Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 121: Returning to the Celestial Academy as Zeus

Lucas shifted his primary consciousness from Hades to Zeus, feeling his presce reassert itself within the Celestial Academy.

The transition was smooth, yet the differce in ssation was immediate. As he acclimated to the thunder puppet that bore the Zeus Divine Mask, he couldn't help but notice how the body felt—subtly differt from his original form.

"This will take some getting used to," Lucas murmured to himself, flexing his fingers and feeling the raw power of thunder coursing through the puppet's form.

The ergy hummed beath his skin, electric and alive, yet tirely artificial. It wasn't flesh and blood, but it was pott, charged with an ergy that made him feel invincible.

"It's not the same as my real body," he thought, a small smirk tugging at his lips, "but I can work with this. In fact, I might ev come to joy it."

He closed his eyes for a momt, focusing inward, allowing himself to settle fully into the puppet's form. The lightning ergy pulsed rhythmically, and Lucas—now Zeus—could feel the power in every movemt.

"This is differt," Zeus whispered, his voice a low, thoughtful murmur. "But it has its own strgths. Let's see what this body can really do."

As he stood in the familiar halls of the Celestial Academy, Zeus began to review the rect evts, his mind quickly filling with the details.

He recalled the intse battle where he had defeated the fifth-ranked outer disciple, a victory that had solidified his position as the third-ranked disciple. His lips curved into a satisfied grin at the memory.

"That fight was something," he said to himself, his tone filled with quiet pride. "But there's more to be done."

His thoughts th turned to his sister, Lucy. Her progress had be remarkable, to say the least. She had rectly defeated the fourth-ranked disciple, securing her place just beath him in the rankings.

"Lucy," Zeus murmured, a note of admiration in his voice. "You've really outdone yourself. Fourth rank already… I wonder how far you'll go."

The significance of their positions wasn't lost on him. The rankings in the Celestial Academy were more than just numbers—they were gateways to greater power and opportunities.

Zeus's thoughts drifted to the bounty that had once loomed over him like a dark cloud. It had be a significant source of danger, one that could have easily spelled his d. Yet, the reltless and brutal defse mounted by his clone had turned the tide. The bounty, once a beacon for every ambitious or desperate disciple, had be quietly retracted.

"Too many came for me," Zeus murmured, a cold smile playing on his lips. "And too many died."

He recalled the whispers that had circulated through the academy—hushed conversations in shadowy corners, fearful glances cast in his direction.

The message had spread like wildfire: trying to claim the bounty on Zeus was nothing short of a death stce. The thunderclad warrior who bore his name had cut down every challger without mercy.

"Did they really think they could take me down so easily?" Zeus chuckled to himself, his tone laced with dark amusemt. "Fools. All of them."

The respect he now commanded was palpable. No longer was he just another competitor; he had become a figure of fear, a name spok with caution. The other disciples, once so eager to test their mettle against him, now hesitated, their courage tempered by the knowledge of what had happed to those who had tried before.

"Respect born of fear," Zeus mused, his expression thoughtful. "It's not ideal, but it will do for now."

His thoughts th shifted to the upcoming test—a crucial evt at the d of the month that could change everything. The top t outer disciples would be giv a chance to prove themselves in a trial, one that could elevate them to the coveted status of inner disciples.

"This is my momt," Zeus whispered, his voice low but brimming with fierce determination. "I can't afford to let this opportunity slip through my fingers."

He paused, his thoughts racing as he considered his options. "Two weeks," he muttered, his eyes narrowing with sharp focus. "Two weeks to prepare, to sharp my skills, to sure that I'm at my absolute peak wh the time comes."

Zeus's expression harded, a steely resolve settling into his features. "I'll ter that trial stronger than ever," he vowed, his tone resolute. "And wh it's over, I'll stand among the inner disciples."

With a final, decisive nod, Zeus turned on his heel, purpose driving his every step. His mind was already mapping out the steps he would need to take to sure his victory. Two weeks wasn't much time, but it was ough.

Enough to strgth the Zeus Divine Mask, to push it to the coveted four-star level. Such an upgrade would be crucial—not just to secure his position, but to pottially rise ev higher in the rankings.

As he walked, a determined smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "I need a mission," he mused, his voice barely above a whisper. "Something that will push me, challge me, and accelerate my growth."

Zeus made his way to the mission cter, his steps quicking with anticipation. The bustling atmosphere hit him as soon as he tered, but he paid it no mind.

His eyes were already scanning the mission board, searching for the perfect task—one that would provide the resources or vironmt he needed to advance rapidly.

He studied the available missions, his mind buzzing with strategies. Each option was weighed carefully, his sharp gaze assessing the pottial rewards and dangers.

"I need something that will test my limits," he murmured, his tone thoughtful yet determined. "Something that will force me to grow."

As he continued to sift through the missions, a spark of excitemt flickered in his eyes. "The clock is ticking," he thought, his resolve only deeping. "But every momt, every decision I make from now on, will be toward one goal: becoming an inner disciple."

With that, Zeus made his choice, selecting a mission that promised both challge and reward. His mind was already planning his next steps, each one designed to bring him closer to his goal. The path ahead was clear, and Zeus was determined to make every second count.

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