Ghost of Culture

4 Activating Special Ability

Luckily my belly didn't explode in front of my busty teenage daughter.

Eh? I mean to say that his belly didn't explode right in front of his busty teenage daughter.

Even I think that this switching of possessive pronoun of 'my' and 'his' is getting fucking confusing and convoluted, so I will just go with whatever the flow is.

It will save me and you the sanity.

It also makes my ghostly adventures more simple and easier to understand.

Seriously, what is so hard to understand about sticking rod A into hole B and start pumping until some sticky stuffs come out from either A or B?

That sex-education 101 for you. Hah!

Anyway. I was saying that my belly didn't explode due to the amount of foods I am gorging on.

Honestly, I just cannot describe in full glorious detail to you the richness of flavor melting on my tongue and sliding down my throat. It has been so long, so fucking long!

It has been so fucking long since I have been able to taste anything. The plethora of flavor drowns me in absolute blissful extasy. The world of living beats being dead any day.

And once I have tried everything delicious in the kitchen, I take a look at my flabbergasted daughter, who is staring at me wide-eye. If I don't speak anything soon, she might just call her school and request a priest to come and exorcist me.

I can't let them do that until I corrupt their whole church!

Worship the almighty with your mouth! That means use your mouth to do more than just praying, you nuns. Your mouth is for so much more.

"Speaking of mouth, daddy will eat you out later, sweetie."

Wait. Did I just say that out loud?


"Eat me out? What does that mean, daddy?"

My daughter questions.

Yup. Totally gullible at all thing sexual. Thank you, Bitch.

"No. I mean I will eat with you later, sweetie. I'm going to the supermarket to get some foods. Do you want anything?"

I ask before looking for the car key around the kitchen. I have never driven a car before since I couldn't afford one, being a teenager when I died and all, but I think I can handle it.

"No, daddy."

My daughter replies.

Did I ever mention her name? No? Alright. It is Mary.

Yes, just like the Virgin Mary in more than one way than just the name. When I was her age, I already bang some nice chicks on a farm.

That was a lie. I actually bang some nerdy girls on a farm, who wants to lose their virginity.

I was happy to help.

And I will certainly help my daughter with this problem of hers. I wouldn't want someone else to claim that pleasure.

I place both my hands upon her firm shoulder before pulling her in and giving her a very tight hug. Her huge breasts press against my chest nicely. Very nicely.

I will have a try at those meaty buns later too. Maybe rubbing some hard and long in between them.

"Dad. Your hands were around my bottom."

Mary tells me after the long embrace. She didn't have this disgusted expression upon her face. Rather, she has a curious expression. She didn't understand why I fondle her bubbly ass while giving her a nice familial embrace.

"Yes, sweetie. I did. I remember that you like it when you were younger. Do you hate it?"

I response, not carrying about hiding my tented pole. She didn't say anything, so I didn't bother. Since my stomach will not explode, something else should.

"Umm no. It just feels weird."

Mary answers me.

I nod and pat her head.

"There is nothing weird about that, sweetie. You will always be daddy's little girl. Can you please clean up the kitchen while I am gone?"

I request.

"Yes, daddy."

And I am out of the house and in my car. I didn't drive the supermarket. Instead, I drive to all the fast food joints and gorges myself on lovely beautiful french-fries and some burgers.

Sweet. Sweet burgers.

I love my hot juicy meat between two soft and tender buns.

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That sounds about right.

As I enjoy my burger in a normal and nonsexual manner, I have a check at my status.

It has changed now. Not changed but expanded to accommodate more stuff.

The attributes are now available for me to view along with abilities.

Putting the attributes aside since my current meat bag is an obese middle-age man, I have a look at the abilities. I didn't fully understand why there is a category called skillsets and then there a category called abilities before, but now I do.

Hurrah for progress! We are only at chapter 3? Damn. When are we getting to the fun in the bun part?

Soon? Alright.

Also stop breaking the 4th wall.

Anyway, abilities have to do with the innate ability of the meat-bag I am possessing.

Most of the abilities on the list are totally greyed out. Other than reading their title, I cannot interact with them at all. Those are skills like communication, teamwork, leadership.

Basically, pointless shit that will not help me with my mission of spreading culture. That is my Maker's great ideals.

However, there is one ability that is not greyed out on the list.

"Parental Guidance? System do your ring. I mean your thing?"

[Parental Guidance allows owner to guide their child the right and wrong of the world. Only effective when granting new knowledge. Activating this ability cost 1SP per sentences. Would you like to assign activation phrase?]

"Activation phrase?"

The system explains that I can vocally activate an ability by saying a magical word or words. That word or words is up to me to decide. I guess I will assign one.

"Daddy will tell you, sweetie."

[Activation phrase acknowledged. You can change it anytime you pleased.]


I response before continuing to enjoy my meals. I will drop by the supermarket to grab some hardcore liquor later. It is time to get drunk tonight and every night from now on.

Fuck yeah! I love being alive!

And I wind up in the hospital for intoxication for the next couple of days. It is good things that Bitch is still on her bible tour with a bunch of like-minded morons, or I will have an earful.

Once my eating and drinking spree finally dies down, I return my attention to my daughter. Now. How do I get into her pants? That is the question isn't it?

I was about to call her when my phone rings.

"Hey, sweetie? What is up?"

I ask.

"The lord, daddy."

My daughter response. This is bordering on idiocy instead of being gullible. I blame you Bitch!

"Are you going to pick me up today, daddy?"

My daughter asks, forcing me to look at the time.

I am still stuck in the office why? I have no clue without looking into my memory. I do not have total control this body all day and every day. I have to relinquish control, so the timer doesn't run out.

It cost 10SP for 24 hours. And I already wasted like 20, getting drunk on foods and alcohols. It is strange that Richard assumes everything I did is his own doing. I didn't question it either.

"Can't you walk home, sweetie? Daddy is still at work?"

I kick myself for asking my daughter that. She has never walked home alone before despite her age. It is just how sheltered she is.

"Actually, just wait somewhere at the front gate and I will come and pick you up, sweetie."

With that, I pack up and drive towards her school. It is quite close to our home, so if she has actually been raised correctly, she would definitely get home okay.

By the time I get to the school, I notice she is talking to a few men. Men, not boys. I might have forgot to tell her not to talk to strangers. Yes. I have to tell her that. Sheltered, I tell you!

"Hey! Get away from my daughter! She is still a teenager, you know!"

I shout when she about to head off with them. My furious shouting cause the men to look at me and then growl. Nevertheless, they leave afterwards.


My daughter calls out.

"Did they hurt you, sweetie?"

I question as she gets into the car. Even with the modest school blazer, her busting chest leaves little to the imagination.

"No, daddy. They just want to show me their snakes."

My daughter response.

"Snakes? What snakes? I didn't see any snakes."

"That is because the snakes are living in their trouser, daddy. I really want to see it, but I have to come with them."

I narrow my eyes, wanting to smack her for being so gullible. But this does give a good opportunity to test an ability.

"I see Mary. Daddy will tell you, sweetie."

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