Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 18: Volcanic Titan's Molten Lava Core Physique

Lucas sat in his dimly lit room, the air thick with anticipation as he waited for the system to complete its analysis of Lucy's blood. His fingers drummed restlessly on the wooden desk, and his thoughts raced with a mix of hope and anxiety. The minutes stretched on, feeling like hours, and the silence in the room only amplified his tension.

Finally, breaking the silence, the system's voice echoed in his mind, clear and almost smug.

[I've figured out the reason,] it announced.

Lucas straightened in his chair, his heart skipping a beat. "What is it?" he asked, his voice a mixture of urgency and trepidation.

[Frankly, it's a rather simple issue,] the system continued, as if the answer had been obvious all along.

Lucas leaned forward, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Simple? Then why hasn't she been able to cultivate all this time?"

The system paused, as if savoring the moment before delivering its explanation. [As I mentioned before, your sister possesses one of the most powerful physiques in existence—the Volcanic Titan's Molten Lava Core Physique.]

Lucas blinked, trying to process the information. "So… you're saying it's not that she can't absorb mana at all?"

[Exactly,] the system confirmed, a note of superiority in its tone. [Her body isn't incapable of absorbing mana; rather, the mana she absorbs is immediately devoured by her physique, leaving nothing behind for her to cultivate.]

Lucas leaned back in his chair, the weight of the revelation settling over him like a heavy fog. His thoughts swirled, trying to piece together everything he had just learned.

"So, every bit of mana she's ever absorbed… it's all been consumed by this physique? That's why she's never been able to progress?" His voice was filled with a mix of disbelief and frustration.

[Precisely,] the system replied, its tone carrying a hint of condescension. [Her body requires an immense amount of mana—far more than any ordinary person would ever need.]

"But it's been three years!" Lucas exclaimed, his frustration boiling over. "How can she still not cultivate? Is this physique so overwhelming that even years' worth of mana isn't enough to satisfy it?"

The system seemed to sigh, as if explaining something to a child who just couldn't grasp a simple concept. [Ah, it's not the amount of mana that's the problem,] it corrected, its tone almost scolding.

[The mana here is far too impure. A physique of this caliber demands the highest quality—pure mana. And, I should mention, the Volcanic Titan's Molten Lava Core Physique requires a very specific type of mana.]

Lucas's frustration shifted to curiosity, his mind racing with questions. "What kind of mana does it need?" he asked, his voice softer now, tinged with both concern and intrigue. He leaned forward, eyes narrowing as he tried to anticipate the system's response.

The system seemed to relish the opportunity to enlighten Lucas, its tone almost gleeful as it began to explain. [First, let's educate you on what you're dealing with. The Volcanic Titan's Molten Lava Core Physique isn't just any physique; it's the legendary power of the Volcanic Titan race.]

Lucas frowned, skepticism creeping into his voice. "Volcanic Titans? I've never heard of them. I thought the ancient races were just elves, dwarves, and beastmen."

[Of course, you haven't heard of them,] the system replied, its tone dripping with condescension, as if Lucas's ignorance was expected. [Titans are one of the most ancient and revered races, far beyond the scope of your limited knowledge. Volcanic Titans, in particular, are among the most fearsome sub-races, with dominion over volcanic power itself.]

Lucas's brow furrowed as he tried to imagine a race wielding such raw elemental power. "Volcanic power? So, they control fire and lava or something?"

[More than just control,] the system corrected, its voice taking on a lecturing tone as if enjoying the chance to set the record straight. [Ordinary Volcanic Titans might possess the Burning Lava Physique or Lava Core Physique, which are powerful in their own right. But on rare occasions, a truly extraordinary and mutated physique emerges—what you know as the Molten Lava Core Physique.]

Lucas leaned forward, intrigued despite himself. "A mutated physique? What makes it so special?"

The system didn't miss a beat, continuing its explanation with evident enthusiasm. [This physique grants its possessor a molten lava core, akin to a mana heart. But unlike a regular mana heart, this core doesn't just absorb mana; it refines and purifies it into the purest Volcanic Mana, which is then pumped through the body.]

Lucas's eyes widened as he processed this. "So, it's like having a personal forge inside you, constantly refining mana?"

[Exactly,] the system affirmed, pleased with Lucas's understanding. [But it's not just about refining mana. Over time, this process doesn't merely improve the body—it transcends it. The body transforms into the most perfect—no, the most transcendent—form imaginable for the Volcanic Titan race.]

The system paused, allowing the weight of its words to sink in, the significance of what it was saying clear in its tone. [All Volcanic Titan kings have possessed this physique, Lucas. It's a mark of true royalty and unimaginable power.]

Lucas sat back, his mind racing. "So, Lucy… she has this same power? The same as those ancient kings?"

[Indeed,] the system confirmed, its voice softer now, as if acknowledging the enormity of the revelation. [Your sister possesses the very same legendary physique that made Volcanic Titan kings rulers of their kind. But because of the impure mana around her, it has yet to fully awaken.]

Lucas sat in stunned silence, the magnitude of what he had just learned slowly settling over him like a heavy weight. His sister wasn't just special—she was extraordinary, a person who carried within her a power that had the potential to reshape her entire existence.

"And all this time," he murmured, almost as if speaking to himself, "she's been living like a normal girl, never knowing what she really is."

His mind raced, piecing together the implications. Then, suddenly, a thought struck him like a bolt of lightning. His eyes widened with realization. "Wait… you know all of this, don't you? So, you must know how to activate her physique, right?

Even with our current situation?" His voice was steady, despite the shock still coursing through him, as he focused on the one solution that could change everything.

The system responded immediately, and Lucas could almost hear the pride in its tone. [Naturally, I know. Who do you think I am?]

Lucas leaned forward, his heart pounding with a mixture of hope and urgency. "Then tell me," he demanded, his voice filled with determination. He needed to know how to unlock the potential that had been dormant within his sister for so long.

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