Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 166: Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's Sexy Body Writhes Under Wang Li's Touch

Wang Li locked eyes with Palace Mistress Jiu Lan, a glint of amusement dancing in his emerald depths. "My first condition," he began, his voice dropping a touch lower, "is quite straightforward, Palace Mistress. I require your continued approval of my… relationship with Liu Xue."

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan had anticipated this. She knew the undeniable value his healing offered, a value that outweighed the unconventional nature of their relationship with her disciple. With a slow nod, she conceded, "Very well, Wang Li. I can agree to that."

He flashed her a charming smile. "Excellent. Now, for the second condition." He leaned back slightly, his gaze lingering on her form. "I propose… becoming an honorary member of the Jade Lotus Palace sect."

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan raised an eyebrow, contemplating his request. It made a strange kind of sense. With Liu Xue residing within the sect's protected territory, and him barred from entry, their meetings would be severely limited. Honorary membership would provide him with a legitimate reason to visit.

"An honorary member, huh?" she mused, stroking her chin thoughtfully. "An interesting proposition. Very well, Wang Li, I can accept this. However," her voice turned firm, "on one condition. You may only use this privilege to meet with myself or Liu Xue. I won't tolerate any… disruptions within the sect grounds."

Wang Li chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. "Of course, Palace Mistress. I wish to maintain good relationship with the Jade Lotus Palace sect. Disrupting the disciples or elders of your esteemed sect would be counterproductive to that goal, wouldn't you agree?"

With a satisfied nod, Palace Mistress Jiu Lan rose from her seat and retrieved a jade medallion from a hidden compartment within her robes. Inscribed upon its surface was the intricate symbol of a lotus blossom, a shimmering testament to the Jade Lotus Palace sect.

"This," she declared, holding the medallion out to him, "is a token of your honorary membership. It will grant you free passage through most of the sect's outer formations."

Wang Li accepted the medallion with reverence. "Thank you, Palace Mistress. This is most… appreciated. And to express my gratitude for your acceptance," he continued, a sly smile playing on his lips, "allow me to fully heal any remaining injuries you may have sustained in the recent battle."

The allure of his healing touch proved too tempting to resist. Curiosity gnawed at her. During her previous unconscious state, she had no experience of the process. Now, she could observe its effects firsthand.

With a slight nod, she agreed. "Very well, Wang Li. I won't refuse your offer."

He gestured towards the bed. "Please, Palace Mistress, make yourself comfortable."

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan straightened her posture, a flicker of unease crossing her features. Yet, curiosity battled with apprehension. As per his request, she lay down on the bed, her back resting against the soft silk sheets. The conical peak of the tent cast a dim shadow over her form, accentuating the voluptuous curve of her body.

Wang Li positioned himself beside her, his touch was very light as he placed his hand on her forehead. Closing his eyes, he focused, channeling a warm surge of Yang energy into her body.

Instantly, a wave of pure comfort washed over Palace Mistress Jiu Lan. It was like a soothing balm, easing the tension that had coiled in her muscles. She felt her injuries mend at an alarming rate, the throbbing pain replaced by a pleasant warmth.

Unbeknownst to her, the Yang energy resonated with a deeper need within her, a yearning she didn't quite understand. A soft moan escaped her lips, a guttural sound that spoke of pure, unadulterated pleasure. The touch, the warmth, the rapid healing – it all coalesced into an unexpected experience.

The soundproof formation around the tent muffled the telltale moans, preventing them from reaching the ears of curious disciples or watchful elders.

Wang Li, however, couldn't help but relish the sounds, his smile turning predatory.

He stole a glance at her rising and falling chest, the sight fueling a flicker of desire he couldn't quite suppress. His fingers, initially hovering above her body, itched to explore the enticing curves beneath the loose robes.

He knew he needed to tread carefully. Her tolerance for his unconventional methods was already stretched thin.

But a mischievous thought sparked within him.

Perhaps, he could subtly guide the Yang energy, focusing it on specific areas to further heighten her experience.

A slow, seductive smile curved his lips. This was going to be far more interesting than he'd anticipated.

A sly glint flickered in Wang Li's eyes as he subtly redirected the flow of Yang energy. No longer did it focus solely on mending her core injuries. Instead, it meandered through her meridians, lingering at specific pressure points that resonated with a deeper pleasure.

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's breath hitched. The initial wave of soothing comfort morphed into something altogether different – a tingling warmth that blossomed into a yearning she hadn't acknowledged in years. A moan escaped her lips, a low, guttural sound that spoke of a primal awakening.

"Can you feel the change, Palace Mistress?" Wang Li inquired, his voice a husky whisper. But her response came in the form of another moan, a sound devoid of words but brimming with raw desire. He watched, a hint of a predator observing his prey, as her body trembled with newfound excitement. The rise and fall of her chest became more pronounced, strained against the thin fabric of her robes.

The moans grew louder, each one more seductive and alluring than the last. The soundproof array held strong, shielding them from prying ears, but the tent itself seemed to vibrate with the intensity of her pleasure. Wang Li couldn't help but let a smirk play on his lips. This was far more entertaining than he'd anticipated.

"Tell me, Palace Mistress," he purred, his voice laced with amusement, "does the healing feel… invigorating?"

Silence met his question, broken only by the gasps escaping her lips. Her body twisted and writhed on the bed, the sheets tangled around her legs. The sight of her vulnerability, of this powerful woman reduced to such a state by his touch, sent a jolt of arousal through him.

He continued the charade, guiding the Yang energy with practiced ease, further heightening her experience. Every moan, every tremor fueled a growing desire within him. He ached to reach out, to explore the enticing curves beneath the loose robes, but knew restraint was key.

Nearly half an hour passed in a blur of pleasure and escalating arousal. Finally, with a sigh of satisfaction, Wang Li withdrew his hand. Palace Mistress Jiu Lan lay sprawled on the bed, her body slick with sweat, her chest heaving with ragged breaths. Her eyes fluttered open, dazed and unfocused, yet tinged with a lingering desire.

"The healing is complete," he announced, his voice neutral despite the storm raging within him. "I shall take my leave, Palace Mistress."

His words snapped her out of her daze. A flicker of frustration crossed her features. This sudden departure, right when the pleasure was at its peak, left her feeling bereft. How could he just stop? How could he leave her like this?

"Wait," she rasped, her voice husky with desire. But her words died in her throat as the realization hit her. This wasn't just healing. This… this strange, intoxicating pleasure was tied to his touch, to his very being.

Shame burned through her. She, Palace Mistress Jiu Lan, a cultivator at the Soul Formation Realm, reduced to a whimpering mess by a mere… outsider. But even as shame gnawed at her, an insidious thought wormed its way into her mind. She craved it. She craved the comfort, the pleasure, the warmth that flooded her when he was near.

Logic told her it was a side effect of his strange healing technique. Surely, Wang Li hadn't done this on purpose, wouldn't have turned her into a trembling mess at his very touch. If he had, he would have finished what he started.

A dilemma presented itself. How could she have him use this… healing ability on her again? Should she injure herself? The thought was absurd. Not only would it be obvious, but Wang Li wouldn't be fooled.

A sense of desperation washed over her. She couldn't let this end. She needed a way, any way, to experience this sensation again. This unfamiliar dependence on him both frightened and excited her.

As Wang Li exited the tent, a sly smirk played on his lips. He had left her at the peak, dangling the carrot but leaving her just hungry enough. If he had pushed it further, it might have backfired. No, leaving her in this state of frustrated desire was the perfect play.

He knew logic would dictate that she wouldn't believe it was entirely accidental. Perhaps she would suspect his intentions, yet the memory of the experience would outweigh her suspicions. This little taste would only make her desire more.

He didn't need to force the issue. He knew she would find a way. The craving for his touch, for his Yang energy, would drive her to seek him out again. And when she did, he would be ready.

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