Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 28: Ye Fan's Punishment In Azure Peak Sect

After their intimate escapade, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi lounged lazily in the aftermath, basking in the glow of their shared pleasure. Wang Li's fingers idly traced patterns across his cousin's smooth skin as he recounted the treasures he had discovered in the hidden chamber.

"Xiangyi," Wang Li began, his voice low and husky with satisfaction, "let me tell you about the treasures I've found."

Wang Xiangyi's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she propped herself up on her elbows, her gaze fixed intently on Wang Li. "Tell me everything," she urged, her voice tinged with excitement.

Wang Li's lips curled into a smug smile as he listed off the items he had acquired. "Firstly, there's a Rare Elemental Beast Core of a Five-Tailed Elemental Fox," he revealed, his voice laced with anticipation. "I plan to use its powers to enhance my own abilities."

Wang Xiangyi's gaze softened as she listened, her fingers tracing lazy circles on his chest. "Sounds impressive," she murmured, a hint of curiosity in her voice. "And what about the other treasures?"

Wang Li grinned, his excitement palpable. "Well, there's a Divine Mind Arts Manual," he continued, his voice tinged with excitement. "I thought you could make use of it to enhance your mind and spiritual senses."

Wang Xiangyi's eyes widened in surprise, a smile tugging at her lips. "For me?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Li. That's very thoughtful of you."

Wang Li's grin widened at her reaction, his heart swelling with affection. "Of course, Xiangyi," he replied, his tone earnest. "I want you to be the best version of yourself."

As they basked in the warmth of their affection, Wang Li's gaze drifted to the Spiritual Egg and the collection of ancient pellet recipes. "And then there's this Spiritual Egg," he continued, his voice tinged with excitement. "We'll infuse it with our spiritual energy every evening and surround it with the elemental treasures as instructed."

Wang Xiangyi nodded in understanding, her mind already racing with possibilities. "I can't wait to see what it becomes," she admitted, her voice tinged with excitement.

Finally, Wang Li revealed the collection of ancient pellet recipes, prompting a furrow of confusion to crease Wang Xiangyi's brow. "But we're not alchemists," she pointed out, her tone hesitant.

Wang Li's expression softened as he reached out to grasp her hand reassuringly. "That's true," he acknowledged, "but we can use these recipes to our advantage."

Wang Xiangyi's eyes widened with realization as she considered his words. "You mean...contact someone from the Pill Tower?" she ventured, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Wang Li nodded in agreement. "Exactly," he confirmed. "But we must choose carefully. We can't risk betrayal."

As they deliberated their next move, Wang Li and Wang Xiangyi couldn't shake the feeling of excitement coursing through their veins. With each treasure they had acquired, their path to power and influence seemed clearer than ever before.

Amidst the sprawling halls of the Azure Peak Sect, where the scent of incense lingered in the air and disciples bustled about their daily routines, a sense of tension simmered beneath the surface. News of Ye Fan's recent exploits had spread like wildfire, earning him accolades and praise from distant sects.

Yet, within the confines of his own sect, whispers of discontent echoed among the elders and disciples alike.

In the well-lit council chamber, Sect Master Ren Ming sat at the head of a long, ornately carved table, his brow furrowed with concern. Beside him, Fourth Elder Hu, Ye Fan's master, fidgeted uncomfortably in his seat, his gaze fixed on a scroll laid out before him.

"Ye Fan's failure to protect our own disciples is a stain on our sect's honor," Sect Master Ren Ming remarked solemnly, his voice tinged with disappointment. "We cannot allow such negligence to go unpunished."

Fourth Elder Hu nodded in agreement, his lips pressed into a thin line. "Indeed, Sect Master. Ye Fan must be held accountable for his actions—or lack thereof," he replied, his tone grave.

Across the table, Second Elder Su and Third Elder Zhen exchanged wary glances, their expressions mirroring the unease that permeated the chamber.

"I suggest we reprimand Ye Fan subtly," Second Elder Su suggested, breaking the uneasy silence. "We cannot afford to alienate him, especially given his newfound status as a hero in other sects."

Third Elder Zhen nodded in agreement, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "Agreed. We must tread carefully to avoid driving him away," he concurred, his voice echoing with authority.

With a sense of determination burning within them, the elders resolved to address the issue with prudence and tact. They knew that they had to find a way to hold Ye Fan accountable for his actions while also preserving the unity and integrity of the Azure Peak Sect.

As the elders murmured various punishments, Fourth Elder Hu's thoughts drifted to his troubled disciple. Despite his disappointment in Ye Fan's failure, he couldn't shake the sense of pride he felt in the young man's accomplishments.

'I hope this punishment will serve as a wake-up call for Ye Fan,' Fourth Elder Hu mused inwardly, his heart heavy with concern for his wayward disciple.

Meanwhile, in the bustling courtyard of the sect, Ye Fan stood amidst a throng of admirers, his chest puffed out with pride as he basked in the adulation of his fellow disciples.

"Ye Fan, you're a true hero," exclaimed one disciple, clapping him on the back. "You've brought honor to our sect!"

Ye Fan grinned, his eyes twinkling with satisfaction. "Just doing my duty," he replied modestly, though inwardly, he relished the praise. After all, it wasn't every day that one became a revered figure in the martial world.

However, his moment of glory was short-lived as a messenger approached, bearing news from the sect elders.

"Ye Fan, Sect Master Ren Ming requests your presence in the council chamber," the messenger announced, his tone serious.

Ye Fan's smile faltered slightly as he exchanged puzzled glances with the surrounding disciples. "I wonder what this is about," he mused aloud, a hint of apprehension creeping into his voice.

With a sense of unease gnawing at him, Ye Fan followed the messenger to the council chamber, where the elders awaited his arrival.

As Ye Fan entered the chamber, he was met with stern gazes and a palpable tension that hung in the air like a heavy fog.

"Ye Fan, have a seat," Sect Master Ren Ming instructed, gesturing to an empty chair at the center of the room.

Ye Fan complied, his curiosity piqued as he braced himself for whatever news awaited him.

"Sect Master, Elders," Ye Fan greeted respectfully, his eyes darting from one stern face to another.

Sect Master Ren Ming wasted no time in getting to the point. "Ye Fan, while we acknowledge your recent feats in aiding disciples from other sects, we cannot overlook the fact that you failed to protect our own disciples during the recent battle," he began, his voice grave.

Ye Fan's heart sank as he listened to the sect master's words. He had hoped that his heroics would overshadow any shortcomings, but it seemed that his failure had not gone unnoticed.

"I understand, Sect Master," Ye Fan replied solemnly, his gaze fixed on the ground. "I accept full responsibility for my actions."

The elders exchanged knowing glances, their expressions unreadable as they deliberated silently among themselves.

Finally, Fourth Elder Hu spoke up, his voice measured and authoritative. "As a form of reparation for your oversight, we have decided to assign you a task," he announced, his eyes locking with Ye Fan's.

Ye Fan's interest was piqued as he awaited further instructions, eager to prove himself once more.

"We want you to organize a team to take over the small Herbal Garden of the White Bone Sect and add it to our territory," Fourth Elder Hu continued, his tone firm.

Ye Fan nodded, understanding the gravity of the task assigned to him. "Consider it done, Master," he replied confidently, determined to redeem himself in the eyes of his sect.

With a sense of determination burning within him, Ye Fan rose from his seat and exited the council chamber, his mind already racing with plans and strategies to fulfill his new mandate.

As the news of Ye Fan's new task circulated among a select few disciples within the Azure Peak Sect, the wheels of intrigue continued to turn behind the scenes.

In his quarters, Ye Fan mulled over the assignment given to him by the sect elders, feeling a mix of determination and apprehension. "No time limit, huh?" he murmured to himself, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Well, that gives me some flexibility."

Meanwhile, in another corner of the sect, Su Yuerong, a personal disciple of Elder Su, was busy sending a communication talisman to Wang Li.

With practiced precision, she crafted a communication talisman addressed to Wang Li, her secret benefactor, detailing the successful completion of the task he had entrusted to her. The task, to ensure that Second Elder Su orchestrated a punishment for Ye Fan that would consume his time and keep him preoccupied, had been executed flawlessly.

The plan to capture the herbal garden of the White Bone Sect aligned perfectly with Wang Li's intentions, ensuring that Ye Fan would be tied up with the task for the foreseeable future.

Satisfied with her efforts, Su Yuerong eagerly awaited Wang Li's response, hoping for a prompt meeting.

Meanwhile, in the secluded confines of his chambers, Wang Li received Su Yuerong's message with a sense of satisfaction.

"Ah, Su Yuerong never fails to deliver," he muttered to himself, a smug smile playing at the corners of his lips.

He quickly formulated a response and sent it back to Su Yuerong, arranging a meeting with her at a discreet location outside the sect grounds.

As Su Yuerong received Wang Li's reply, a thrill of anticipation coursed through her veins. "Finally," she breathed, a sense of excitement building within her. "I can't wait to enhance my Spiritual Roots to an even higher tier."

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