Ghost of Culture

3 Strangeness Of Possession

It is a strange feeling, having another set of memory flowing right into my brain.

Or was it the other way around since I don't really have a physical body. Mine is feeding the countless insects several meters underground. Don't tell me I never did anything for anyone.

But without a body means no brain. No dick either.

Nothing but sticky ectoplasm remains. Hah!

Don't ask me how this possession thing works. I just get close enough to the bastard before a strange icon pops up. After touching it, the system asks me if I want to possess the man or not.

Of course, I do. And it is done!

My memory is mapping onto his brain since I am actually possessing this poor bastard instead of him possessing me. I am the ghost here, not him.

He wishes that he was dead and becomes a ghost like me. A ghost like me. Sounds catchy. I will make a music video out of this.

No, seriously, he does. I mean wanting to die.

But only the dead part. No body really want to become a ghost and stuck here on earth.

Why not? It is fun, isn't it? You don't need to eat or sleep or do anything really. You get to float around, spying on sexy babes each and every day. Always spying and watching. No touching.

No fucking touching!

Yeah. It gets boring really quick. And torturous too. Just imagine spending years with a shitload of fap materials and just your hand.

Yup. Torturous.

People who have died rather go to heaven or hell or wherever the fuck my mum and dad went. I really should turn down the swearing, but it isn't like anyone can hear me.

In space, no one can hear me scream. Yes. I can float all the way up there. In fact, I can fly away from the planet. But there is a whole of nothing up there. Boring as fuck.

Earth is where all the fun is. But sadly, no one wants to be with a ghost, even my parents.

My parents had left me behind even though I fucking died before them. Fuck! I am going to bitch about this when I finally get to meet my parents again in the afterlife.

The astral plane is some sort of after life, I am told.

I can't wait to break into there and spread my ideal and manly culture. That is my mission in life. Oh, I mean in death.

Good thing that I got to meet my Maker and was granted the power to do great good in the world.

Do great good! Hah!

I totally will.

Anyway, where was I?

Oh. That is right.

Yeah, there is like absolutely no joy in this guy's miserable life. It has been sucked out a long time ago. The only he has going for him now is his daughter. His only daughter.

His beautiful and sexy teenage daughter.

Honestly, I had really believed for a minute that I have a fucking superhot and busty teenage daughter who I want to fucking bang.

And considering how gullible my daughter is at all things sexual, I am surprised at the fact that I haven't tricked her into sucking my cock a long time ago. I swear that she has never seen a cock before, so she wouldn't even know what has slapped her across the face when the time comes.

Of course, my overly religious wife has something to do with all of this.

My wife used to be a very fun and loving girl once, right before she has decided to include herself into the local church. Now, all she wants to do is spew nonsense about the Bible and God, expounding the problem of sins. She sucks all the joy out of my life!

Fucking bitch. She has even banned internet and television and anything that is considered utter sinful pleasure from our home. Seriously? Serious-fucking-ly!?

How the fuck am I not hanging myself already?

Oh right. The sexy teenage daughter part. God bless her heart. The heart that is nesting cozily all inside that huge knockers of her. I want to nest there too.

Must be nice. Must be really nice.

Seeing my daughter every day really makes my day. She reminds me of what her mother used to be.

Sexy and fun to be around with. That is the reason why I have married her in the first place. The fucking first place eh?

Shit! I mean his daughter. His wife! I don't have a fucking wife. I don't even have a girlfriend on account of being dead and all. I could have, but life cuts short.

Is this what possession feels like? Fuck!

I really need more tie to get used to this. I really do. It is extremely disorientating when his entire life and memory are merging and intermingling with mine.

I wish it didn't, but at least it allows me to know everything that this perverted bastard knows and has ever thought about. All his dirty little secrets become my dirty little secret.

And boy, they are dirty. Very, very dirty.

There are some extremely unhealthy thoughts towards his daughter.

"Stop grinning, Richard. I am leaving."

My wife tells me. Richard is my name. No, not my, my name. It is actually the name of this poor guy I am currently possessing. What is my wife's name again? Let's me check his memory for a second.

Or maybe I could just call her Bitch?

Alright. Bitch sounds good. That is what she is.

"What you mean, you are leaving?"

I question in a voice that is not mine. It feels incredibly awkward to hear myself talking after possessing the man. But like I have said, beggar can't be chooser.

Besides, having people finally hear me and talk to me is a glorious thing. You have no clue how happy I fucking am after being a nobody for so long. That is a pun.

Not to mention that I can touch things physically now instead of phrasing right through them. Strange that I didn't fall right through the earth.

Anyway, just feeling the air caressing my face has brought tears to my eyes.

"Richard. You haven't been paying attention, have you?"

Of course not. All I want to do is grab this soft pillow here and snuff the life out of you, bitch.

You talk too much about shit that I don't want to hear. Ahem.

That wasn't me. That was him. He has thought about killing his wife for sometimes now.

"No, honey. What were you talking about again?"

Concentrate. Concentrate. And I finally learn that she is leaving with a group of people on a bible tour being organized by the local church. No thanks to the idiot that I am currently possessing.

"Take care of our daughter while I am carrying out God's work, Richard. I do not want to hear anything amiss when I get back. Do you hear me?"

My wife orders me sternly. Yes. She orders me.

How about I send you to God? You would love that, wouldn't you?

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Ahem. That is him again.

"Yes, dear."

I response. Weird that everything I speak to the bitch is submissive. It is as if the man has been utterly conditioned. As much as I want to scream "fuck you" and bash her head against the nightstand, I just couldn't.

At least not until I fully take over this man's body and thought.

This is the first time I am possessing someone, so give me some slack already.

My wife left after she finishes packing her thing. She then says goodbye to our teenage daughter while I remain in our bedroom, trying to gain total control.

It did take a while.

And once I finally did, I immediately scream like a madman and rush downstairs and raid the fridge as well as the cupboards and cabinets.

Haven't eaten anything for so fucking long, I couldn't help myself.

Oh, sweet mother. Sweet mother of foods. I worship thee.

Just give me more. More! More! I say fucking more.

"Oh. Hey, sweetie. Just don't mind me. I am having a snack."

I try to tell my speechless daughter when I am swimming in scraps of foods.

My bloated belly is going to burst real soon.

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