Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 19: Other Kind of Masks

Lucas paced around his room, growing more impatient by the second. His mind was racing with possibilities, but he needed answers, and he needed them now. The silence stretched on, until finally, the system's voice broke through his thoughts.

[I can't believe how dense you are sometimes,] the system scoffed, its tone dripping with condescension.

Lucas froze mid-step, his brows knitting together in irritation. "What do you mean by that?" he snapped, the tension in his voice unmistakable.

[Let me ask you this—what exactly is your so-called cheat?] the system pressed, as if speaking to a particularly slow student.

Lucas clenched his fists, his annoyance bubbling to the surface. "Divine Mask," he bit out. "It allows me to create any mask with certain powers."

[And what does it take for you to create one?] the system continued, its voice carrying the exasperation of someone who felt they were explaining something painfully obvious.

"Nothing," Lucas replied, trying to keep his temper in check, though the system's tone was making it difficult.

[And to strengthen it? What does that involve?] the system asked, almost daring Lucas to get it wrong.

"Absorbing mana from the surroundings, along with resources and corpses," Lucas answered, his frustration mounting. He felt like he was being lectured on the basics, and it grated on him.

The system's voice took on a sharper edge. [So, do you finally see where I'm going with this, or do I need to spell it out even further? Surely, you can't be that thick-headed,] it sneered.

Lucas paused, the pieces suddenly falling into place. His eyes widened in realization. "You mean… I need to create a mask for her, one that will help her absorb pure mana?"

The system's response was laced with mockery. [Congratulations, you finally caught on,] it said, as if awarding a prize to a slow learner.

Lucas smirked, feeling a small sense of satisfaction, but then a thought struck him, wiping the smirk from his face. "But it seems you're the one who's missed something here."

The system's voice faltered, surprised by Lucas's retort. [What do you mean by that?] it demanded, the usual condescension replaced by a note of defensiveness.

"It's true that the system absorbs mana," Lucas began, his tone measured as he paced the room, gathering his thoughts. "But it only absorbs raw mana, right?"

[Yes, and?] the system replied, impatience creeping back into its voice.

Lucas stopped pacing and turned his gaze toward the ceiling, as if looking the system in the eye. "My Zeus mask was paired with the Divine Thunder Cultivation Manual, which doesn't just absorb mana—it converts it into thunder mana. It's not just about pulling in energy; it's about transforming it into something specific."

The system paused, as if considering his words, before responding with its usual arrogance. [So what's stopping you from creating a mask with a cultivation manual tailored to her needs? Or is that concept too complex for you to grasp as well?] The arrogance in the system's tone was palpable, as if it had just pointed out something incredibly obvious.

Lucas scowled, irritation flaring in his chest. "It's not that simple," he shot back. "I know a lot of cultivation manuals, but ones connected to volcanic mana? Those are rare. I have a few, but they're all pretty low-tier. And besides," he added, his voice tinged with skepticism, "can the mask even be worn by someone else?"

The system's response was sharp and almost offended. [Of course, it can,] it retorted, irritation clear in its tone, mirroring Lucas's growing frustration. [But naturally, you'll have to install it yourself. It can either be a permanent one or a temporary one.]

"Permanent mask or temporary mask?" Lucas echoed, a crease forming on his brow as he tried to wrap his head around the terms. "What exactly do you mean by that?"

The system's voice dripped with condescension. [To think you don't know, despite me practically spelling it out for you. I wonder if you're genuinely this dense or just pretending to be.]

Lucas clenched his jaw, irritation bubbling up. "Just explain it to me," he demanded, keeping his voice steady, though his patience was wearing thin.

[Alright, let me simplify it for you,] the system began, its tone now slow and deliberate, as if addressing a small child. [A permanent mask means you install the mask onto someone, and it fuses with their body and soul—forever.]

The system paused for emphasis before continuing, [It becomes a part of them, inseparable. On the other hand, a temporary mask can be removed at your discretion. Even you should be able to grasp the difference.]

"I see," Lucas said, the explanation finally clicking. "So, you've had this function all along, and you never thought to tell me?"

The system's response was nonchalant, almost dismissive. [You never asked,] it replied, as if that was reason enough.

Lucas sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair as he tried to absorb everything the system had just dumped on him. "You're something else, you know that?" he muttered under his breath, more to himself than to the system, though he knew it would hear him.

The system, as expected, ignored the remark. [Shall we move on to the next step then?] it prompted, a hint of impatience creeping into its tone.

Lucas nodded, pushing his irritation aside. "Alright, so how exactly do I create a permanent mask?"

[To create a permanent mask, you need to meet a few basic criteria,] the system began, its tone almost condescending, as if humoring a particularly slow student.

[First, you must be close to the target—both physically and emotionally. Given that she's your sister, we can easily check that box.]

Lucas nodded, feeling a bit more reassured by this. "And what's the next step?"

[Second, you need complete and accurate information about the target. Thanks to the blood sample you provided, we've already got that covered as well,] the system continued, its tone smug, as if proud of its efficiency.

"So, we can create it now?" Lucas asked, his interest piqued despite himself.

[Yes, we can,] the system confirmed, but then its tone shifted, almost teasing. [But let me ask you this—are you sure you want to do it now?] It was as though the system was questioning his readiness, testing him.

Lucas shook his head, the realization hitting him. "No, not yet. I still don't have a good cultivation manual for her. I can't rush this."

The system responded with a tone that was suddenly more serious, almost as if it were about to bestow some great favor. [Ah, finally using your brain, I see. Luckily for you, I can assist with that as well.]

Lucas tensed, his wariness returning at the system's sudden shift in demeanor. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice cautious as he prepared himself for whatever the system was about to suggest.

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