Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 20: Divine Scripture

Lucas sat in his room, the tension gnawing at him as he waited for the system's response. His fingers drummed restlessly against the wooden desk, the only sound in the otherwise silent room. The suspense was unbearable, and the silence felt like it was stretching on forever.

"What's taking so long?" he muttered under his breath, irritation creeping into his tone. The system had a way of making him wait, and it was starting to drive him crazy. Surely, it knew how much he hated waiting.

He stared at the walls, his mind racing with possibilities, but the longer the silence dragged on, the more his patience frayed. He clenched his fists, his knuckles whitening. The suspense was turning into frustration, a simmering annoyance that bubbled just beneath the surface.

Finally, the system's voice cut through the tension like a knife, its tone annoyingly casual. [You know, I could whip up something better by mixing a few cultivation manuals together.]

Lucas blinked in surprise, his irritation momentarily replaced by confusion. "Wait, you can do that?" His voice was laced with skepticism, but there was a flicker of hope in his eyes.

[Obviously,] the system replied, a hint of smugness in its tone. [Who do you think you're dealing with?]

Lucas felt a mix of relief and exasperation. The system's arrogance was as infuriating as it was reassuring. "Then stop wasting time and do it already!" he snapped, the impatience clear in his voice as he leaned forward, his hands gripping the edge of the desk. He didn't have time for the system's games.

The system responded with a faint, almost teasing chuckle, its tone dripping with confidence. [Alright, alright. No need to get all worked up. I'll get started, but don't expect miracles. I still need a solid foundation to work with.]

Lucas leaned back in his chair, trying to steady his racing thoughts. His brow furrowed as he considered the system's words. "You've got more than enough to work with," he said, his tone more controlled now. "My mind is full of cultivation manuals I plundered in my past life. Just use them."

[You're finally making some sense,] the system quipped, a trace of amusement evident in its voice. [I'll dive in and see what I can piece together from that treasure trove in your head.]

As the system got to work, Lucas could almost feel it sifting through the vast reservoir of knowledge stored in his mind. The minutes dragged on, and Lucas found himself drumming his fingers against the arm of his chair, the suspense gnawing at him once again.

When the system finally reappeared, it didn't miss the opportunity to jab at him. [I have to say, for someone who's a bit slow on the uptake, you've got a decent stash of manuals in that thick skull of yours.]

Lucas couldn't help but smirk, leaning back with a mix of pride and satisfaction. "Of course. I plundered a lot from my enemies in my past life. They had some pretty valuable stuff."

[Well, give me about ten minutes to process everything,] the system said, its tone dripping with sarcasm. [Try not to get too anxious in the meantime.]

Lucas rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress the flicker of anticipation that sparked within him. As much as the system's attitude grated on him, he knew that when it made a promise, it delivered.

All he could do now was wait and see what the system would produce, hoping it would be something truly extraordinary.

After what felt like an eternity, the system finally returned, its tone as smug as ever.

[So, I've got news. One good, one bad. Which do you want first, oh mighty host?]

Lucas felt a twinge of anxiety prick at the edges of his thoughts. The system rarely gave mixed news, and it made him uneasy. "What do you mean by bad news? Did you mess up?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

[Please, as if I'd ever fail. But there was a tiny hiccup during the fusion process,] the system admitted, its tone annoyingly nonchalant.

Lucas's stomach tightened. "I see," he said slowly, bracing himself for the worst. "Let's hear the bad news first. Might as well get it over with."

[The bad news?] The system paused, as if savoring the moment. [Well, the manual I cobbled together is incomplete. It'll only get Lucy to three-star cultivation, max.] The system's tone was almost playful, as if it reveled in the shock it knew would follow.

Lucas's eyes widened in alarm, his heart skipping a beat. "What the hell? That's not just bad news—that's a disaster!" He could feel the panic rising, the weight of disappointment pressing down on him.

The system, unfazed by his reaction, responded in a tone that bordered on amusement. [Oh, relax. You haven't even heard the good news yet.] It seemed to relish in his anxiety, drawing out the suspense. [The good news is that what I created isn't just a cultivation manual.]

Lucas blinked, his anger giving way to confusion. "What do you mean? If it's not a cultivation manual, then what is it?" His mind raced, trying to understand what the system was hinting at.

[It's a divine scripture,] the system declared with unmistakable pride.

Lucas was taken aback, completely baffled by the revelation. "A divine scripture? What's the difference?"

The system's tone turned almost mocking, as if the answer should have been obvious. [Seriously? The name itself should clue you in! Divine. Scripture. It's leagues beyond your average manual.

While it might only elevate Lucy to a three-star level for now, when fully cultivated, it'll give her the power of a five-star magic warrior—at the very least.] The system's boast was laced with superiority, as if it was proud of its own creation.

Lucas stared into the space before him, stunned by the implications. "That powerful?" he whispered, the disbelief clear in his voice.

[Indeed,] the system affirmed, its tone dripping with self-satisfaction. [Divine scriptures are in a whole different class—far more precious, far more powerful.] There was a pause, and then, as if savoring the moment, the system added, [And guess what? There's even more good news.]

Lucas was caught off guard, his eyes narrowing as he processed the words. "There's more?" he asked, a mixture of curiosity and cautious hope in his voice.

[Of course there is,] the system replied, clearly enjoying his reaction. [Even though it's incomplete, I can help you level it up in the future.]

Lucas felt a spark of hope igniting within him, a lifeline in the midst of his earlier despair. "You can? What do I need to do?" he asked, his tone shifting from desperation to determination.

The system's response was almost smug. [It's simple, really,] it said, as if the solution was the most obvious thing in the world. [Just keep reading more cultivation scriptures so I can use them as references. Not that hard, is it?]

"I see," Lucas replied, his mind already racing ahead, planning his next steps. Despite the system's condescending tone, he couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of hope. This wasn't the end—it was just the beginning.

[Good,] the system finished, sounding almost pleased with itself. [Now stop fretting, and let's get to work.]

Lucas nodded to himself, the earlier dread fading as the possibilities unfolded before him. The good news was indeed very good, and he was ready to take full advantage of it.

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