Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 165: Discussion With Palace Mistress Jiu Lan

"Duty calls, Xue'er," he declared, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I have some rather… concerning information regarding the movements of other devil sects. While the White Bone Sect and Iron Hammer Sect have been dealt with, there's still the threat of the Shadow Blade and Blood Chain sects. Nasty bunch, those two. I wouldn't want your beloved Jade Lotus Palace to be caught unaware, would I?"

Liu Xue nodded in understanding. The remnants of the other devil sects posed a significant threat and since Wang Li was privy to valuable information, it was only natural for him to share it with the Palace Mistress.

With a practiced ease, they emerged from the infirmary tent. Wang Li straightened his robes, attempting to mask the pain from his injuries. Liu Xue, ever the dutiful disciple, maintained a respectful distance, her usual facade of a cold beauty flickering back into place.

The disciples and elders who witnessed their exit couldn't help but stare. Wang Li, battered and bruised, was a stark contrast to the composed Liu Xue. Pity flickered in their eyes.

Ignoring the whispers, Wang Li approached one of the elders, a woman with sharp features and piercing red eyes. "Excuse me, esteemed elder," he addressed her politely, "could you direct me to the Palace Mistress's quarters? I have urgent news to report."

The elder, startled by his request, exchanged glances with her companions. Was this injured man truly reliable? However, the urgency in his voice, coupled with Liu Xue's silent nod of confirmation, swayed their decision.

"Follow me," she finally said, leading him towards a secluded part of the camp. There, a large ornate tent stood, a clear symbol of the leader's authority.

Inside the tent, Palace Mistress Jiu Lan sat in a meditative pose, her eyes closed as she attempted to replenish her depleted spiritual energy. However, her efforts were in vain. Her mind, usually a calm and controlled landscape, was a whirlwind of unexpected thoughts. Every time she closed her eyes, the image of Wang Li, lying injured on the bed, flashed before her.

An unwelcome warmth bloomed in her chest – a peculiar appreciation for his rugged handsomeness. His daring attack on the Iron Hammer Sect leader, which had ultimately turned the tide of the battle, played on a loop in her mind. He had saved her, and by extension, the entire Jade Lotus Palace sect, from suffering a terrible fate at the hands of the devil sects.

The sound of footsteps startled her out of her reverie. She recognized Elder Zhu Xingyu's steady gait, but the other set of footsteps was unfamiliar. A spark of curiosity ignited within her.

"Palace Mistress," Elder Zhu Xingyu announced from outside the tent. "Wang Li seeks an audience. He claims to have urgent news."

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan hesitated for a moment, a mental battle raging within her. The audacity of the man, requesting an audience while injured! However, the news he claimed to possess piqued her interest. After all, neglecting crucial information could be disastrous.

"Let him in," she finally said, her voice betraying a hint of annoyance.

Elder Zhu Xingyu, a woman with a stern expression and neatly braided silver hair, ushered Wang Li inside Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's tent before quietly disappearing back into the camp's bustle.

The interior was spacious and ornately decorated, a stark contrast to the rugged simplicity of Wang Li's own tent. A thick incense burned in the corner, leaving behind a trail of calming sandalwood smoke.

In the center of the tent, sat Palace Mistress Jiu Lan. Her eyes were closed, her entire form radiating an air of serenity. Wang Li couldn't help but be captivated by her. Her long emerald hair cascaded down her back like a shimmering waterfall, contrasting beautifully with her stark white robes.

Her eyes, when she finally opened them, were a deep, mesmerizing purple - powerful and piercing, yet flecked with an unexpected warmth. Despite the severity etched on her features, Wang Li couldn't help but appreciate the subtle sway of her voluptuous figure, accentuated by the loose-fitting silk robes.

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan, lost in a daze of her own, found herself captivated by Wang Li. His blonde hair, a stark contrast to his emerald eyes that held a mischievous glint, sent a tremor through her usually composed state. An emotion, unfamiliar yet strangely pleasant, bloomed in her chest. Was it his undeniable handsomeness? Perhaps. But deep down, she knew it was more.

It was something primal, something stirring in the depths of her spirit.

Wang Li couldn't help but smirk internally. The transfer of Yang energy was subtly working its magic. Unbeknownst to Palace Mistress Jiu Lan, the Yang Energy he had inadvertently infused into her during their brief encounter was subtly influencing her perception. Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's initial hostility seemed to be fading, replaced by a flicker of something more… intriguing.

He knew it wasn't solely his appearance that held her attention – it was his aura that did hold her attention. It fueled a yearning within her spirit for more of his aura, his Yang Energy. And Palace Mistress Jiu Lan mistook this yearning for admiration.

"Speak, Wang Li," Palace Mistress Jiu Lan finally spoke, her voice laced with a newfound coolness. "What urgent news warrants this audience?"

Wang Li cleared his throat, pushing aside his amusement. "Palace Mistress," he began, his voice respectful yet firm, "I come bearing information regarding the movements of the other devil sects."

Her sharp purple eyes narrowed. "Speak plainly," she commanded.

"The Shadow Blade Sect," Wang Li continued, "has joined forces with the Wyvern Lord and the Nine Tailed Fox. Together, they have destroyed the Crimson Rock Sect's camp."

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's breath hitched. Shock flickered across her face. "Destroyed? The Crimson Rock Sect? Are you certain?"

He nodded solemnly. "I witnessed it myself, from afar. But that's not all. The Shadow Blade Sect itself isn't the true threat."

An eyebrow quirked upwards. "Explain yourself, Wang Li."

"The real danger lies with the Blood Chain Sect," he revealed, his voice dropping to a low whisper. "I stumbled upon their hidden lair – deep within the southern reaches of this desolate land. There, they cultivate a terrifying power – Blood Fiends, created from the blood of slain Desolate Beasts."

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's eyes widened. Blood Fiends were notorious creatures, their strength directly tied to the power of the blood used in their creation. "How many?" she asked, a tremor of dread in her voice.

"Hundreds, by my last count," Wang Li responded, "possibly thousands by now. And amongst them, two at the Soul Integration Realm."

The weight of this information settled heavily on Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's shoulders. Blood Fiends at the Soul Integration Realm were no small feat. Left unchecked, they could decimate her entire sect. A wave of gratitude washed over her.

"Thank you, Wang Li," she said, her voice sincere. "This information is invaluable. We would have been blindsided without it."

"I do this because of Liu Xue," he replied casually, his eyes meeting hers with a knowing glint. "I wouldn't want to see her harmed."

Her curiosity piqued. "So, that was why you constructed those layered formations? To defend against the attack on our camp?"

Wang Li chuckled. "Indeed," he admitted. "I overheard a group of Iron Hammer Sect disciples boasting about the planned attack. Fearing I wouldn't be allowed entry, I set up those formations as a precaution. Though, I confess, I didn't anticipate the Wyverns and the Fox Clan joining the fray."

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan fell silent, a new layer of respect tingeing her gaze. Wang Li was a shrewd man, resourceful and daring. His presence was both unsettling and intriguing.

A genuine smile graced Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's face. "Wang Li," she began, her voice softening, "words cannot express how grateful I am for your assistance. You played a crucial role in defending our sect. Without your intervention, the consequences would have been devastating."

He chuckled dismissively. "Think nothing of it, Palace Mistress. As I mentioned, I merely acted in self-interest. Liu Xue's safety is paramount to me."

A flicker of warmth coursed through her at his words. Could this brazen man truly possess such genuine concern for her disciple? The thought was unsettling yet oddly comforting.

The smile softened further, morphing into a look of sincere gratitude. "And for healing me," she continued, "I stand in your debt even more. I knew the backlash from the Jade Lotus Blossoming technique would have crippled my cultivation, condemning me to a slow death. You saved my life, Wang Li."

He shrugged nonchalantly. "Minor inconvenience, really. I noticed the severity of your internal injuries when you collapsed after that impressive display against the Wyvern Lord. Letting you perish wouldn't benefit anyone – least of all Liu Xue. Besides, without a strong leader like yourself, who would protect your sect from the perils of this desolate land?"

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan nodded in agreement. Her gaze held his for a long moment, a curious light flickering within its depths. Finally, she broke the silence.

"Tell me, Wang Li," she inquired, her voice serious, "how did you manage to heal such crippling injuries? What kind of technique is this?" The urgency in her voice was palpable. "The after-effects of the Jade Lotus Blossoming technique… they're considered untreatable, even by Saint Healers. Your technique must be incredibly rare and powerful."

A sly grin spread across Wang Li's face. "Technique? Not quite, Palace Mistress. It's more of an… inherent ability of my body." He paused for emphasis, enjoying the curiosity he saw reflected in her eyes. "Truth be told, I don't even fully grasp how it works. It's more intuitive, if you will."

Disappointment flickered across Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's face. If it were a technique, something that could be learned or perhaps even passed down, her interest would be immense. But an innate ability… that was something exclusive to Wang Li, and perhaps others of his bloodline if they managed to awaken it.

He noticed the shift in her demeanor.

"Now, don't fret, Palace Mistress," he chirped cheerfully. "While I can't teach the ability itself, I'm willing to offer an exclusive agreement with the Jade Lotus Palace sect."

Intrigued, Palace Mistress Jiu Lan raised an eyebrow. "An agreement?"

"Indeed," he confirmed. "I propose a contract. In exchange for…" He paused, letting the suspense build, "certain considerations, I'll be more than happy to lend my healing abilities to any member of your sect suffering from otherwise irreparable injuries."

The implication hung heavy in the air. This was a chance to secure a powerful ally, a potential lifesaver for her sect. But as all agreements in the cultivation world, this one would surely come at a price. "Continue, Wang Li," she urged. "What are your conditions?"

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