Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 167: Going Over To Emerald Sea Palace Sect's Camp As Envoy

The next few hours found Wang Li engrossed in the painstaking process of healing his own residual injuries. While the skirmish with the Wyverns and the Fox Clan hadn't been overly taxing, the residual energy from the battle still caused a dull ache in his meridians.

With a focused concentration, he channeled his own internal energy, diligently repairing the microscopic tears in his spiritual pathways.

Meanwhile, a flurry of activity erupted in the Jade Lotus Palace camp. Palace Mistress Jiu Lan, her demeanor transformed from the exhausted warrior to a composed leader, addressed a gathering of her disciples and elders.

"Hear me, disciples and elders!" Her voice carried the weight of authority, echoing across the encampment. "In light of the recent events and in recognition of his invaluable contributions to our sect's defense, I have chosen to bestow upon Wang Li the honorary title of Elder!"

A murmur of surprise swept through the crowd. Some disciples exchanged confused glances, while the elders wore expressions ranging from curiosity to skepticism.

"We all witnessed his prowess in combat, his tactical brilliance, and most importantly, his extraordinary healing ability," Palace Mistress Jiu Lan continued, her voice firm. "As an honorary elder, he shall be granted entry into our sect grounds and afforded the respect befitting his position."

A few dissenting voices rose from the crowd. "But Palace Mistress," a mature looking beautiful elder spoke out, "he is an outsider! Can we truly trust him with such a prestigious title?"

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's gaze met hers, unwavering. "Trust is earned, Elder Xu. And Wang Li has proven himself worthy. In return for this honor, he has graciously agreed to offer his healing services to the members our sect suffering from irrecoverable injuries."

This announcement caused a collective gasp. The elders, well aware of the limitations of their healers, exchanged stunned looks. Curing the members who have untreatable ailments – it was a proposition too enticing to ignore.

The initial apprehension began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of cautious optimism. The disciples, many of whom had witnessed Wang Li's prowess firsthand, erupted in excited whispers.

Later that afternoon, Wang Li stood alongside Palace Mistress Jiu Lan and Liu Xu, surrounded by the Jade Lotus Palace elders. Discussions were underway, the topic shifting from the recent battle to the looming threat posed by the devil sects. Wang Li had shared his knowledge of the Blood Chain Sect and the Shadow Blade Sect.

The elders, a collective of seasoned cultivators, were visibly shaken by the revelation. Animated discussions erupted, strategies and concerns exchanged. The consensus was clear - contact with other righteous sects in the desolate world was imperative. These sects are Golden Bell Temple, Azure Peak Sect, and Emerald Sea Palace, potential allies in the looming conflict.

"Sending envoy parties can be perilous," interjected Palace Mistress Jiu Lan, her voice laced with concern. "These desolate lands are crawling with dangers. We cannot afford to lose even a single disciple."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the elders. They were well aware of the dangers that lurked in the shadows. Open travel, especially for smaller groups, posed a significant risk. The conversation hit a stalemate. How could they solidify alliances without putting their own disciples at risk?

A thoughtful silence descended upon the group. Palace Mistress Jiu Lan stroked her chin, her eyes narrowed in contemplation.

Finally, she spoke, her voice quiet but determined, "Perhaps the Emerald Sea Palace could be a potential partner. Their sect primarily consists of female cultivators, similar to us, which could offer a degree of trust."

However, a new problem arose. Whom could they entrust to deliver such a sensitive message across the treacherous landscape? The task demanded a skilled and resourceful individual. Just as the silence threatened to return, Wang Li stepped forward.

"I'm willing to take on the task," he declared, his voice calm and confident.

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's brow furrowed. "But Wang Li," she began, "your healing ability is invaluable. We wouldn't want to risk your safety on such a perilous journey."

Several elders voiced their agreement. Losing Wang Li, especially with his unique healing prowess, was simply too significant a price to pay.

Wang Li, however, chuckled softly. "Please, worry not," he reassured them. "I possess a certain… ability that makes me adept at traversing unseen. I can easily mask my presence, making it difficult for anyone to detect me."

Intrigued, the elders leaned forward, a collective wave of curiosity washing over them. To demonstrate, with a subtle shift in his internal energy, Wang Li completely suppressed his aura.

The effect was instantaneous. The seasoned cultivators, renowned for their sensitivity, looked around bewildered. Wang Li, despite standing mere feet away, had completely vanished from their spiritual awareness.

A collective gasp escaped the group. Even Palace Mistress Jiu Lan couldn't help but stare, a mix of apprehension and wonder etched on her face. They had just witnessed a feat bordering on the impossible – complete invisibility to the spiritual senses.

Seeing the stunned expressions, Wang Li offered a sheepish grin. "This ability requires a clear and focused mind," he explained. "Any thought, any distraction, and my aura flickers back into existence. It's a useful skill for evasion, but not much else."

This revelation relieved the tension in the room considerably. While Wang Li's ability to vanish from their spiritual senses was undeniably impressive, the fact that a murderous intent would disrupt the technique offered a comforting layer of security. After all, an assassin wouldn't be able to formulate a plan and maintain a clear mind while harboring bloodlust.

A sly smile flickered across Wang Li's lips as he observed their reactions. He had achieved the desired effect – instilled awe while subtly assuaging their anxieties.

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan couldn't help but steal another glance at Wang Li as the meeting concluded. His every facet defied expectation.

Top-grade cultivation talent, unmatched healing prowess, and now this uncanny ability to blend into the background – it was an unparalleled combination.

Despite outwardly maintaining a calm and composed demeanor, a flicker of admiration ignited within her.

Bidding farewell to the elders, Wang Li set off towards the south, the familiar hum of wind against his ears a comforting companion. Hours blurred as he traversed the desolate landscape, his honed senses alert for any potential threats. The combined camp of the Emerald Sea Palace and Azure Peak Sect came into view just as the afternoon sun began its descent.

Lowering his altitude, Wang Li produced the Jade Lotus Palace medallion, its smooth surface emblazoned with a delicate lotus flower. Approaching the perimeter, he presented the medallion to the Emerald Sea Palace disciples guarding the entrance.

A young female cultivator, clad in flowing turquoise robes and sporting a double bun adorned with jade hairpins, scrutinized the medallion with a practiced eye.

"Greetings, esteemed guest," she said, her voice polite but firm. "This emblem identifies you as an honorary member of the Jade Lotus Palace Sect. May I inquire about the nature of your visit?"

"My name is Wang Li," he replied, offering a courteous bow. "I come bearing a message for Palace Mistress Gao Ming of the Emerald Sea Palace, on behalf of Palace Mistress Jiu Lan of the Jade Lotus Sect."

The young cultivator's eyes widened slightly. The message carried weight. With a nod of respect, she ushered him past the entry point. The camp itself bustled with activity.

Emerald-clad female cultivators sparred on training grounds, while others tended to meticulously maintain medicinal gardens that produced herbs for healing purposes and other tonics.

A serene air permeated the atmosphere, a stark contrast to the harshness of the desolate world.

Finally, he arrived at an ornately decorated pavilion, its silken curtains swaying gently in the breeze.

This, he presumed, was the dwelling of Palace Mistress Gao Ming. Taking a deep breath, he announced his presence.

A melodious voice called out from within, inviting him to enter.

Palace Mistress Gao Ming, a woman radiating an aura of quiet strength, sat perched behind a polished jade desk.

Her features, while mature, retained a certain youthful elegance, accentuated by the sapphire blue robes she wore.

Her eyes, the color of the summer sky, held a penetrating sharpness as they met Wang Li's.

With a respectful bow, Wang Li presented Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's letter. "Greetings, Palace Mistress Gao Ming. I am Wang Li, envoy of the Jade Lotus Palace."

She received the letter with a nod, her brow furrowing slightly as she scanned its contents.

The letter detailed, with chilling clarity, the recent events surrounding the Jade Lotus Palace sect's camp. The battles against the Iron Hammer Sect and the White Bone Sect were recounted, followed by the ominous threat posed by the Shadow Blade Sect and the Blood Chain Sect.

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's proposal was clear: a collaborative alliance between the two sects.

She emphasized the looming threat posed by the Shadow Blade Sect and the Blood Chain Sect, urging cooperation between their sects for mutual protection. The letter concluded with a rather peculiar request – Palace Mistress Jiu Lan proposed a combined camp, but with one caveat: only female disciples and elders from the Emerald Sea Palace would be allowed.

No male members would be permitted within the Jade Lotus Palace camp.

Palace Mistress Gao Ming's brow furrowed further.

The weight of the decision rested heavily upon her shoulders. An alliance could be a life-saving strategy, but she wouldn't make such a commitment without careful consideration. "Wang Li," she said, her voice soft yet firm, "I appreciate you delivering this message. However, such a momentous decision requires consultation. Would you be so kind as to wait while I discuss this matter with my elders?"

Understanding flickered across Wang Li's face. "Of course, Palace Mistress," he replied with a slight bow. He excused himself from the pavilion, leaving Palace Mistress Gao Ming alone with the weight of a potential alliance.

Exiting the pavilion, he found a secluded spot beneath a large tree blooming with beautiful flowers, the air filled with the delicate scent of its fragrant petals. He settled down, patiently awaiting the outcome of Palace Mistress Gao Ming's deliberations.

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