Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 119: Mission Center of Necrovauld

Hades stood in the quiet of the library, having absorbed an immse amount of knowledge over the past two weeks. Satisfied with the wealth of dark spells and martial arts techniques he had gleaned, he turned inward, addressing the stit system within him.

"Can I upgrade my Divine Scripture now?" he asked, his voice steady, though a hint of anticipation lingered in his tone.

[Hah! You're just now asking? Of course, I've already upgraded it,] the system responded, its tone dripping with arrogant confidce. [I don't just sit a waiting for you to catch up, you know. I've tak the Abyssal Nether Core Divine Scripture and elevated it to a six-star Divine Scripture.]

Hades's eyes wided slightly, a spark of excitemt lighting up his usually calm expression. "A six-star Divine Scripture? That's impressive. But," he paused, a thoughtful look crossing his face, "I assume the upgrades were limited to the dark spells and martial arts techniques available here?"

The system practically sneered in its response. [Exactly, gius. The resources here are all about dark magic and martial arts, so that's what I worked with. But don't go thinking that's a limitation. It's still a substantial improvemt—thanks to me, of course.]

Hades couldn't help but smile, amused by the system's shameless boasting. "I see. You really do joy patting yourself on the back, don't you?"

[Well, someone has to appreciate the hard work a here,] the system retorted, its tone both mocking and self-satisfied. [But ough chit-chat. You've got a six-star Divine Scripture now, so what are you waiting for? Get to cultivating, unless you want to fall behind your sister.]

Hades's smile wided, the system's taunt only fueling his determination. "Alright th. It's time to cultivate again," he agreed, his voice firm with resolve.

With his next move decided, Hades exited the library, his thoughts focused on his upcoming cultivation. As he passed by the trance, the officer who had checked him in looked up from his desk, curiosity in his eyes.

"Did you find something to borrow?" the officer asked, his tone polite but laced with a hint of expectation.

Hades paused, offering a smooth smile. "Not yet," he replied calmly. "I spt the last two weeks exploring the knowledge within. It's clear to me now that my skills still need refining before I can make the best use of what's here. I'll borrow something later, once I'm ready."

The officer nodded, understanding that Hades was taking his time to perfect his craft. "Very well," he said, waving him through without further questions.

Hades left the library behind, his steps purposeful as he headed toward the mission cter. He knew that if he wanted to elevate his cultivation, he needed a place steeped in dark mana, a place where he could truly immerse himself in the ergy that fueled his power.

Upon reaching the mission desk, Hades was greeted by an older man with a shrewd, calculating gaze. The man's eyes lingered on Hades for a momt, assessing him before he spoke.

The officer behind the desk looked up as Hades approached, his expression impassive, eyes revealing nothing of what he might be thinking. "What can I do for you?" he asked, his voice calm and steady.

Hades stepped closer, his gaze unwavering as he spoke. His tone was direct but held a note of respect. "I'm looking for the best place to cultivate dark mana a here. Where should I go?"

The officer regarded Hades with a long, considering look, weighing his words before replying. After a momt, he leaned back slightly, his tone becoming more deliberate. "If it's dark mana you're after, the Necrovauld Graveyard is where you'll want to be."

He paused, letting the words sink in, th continued, his voice dropping to a slightly more ominous tone. "That place is saturated with undead ergy, dark mana, and all manner of sinister forces. It's perfect for cultivating dark arts, but I should warn you—it's not without its dangers. Only those who are truly prepared should vture there."

A smirk curled at the corners of Hades's mouth, his eyes gleaming with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. "Dangerous, you say? Sounds like just the kind of place I'm looking for. Tell me, is there a mission involving the graveyard?"

The officer, catching the determined glint in Hades's eyes, nodded thoughtfully. "There is, in fact, a mission. The Necrovauld Graveyard is home to a rare material known as the Death Flower."

The officer leaned in slightly, his voice lowering as he continued. "These flowers thrive in areas saturated with dark and undead mana. Because of the pott ergy that seeps through our graveyard, the Death Flowers harvested here are of the highest quality. We offer points based on how many stalks you can bring back."

Hades's smirk deeped, fully grasping the opportunity being prested to him. "Perfect," he replied, his tone brimming with confidce. "I'll take that mission."

The officer, noticing the determination in Hades's eyes, swiftly processed the mission request. He handed over the mission details, his gaze growing serious as he leaned in slightly.

"List," the officer cautioned, his voice carrying a weight of experice, "the Necrovauld Graveyard is no ordinary place. The dark ergy there can be overwhelming, ev for someone of your level. It's a dangerous place, but if you can navigate it, the rewards will be substantial."

Hades met the officer's gaze with a calm, unwavering expression. "I appreciate the warning," he replied, his tone steady and resolute. "But I'm more than prepared for what lies ahead."

Taking the mission slip, Hades felt a surge of purpose. With his newly upgraded Divine Scripture and the ideal cultivation vironmt waiting for him, he was ready to push his limits and unlock new depths of power.

The Necrovauld Graveyard—an ara of death, dark mana, and untold challges—would be his next battleg. A place where he could truly test the boundaries of his dark abilities and refine his strgth.

As he exited the mission cter, a wave of dark anticipation coursed through him. The graveyard's sinister pull was palpable, like a whisper in his mind, beckoning him toward its depths. Hades's smirk returned, his eyes glinting with excitemt.

"Let's see what this place has to offer," he murmured to himself, feeling the thrill of the challge ahead. The Necrovauld Graveyard was calling, and he was more than ready to answer.

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