Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 120: Necrovauld Graveyard

Hades stepped into the Necrovauld Graveyard, and the momt he crossed its threshold, a dse, suffocating atmosphere veloped him. The air was heavy with death mana, so thick it seemed to cling to his skin like an invisible shroud, swirling a him in a dark, almost tangible fog.

He stood still for a momt, letting the sinister ergy seep into his very being. A slow, satisfied smile spread across his face as he absorbed the magnitude of what sured him. There were also a lot of souls that were basically floating freely a.

This graveyard was unlike any place he had countered before—an unparalleled treasure trove brimming with the dark, pott ergy that perfectly suited his abilities.

[Host, this place is an absolute treasure,] the system's voice echoed in Hades's mind, brimming with shameless glee. [The death mana here is rich, almost as pott as Netherworld Mana. You'd be a fool not to take advantage—cultivating here could skyrocket your level.]

Hades's eyes gleamed with dark anticipation as he surveyed his surings. The thick, swirling death mana was palpable, almost as if it were beckoning him to tap into its dark ergy.

A sly smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "I've noticed," he replied, his voice laced with satisfaction. "This place is perfect for increasing my power."

The system practically purred with arrogance. [Obviously,] it responded, dripping with condescsion, [but that's not the best part.] It paused, savoring the momt like a performer waiting for the audice's applause.

"What are you getting at?" Hades asked, already expecting some shameless remark.

[There's a veritable buffet of souls here,] the system revealed with a triumphant tone. [Just floating a, waiting to be siphoned. Use your Soul Siphon to gather them and store them in your Soul Vault. They'll be worth their weight in gold later—if you're smart ough to use them right, that is.]

Hades's smirk deeped, a glint of amusemt in his eyes. "You really know how to tempt a man, don't you?"

[Oh, please,] the system scoffed. [I'm just here to sure you don't waste your pottial. Let's be honest, without me, you'd be stumbling a in the dark.]

"Bold words," Hades replied, his tone playful yet challging. "But I can't argue with the results. This place is indeed a treasure vault."

[Now you're catching on,] the system replied, its arrogance palpable. [And just so you know, this isn't some quick fix. Cultivating here could take a while, but giv the circumstances at the Necrovauld Academy, that's hardly an issue. No one's going to question a prolonged absce—most disciples vanish into these places for years.]

Hades nodded, already planning his next steps. "Perfect. I'll find a hidd spot and start cultivating."

[Good idea,] the system agreed, the shamelessness back in full force. [Just make sure you don't embarrass me. I've got a reputation to uphold.]

With that, Hades began to search for a perfect location and once he found the perfect location, he settled down and began to cultivate.

The system immediately started converting the death mana into Netherworld Mana, a higher form of ergy that Hades could absorb to accelerate his cultivation.

At the same time, Hades unleashed his Soul Siphon to its fullest pottial. Any wandering soul that vtured too close to him was immediately drawn in, absorbed into his Soul Vault, where they would remain until he found a use for them.

As the dark ergy flowed into him, Hades felt his power slowly but steadily increasing. He closed his eyes, letting the ssation wash over him. It was a process that required patice and focus, but the rewards would be worth it.

[By the way, do you seriously plan to just sit here and cultivate?] the system suddly interjected, its voice tinged with a mix of impatice and mild irritation.

Hades didn't bother oping his eyes, his focus still on the thick death mana swirling a him. "Of course," he replied calmly. "This place is a goldmine for cultivation. Why wouldn't I?"

[Tch, how predictable.] The system's tone turned mocking, almost bored. [I expected a bit more creativity from you. Just sitting a, cultivating like some novice? Yawn.]

Hades raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite himself. "And what exactly would you suggest, oh wise one?" His voice was laced with sarcasm, though he was guinely curious.

[Finally, you ask the right question.] The system's arrogance was palpable. [Why don't you control one of your other clones while your main body with the Hades Divine Mask stays here to cultivate?]

[I can set the mask to automatically convert the mana for you. Meanwhile, you can shift your primary consciousness to one of your other clones. Much more efficit, don't you think?]

Hades paused, considering the suggestion. He knew he could manage his clones simultaneously, expericing everything through them, but he usually chose to focus his main consciousness on one at a time.

The idea of leaving his main body here to cultivate while he directed his atttion elsewhere was intriguing.

"I see," Hades said, a smirk forming on his lips. "So you're suggesting I switch my primary consciousness to one of my other clones and let the Hades mask handle things here?"

[You finally get it,] the system responded, its tone dripping with self-satisfaction. [I knew there was hope for you yet. Let's not waste any more time on boring routines.]

Hades's smirk wided, clearly amused. "Sure, that sounds like a plan. We'll leave Hades here to cultivate while I handle other matters. Let's see how far we can push this."

[Now you're thinking like a true disciple of darkness,] the system quipped, its arrogance fully on display. [About time you started using that brain of yours.]

With that, Hades allowed his consciousness to shift, letting the system take over the cultivation process for his main body.

As his mind connected with one of his other clones, he prepared to resume his other vtures, knowing that his power would continue to grow in the graveyard, ev while he focused elsewhere.

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