Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 164: Wang Li Teasing Liu Xue

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan exited the infirmary tent, her movements imbued with a newfound sense of purpose. The revelation about Wang Li's healing technique had shifted her priorities. She needed to address the concerns of the sect first, but the information about the technique danced at the forefront of her mind.

Emerging into the camp, she found a group of elders and disciples huddled together, their faces etched with worry. Relief washed over them as they saw their leader.

"Palace Mistress!" Elder Zhu Xingyu exclaimed, stepping forward. "You're awake! Thank the heavens!"

A reassuring smile graced Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's lips. "Indeed, Elder Zhu. I am recovering well. No need to worry."

Murmurs of relief rippled through the crowd. They had all been on edge, unsure how to proceed without their leader. The thought of another Iron Hammer Sect attack while the Palace Mistress was unconscious was a chilling prospect.

"I apologize for any concern my injury may have caused," Palace Mistress Jiu Lan continued. "However, I have faith in all of you. We won the battle yesterday, and we will rebuild stronger than ever."

The disciples and elders erupted in cheers, their morale visibly boosted. Their leader, a beacon of strength and wisdom, was back on her feet. With renewed vigor, they began to tend to the camp, the camaraderie of victory once again filling the air.

Meanwhile, inside the infirmary tent, Liu Xue played the part of a devoted caregiver. Fanning a beautifully crafted silk fan from her spatial ring, she gently cooled Wang Li's brow. Her touch was light, her gaze filled with an unwavering devotion. Any outsider witnessing the scene would have mistaken her for a loving wife tending to her ailing husband.

Wang Li, however, was not truly asleep. He had awoken a while back but chose to revel in the sensation of her ministrations. A sly grin tugged at the corner of his lips as he felt the cool breeze of the fan and the gentle touch of her hand.

Finally, after a few hours, the sun peeked over the horizon, bathing the tent in a golden light. Wang Li decided it was time to end the charade. He slowly opened his eyes, his gaze immediately landing on Liu Xue's beautiful face.

Liu Xue's eyes lit up with joy. "Li, you're awake!" she exclaimed, dropping the fan and launching into a hug that pressed her ample bosom against his chest.

Wang Li chuckled, the feel of her softness sending a pleasant tingle through him. "This," he murmured, "is a wonderful way to wake up." He pulled back slightly, his emerald eyes gleaming with amusement.

Liu Xue, ever smitten by his mischievousness, leaned in closer. "My master… she has changed her mind."

An eyebrow shot up on Wang Li's face. "Changed her mind? How so?"

"She… she allows us to continue our relationship," Liu Xue whispered, a hint of disbelief in her voice. "But there's a condition."

Wang Li's grin widened. Conditions always intrigued him. "A condition, you say. Tell me, Xue'er, what does the esteemed Palace Mistress desire?"

"It's your healing technique, Li," Liu Xue confessed, her voice barely above a murmur. "Master wants to know how you healed her injuries. She says it's unlike any healing elixir, pellet, or technique she's ever encountered. More potent, more effective."

Surprise flickered across Wang Li's face.

"The Jade Lotus Blossoming technique is a formidable but dangerous technique," Liu Xue continued, her voice filled with concern. "The aftereffects are brutal, leaving severe internal injuries. Yet, you… you healed them in a single night."

Wang Li remained silent, his fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on the infirmary bed. He understood the allure of his technique to Palace Mistress Jiu Lan.

Wang Li's laughter echoed through the infirmary tent, a mischievous glint in his emerald eyes. "So, my dear Xue'er," he drawled, "your esteemed master must have delicately hinted at you to extract this 'mysterious healing technique' from me, wouldn't you say? And yet, here you are, spilling the beans so readily. Isn't that a tad bit… untrustworthy towards your oh-so-righteous master?"

Liu Xue's cheeks flushed a delicate shade of pink. "Don't tease me, Li," she pouted playfully, swatting him lightly on the arm. "Even for Master, who has been like a mother to me, I wouldn't deceive you. You… you've captured my heart, and I wouldn't dream of betraying the one I love."

A playful smirk danced on Wang Li's lips. "Unfortunately, Xue'er," he purred, leaning closer, "my heart doesn't have the capacity to love only one. Many other beauties require my attention."

Liu Xue sighed dramatically, batting her eyelashes at him. "I know, I know," she said, feigning defeat. "As long as a tiny corner of your heart remains open for me, I'll be content." A playful sadness tinged her voice. "Who knew I, Liu Xue, a proud disciple of the Jade Lotus Palace, would fall for a man who can't even commit to one woman?"

Wang Li chuckled, pulling her close and settling her on his lap. Their lips met in a passionate kiss, his hands finding their way beneath the soft fabric of her robes. Desire flared in his eyes as he explored her curves.

"Xue'er," he murmured between kisses, "you already know the secret of the healing technique."

Liu Xue's mind swam with a delicious mixture of pleasure and confusion. His touch was sending shivers down her spine, but his words hung heavy in the air.

"The Yin-Yang Cultivation ability, right?" she stammered, her voice barely a whisper.

"Precisely," Wang Li confirmed, his lips trailing down her neck. "It allows for the transfer of energy, both healing and… invigorating. But that presents a bit of a problem, doesn't it? How do you explain the intricacies of this cultivation ability to your master?"

His question was punctuated by another soft moan as his lips found a particularly sensitive spot on her neck.

"Li," she gasped, pushing him back slightly, a trace of worry replacing the passion in her eyes. "What if Master loses patience? What if she… what if she demands it from you, and if you refuse, she flies into a rage? She might even…" tears welled up in her eyes, "…she might even try to separate us, or worse, torture you for the technique."

Wang Li cupped her face, wiping away a stray tear with his thumb. "Calm down, Xue'er. None of that will happen."

He held her gaze, his voice steady and reassuring. "Trust me, I have a plan. I'll convince your master, make an agreement with her. I'll offer to use this ability to heal anyone in the Jade Lotus Palace who suffers an injury beyond conventional means.

Of course, I'll also emphasize the exclusivity of this technique – a gift I haven't learned from any scrolls or masters, but something that recently awakened within me."

A spark of hope ignited in Liu Xue's eyes. "You think that will appease Master?"

He winked. "It has to. This way, I not only offer a solution, but also maintain a cordial relationship with the Jade Lotus Palace. Surely, such a proposition will be hard to refuse."

Liu Xue couldn't help but smile. Wang Li, the master manipulator, always a step ahead. He was right, this proposal was far too beneficial for the Jade Lotus Palace to reject. Even Palace Mistress Jiu Lan, with her ironclad principles, would find it difficult to resist access to such a potent healing ability.

"You're brilliant, Li," she breathed, admiration lacing her voice. He leaned in again, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. This time, however, the urgency was replaced by a newfound sense of hope. They had a plan, a way forward for their forbidden love.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting golden light onto the tent, a new chapter unfolded.

The afterglow of their passionate encounter lingered in the air as Wang Li pulled back from Liu Xue. A mischievous glint flickered in his eyes. "Speaking of tasks, Xue'er," he began, his voice a husky murmur, "what about that little request of mine regarding your… shall we say, particularly alluring junior sisters?"

Liu Xue playfully punched his shoulder, a light blush dusting her cheeks. "Li, you rogue! Can't we simply enjoy this moment for a while longer? You have to ruin the mood with such… carnal thoughts?"

He held her close, his hand possessively trailing down her back. "Carnal thoughts are what make life interesting, wouldn't you agree, Xue'er? Besides," he continued, his voice low and persuasive, "think of it as a token of your loyalty. Three beautiful companions, wouldn't that be a delightful way to spend an evening?"

Liu Xue couldn't help but melt under his gaze. His touch was a fire that ignited a spark within her, and his words, while laced with playful manipulation, held a certain undeniable charm. "Alright, alright," she conceded with a sigh. "Three then, but no more. Don't push your luck, Li."

He rewarded her with a satisfied smirk and a lingering kiss, his lips warm and inviting. "Excellent," he murmured. "Now, back to the business at hand."

A few stolen moments later, Wang Li reluctantly rose from the bed. "It's time for me to pay your esteemed master a visit, wouldn't you say?"

Liu Xue's eyes widened in surprise. "Meet Master? Why?"

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