Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 118: Necrovauld Library

Hades settled into his new quarters, his mind already racing with a multitude of possibilities. The status of an inner disciple granted him privileges and access to resources that he had only dreamed of, and he was eager to take full advantage of them.

A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he considered the opportunities before him. With a casual breath, he addressed the stit system within him.

"So, what's our first move?" Hades asked, his voice tinged with anticipation and a hint of eagerness.

[First move? You mean, aside from basking in the glory of your newfound status?] the system quipped, its tone dripping with mockery. [Obviously, we need to hit the library. It's time to upgrade those Divine Scriptures of yours.]

Hades rolled his eyes at the system's arrogance but couldn't suppress a smile. "I suppose you think you're the mastermind behind every one of my successes," he remarked, his tone half-amused, half-challging.

[Oh, don't kid yourself,] the system retorted, its voice bold and unashamed. [Without me, you'd still be that weakling scraping by in obscurity. But since you've managed not to completely embarrass yourself, I'll be gerous and guide you to the next step.]

[The library here is packed with manuals on dark magic and martial arts. We need to absorb every scrap of knowledge available if you want to continue surviving in this lovely little deathtrap of an academy.]

Hades nodded thoughtfully, the system's brashness doing nothing to deter his focus. "Knowledge is power, and this academy is a place where power is everything. We need to make sure we stay ahead."

[Now you're talking sse,] the system said, sounding almost proud. [But try not to get too full of yourself. You might be an inner disciple now, but that just means the competition is fiercer. You're going to need every advantage we can scrape together if you want to keep your head—and I mean that literally.]

"Point tak," Hades replied with a smirk. "Let's get to work, th."

Wasting no time, Hades made his way to the library. The momt he arrived, the imposing structure loomed before him, a testamt to the dark knowledge it held within. He tered, greeted by an officer stationed at the trance.

The officer, a stern-looking man with sharp eyes, glanced at Hades before asking for his ID card. Hades handed it over without a word, and the officer inspected it carefully.

The officer's eyebrows arched as he scrutinized Hades, quickly recognizing him as the newly minted inner disciple who had fought his way through the battle ara. His gaze lingered on Hades for a momt, clearly sizing him up.

"So, you're the one who made it through the battle ara," the officer remarked, his voice carrying a note of respect, though his expression remained guarded.

Hades met the officer's gaze with a smirk, his crimson eyes gleaming with unshakable confidce. "That's right," he replied smoothly, his tone conveying a mix of pride and nonchalance.

The officer nodded, acknowledging Hades's achievemt, and handed back the ID card. "You've earned the right to access the library," he said, his voice more formal now. "You're allowed to stay inside for up to a month at most."

He paused for a momt, as if weighing his next words carefully. "Since you're still new, you can only borrow one manual at a time, and only from the fourth floor and below. But," the officer continued, his tone softing slightly, "you're free to read all the manuals from the first floor to the sixth floor while you're here."

Hades accepted the card with a nod, his smirk never fading. "Understood," he said, his voice steady and assured. He didn't miss the subtle caution in the officer's tone, but he was unfazed. As far as he was concerned, the restrictions were just another challge to overcome.

Hades accepted the card with a slight smile and nodded in acknowledgmt. The restrictions were a minor inconvice, but they wouldn't slow him down. He was determined to absorb as much knowledge as possible, and a month was more than ough time to achieve his goals.

He stepped into the library, the vast expanse of books and scrolls stretching out before him. The atmosphere was thick with the weight of cturies-old knowledge, and Hades could feel the power contained within these walls. Without wasting a momt, he began his work.

Starting from the first floor, Hades systematically read through the manuals. Despite not being particularly gifted in speed reading, he was reltless in his pursuit. It took him a full week to read through all the manuals on the first three floors.

The knowledge he gained was extsive, though he noted that the quantity here was somewhat fewer compared to what he had countered at the Celestial Academy.

Still, the dark arts and martial techniques he absorbed were invaluable, filling in gaps in his understanding and hancing his existing skills. As he progressed, he could feel his power growing incremtally with each piece of information he integrated.

After a week of intse reading, Hades moved on to the fourth floor. The manuals here were fewer in number, but the quality was undiable.

Each manual contained advanced techniques and dark magic theories that resonated with the core of his being. The fifth and sixth floors held ev fewer volumes, but these were treasures of knowledge, their rarity making them all the more pott.

It took him three more days to read through everything the upper floors had to offer. By the time he finished, Hades had consumed every piece of information available to him, his mind now a repository of dark magic, martial arts, and ancit techniques that could elevate him to new heights.

With the knowledge he had gained, Hades knew it was time to begin the next phase of his journey—upgrading his Divine Scriptures and integrating the powerful techniques he had learned. The path to becoming a dominant force in the Necrovauld Academy was now within his grasp, and Hades was determined to seize it.

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