Ghost of Culture

5 Molding A Daughter

Mary ties her hair into a cute double ponytail.

"Do everyone have a snake in their trouser, dad?"

My daughter asks, wanting to know more.

She really wants to know more. And I am happy to oblige. It is what a good father should do. To teach his daughter the finer thing in life.

Hah! I am so going to hell for this. Oh wait. Richard is.

I am already dead.

"Yes, sweetie. All men have a snake in their trouser. That is why it is called a trouser snake. Now. What else did you learn today?"

I reassure. It seems that the [Parental Guidance] ability works as the system has indicated. But it takes more than a single SP from me.

I am sitting at 13/100 now.

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The ceiling 100 is for me to graduate and finally become a man. That is to say, I will reach level zero.

The big zero.

At least I am not claiming myself to be a hero!


And once the false knowledge takes hold in her innocent mind, I don't need to spend any more SP to reinforce it. Only reasonable logic will do.

That is a good thing. I don't have a lot of SP to spare. But you have to spend some to make some.

Sex makes the world go around.

I like my version better, so bite me, ah.

"Oh. Are they dangerous?"

Mary questions after she tells me everything that she learns at school today.

Why did I need to know what my daughter has been learning at school? It is just a force of habit from Richard, but it does show me that he does care about his daughter more than sexual stuff.

Interesting. Not really. Like I care.

But in any case, I am more than a bit mortified at what they are teaching Mary at school. They fill her gullible mind with Godly bullshit about the world.

As a Catholic, even I don't believe everything in the Bible.

I mean Richard. He is the Catholic one. I was an atheist. Now, I believe in my Maker.

Oh. I worship thee. I shall carry out thou ideals and cleanse this world of all the feminism!

I mean unbelievers! Potato. Potahto.

"Yes, but only if their owner does not know you, sweetie. And besides, I haven't heard of any trouser snake biting a good little girl. Are you a good little girl, Mary?"

I response. Mary affirms that she is indeed a good little girl. My good little girl.

"Have you seen one?"

My daughter asks when the car pulls into the driveway. She couldn't stop thinking about the snake as it is something that her girl-only school never teaches her. Never ever.

The teachers there are basically hardcore fundamentalists and sex-education is heretical.

And just like at home with Bitchy, there are no internet, no television or movies allowed. Even talking about such things is a ground for punishment at school. What kind of moronic school is that!?

I will have to change all of that with my ghostly power!


Honestly, all the girls there are fucking hot. And they are as gullible as my daughter.

It would make for a really fun time.

I think I will possess a priest next, spreading the true gospel and culture to the world of men.

"Oh yes, sweetie. Like I have said, every man has one. Since your daddy is a man, he obviously has one in his trouser."

I tell my daughter and get out of the car. She gets out after me.

I then proceed to lock the car before heading towards the front door.

My wife usually homes around this time in the evening, just to make sure I am well-behaved and taking care of our sexy daughter.

Bitch is not at home at the moment, but I will definitely take care of our daughter like she has ordered me. Take great care. She likes our daughter wet and completely filled right?


"Really, dad? There is one in your trouser right now?"

Mary asks with a hint of concern. Is she still going on about the trouser snake thingy?

Maybe I just tell her straight that it is a dick. She understands that it is a dick, right?

Yes. My daughter does know about the male genitalia. But other than boys using it to pee, she has no clue what else they used for. Sheltered. I tell you! Sheltered!

How will she ever get ahead in life. By giving head of course. No. That is not a good thing.

"Yes, sweetie. It keeps my pants safe."

I answer and enter the house after nudging my daughter in. I don't want the neighbor to stare far too long at my daughter.

"Oh God. What if it bites you!?"

My daughter calls out, distressingly. She truly cares a lot of her father me.

This is because the school instills such a value into her.

But seriously? Alright, I will just play along.

"No. It is very well-trained, sweetie. It will not bite me unless something agitates it. Now, Mary. Please go and change out of that blazer. You know I don't like you wearing your school uniforms at home."

Mary did. She changes out of her school uniform and into a short and tight t-shirt, showing her tanned legs and arms. I could feel my own cock twitches by just looking at her. If her school is a co-ed school, I have no doubt in my mind that she will become a sex symbol of the place.

"Before you ask anything further, sweetie. How about giving your old dad a hug?"

Mary beams at me before bouncing over into my arms. Her huge racks squash against my chest. And my hands automatically find themselves around her buttocks. Her ass feels so firm. Her body feels so nice.

And my cock is perfectly hard. There is no denial that I lust for my daughter for a very long time. Right about the time when her chest starting to grow.

"Daddy? Is that the snake?"

Mary questions as my erection pretty much presses against her.

"Yes, sweetie. It is."

I answer and squeeze her buttocks repeatedly. It feels so fucking nice to finally touch a girl. And since I have my fill of all the junk foods, I suppose it time to get down to business.

"Can I see it, daddy?"

Mary asks when her sexy body parts from my fucking ugly one. Damn. I miss my body. But I guess this obese and balding body will have to do for now. Besides, my daughter isn't complaining.

Her beautiful face is leaning towards me. Pink lips slightly open. Eyes in amazement. She truly wishes to know more about this trouser snake thing.

Yes. Yes. You certain could, my sweet little nymph. Oh. She is not a nymph yet. She will be.

She will be! By the great Maker, she will be!

But sadly, there is a little problem.

My daughter understands that my cock and the trouser snake are two separate entity.

And since I have decided to continue with the illusion, I should continue with the illusion.

So how? My snake is obviously rock hard.

I do not mind whipping it out and slap her face with it. That would be fun. Yes. But there will be a time for that, so let this play this hard and slow. I have plenty of time too.

3 hours left on the clock.

"I am afraid that you can't see it, sweetie. Girls aren't really allowed to see the snake, especially from a stranger."

I tell my daughter, making sure that she isn't going around and asking every Tom, Dick and Harry about seeing their trouser snake. That would totally be fucked up.


Mary utters, feeling dejected. She really wants to see the trouser snake.

"But would you like to pet it, sweetie?"

I offer with a smile. My cock stiffens even more, straining hard against my trouser and letting my sexy daughter knows what it thinks of the current situation.

"Won't it bite me, daddy?"

My daughter asks.

"No. No. No. It is well-trained, remember? And since you are a girl, it will not hurt you anyway."

I assure, constantly reinforcing the new knowledge in her mind. She is really a blank slate to all thing that is sexual. Good. I will mold her into a daddy's sex toy.

"Oh. Okay, daddy. I will pet it."

Mary response, somewhat nervously.

"Alright. Get on your knee and close your eyes, sweetie. Daddy is going to show you his trouser snake."

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