.

Wang Xiangyi leaned back slightly, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "I have information that may be of interest to you," she revealed, her tone dripping with intrigue. "Information that could help you create a poison so potent, it will bring Ye Fan to his knees."

Ning Yue's eyes widened with excitement, her pulse quickening at the prospect of finally exacting her revenge. "Tell me everything," she demanded eagerly, her voice tinged with anticipation.

With a flick of her wrist, Wang Xiangyi produced a scroll containing the ancient alchemy recipes she had acquired. "I believe these may be of use to you," she explained, her gaze steady on Ning Yue.

Ning Yue's eyes widened in surprise as she unrolled the scroll, scanning its contents with growing fascination. "These... these are remarkable," she breathed, her fingers tracing the intricate symbols etched into the parchment.

Wang Xiangyi watched as Ning Yue's expression shifted from curiosity to determination. "I seek to rid the world of a common enemy," she confided, her voice low with intensity. "Ye Fan has wronged us both and I need your assistance to end him."

Ning Yue's eyes gleamed with newfound resolve as she met Wang Xiangyi's gaze. "I'm in," she declared, her voice echoing with determination.

As they clasped hands in silent agreement, Wang Xiangyi felt a surge of satisfaction.

With a sense of cautious optimism, Wang Xiangyi observed as Ning Yue delved into the ancient alchemy recipes she had provided. She kept a careful eye on Ning Yue's every move, ensuring that her newfound ally remained focused on their shared goal.

As Ning Yue pored over the recipes, Wang Xiangyi couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension. She had only entrusted Ning Yue with a fraction of the ancient alchemy recipes, keeping the majority hidden within her storage bag. It was a calculated risk, but one she deemed necessary to safeguard their alliance.

Meanwhile, Ning Yue furrowed her brow in concentration as she scrutinized the ancient texts. "These herbs and beast parts are almost impossible to find," she muttered to herself, her quill scratching against parchment as she made notes. "I'll need to rewrite the formulas and find suitable replacements."

As she meticulously revised the recipes, Ning Yue's thoughts drifted to the task ahead. She knew that acquiring the necessary ingredients would be no easy feat, but she was undeterred by the challenge. With Wang Xiangyi's assistance, she was confident they could overcome any obstacle in their path.

With a determined glint in her eyes, Ning Yue turned to Wang Xiangyi, her expression resolute. "I've rewritten the formulas, but now we need to gather the ingredients," she explained, handing over a list. "I have most of the herbs, but we'll need the parts of the beasts mentioned here."

Wang Xiangyi accepted the list with a nod, her mind already strategizing the best approach. "Leave it to me," she replied with a confident smile. "I'll procure the necessary ingredients and deliver them to you promptly."

As she left Ning Yue's laboratory to embark on her hunt, Wang Xiangyi couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of her mind. She knew that their alliance was tenuous at best, and she remained vigilant against any signs of betrayal from Ning Yue.

Meanwhile, back in the laboratory, Ning Yue continued her work with single-minded focus. With each ingredient she acquired and each formula she rewrote, she felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that they were one step closer to their goal of eliminating their common enemy, Ye Fan.

With a list of ingredients in hand, Wang Xiangyi set out on her mission, her steps purposeful as she navigated the bustling streets of the Western Wind Kingdom. Her first stop: the local markets, where rumors of rare herbs and exotic beasts circulated like whispers on the wind.

As she perused the stalls, Wang Xiangyi's keen eye caught sight of a vendor peddling a particularly rare herb mentioned in one of Ning Yue's recipes. With practiced ease, she negotiated a price and secured a supply of the precious ingredient, careful to keep her true intentions hidden from prying eyes.

But the beasts required for the remaining ingredients proved more elusive, their habitats shrouded in mystery and danger. Undeterred, Wang Xiangyi ventured into the wilderness, her senses sharpened as she tracked her quarry with the skill of a seasoned hunter.

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