Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

Chapter 144: Adrian's preperations for the last week of the Year

Adrian's POV:


The week ded, and we got a one-week holiday. Ev though this world didn't celebrate New Year, the academy still gave us a break, perhaps to let everyone rest and prepare for the upcoming competition. The timing was perfect, giving me a chance to focus on gathering the materials for Sior Anya and plan something special for Aria.

I collected half of the materials on the list and today, I will collect all in one go. Because the place I'm going to will sell everything I need. I also plan to visit a clothing shop to buy myself a good winter outfit for a date.

Since the academy is under the protection of a powerful barrier spell, no rain or snow can get through the barrier. So the weather in the academy is always cool. But outside of the academy, the winter weather was in full force, with snow blanketing the g and a crisp chill in the air.

After a quick breakfast, I made my way to the academy gates. The bustling atmosphere was palpable, with studts and staff alike taking advantage of the break. Some were heading home, while others were preparing for the upcoming evts. I stepped through the gates and felt the immediate change in temperature, the cold air biting at my skin.

Thankfully, I had my aether and warm clothes I took at the beginning of the winter. I pulled my coat tighter a me and approached a carriage that was not far away from me.

"To the Shop of Shadows and Secrets," I told the carriage driver, my breath visible in the frosty air.

The driver, an older man with a stern face, simply nodded and gestured for me to climb aboard. He flicked the reins, and the carriage began to move, the sound of hooves crunching on the snow-covered g filling the air.

The ride took about twty minutes, during which I watched the snow-covered landscape pass by, the expanse brok occasionally by the bare branches of trees and the distant outlines of buildings. The cold seeped through the carriage, but I kept myself warm with the occasional surge of aether through my body.

We finally arrived at our destination. The shop's exterior was dark and unassuming, with a sign above the door that read "Shadows and Secrets" in an elegant, almost ominous script. The building itself looked old, with weathered stone walls and a heavy wood door that seemed to absorb the light a it.

I paid the driver and stepped out of the carriage. I approached the door, hesitating for a momt before pushing it op. A bell tinkled softly as I tered, and I was immediately greeted by a warmth that contrasted sharply with the cold outside.

The interior of the shop was dimly lit, with shelves lining the walls, each filled with various items—some familiar, some completely foreign. The air was thick with the sct of incse and old wood, creating an atmosphere that was both inviting and mysterious.

"Welcome," a deep voice said, drawing my atttion to the counter. Behind it stood a tall, thin man with sharp features and piercing eyes that seemed to look right through me. "How can I assist you today?"

"I need some materials," I replied, pulling out the list of the materials I needed.

The man's eyes flicked over the list, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "You've come to the right place," he said, his voice smooth and reassuring. "We have everything you need. Please, wait a momt."

Th he flicked his fingers and closed his eyes, while I siltly watched without interrupting him.

After a few seconds, the shelves began to shift and move, rearranging themselves as various materials floated gtly into the air and toward the counter.

After a few momts, the man oped his eyes, revealing a collection of items laid out neatly before me. "Here are the materials you requested," he said, gesturing to the assortmt. "Is there anything else you might need?"

I examined the items for a momt and asked. "Are these really the materials on the list?"

"Yes." The man calmly replied.

'Good, no reaction from the ring."

"Th, this should be everything," I replied, nodding in satisfaction. "How much for all of this?"

The shopkeeper's smile wided slightly. "For a customer such as yourself, I can offer a reasonable price. Let's say, 5 thousand Gold Aether Coins?"

"...Can you give a discount? I will recommd it to my frids and come here again next time." I asked thinking my budget would suffer if I really paid 5K Gold Aether Coins. I only have a 5K on me and I still have a use for the remaining K.

"Hmm... Ok, I will give you a 5% discount, and since you seem to be a studt, I will also give an additional 5% discount, so % in total. Consider this a first-time gift from me. But..."

"Thank you, Sir. But?"

"But you have to show me your weapon once it's finished." The man leaned forward, his eyes twinkling with curiosity and amusemt. "I have a ke interest in seeing the results of the materials I provide."

I smiled, appreciating the shopkeeper's interest. "Deal. I'll make sure to come back and show you the weapon once it's complete."

The man nodded, satisfied with my response. "Excellt. Now, let me recalculate the total for you."

With a flick of his wrist, a small, ornate abacus appeared on the counter. The beads clicked and clacked as he quickly recalculated the price. "With the % discount, that brings your total to 3,500 Gold Aether Coins."

I nodded and reached into my gold ring, pulling out a small pouch filled with coins. After selecting the necessary amount, I took it out of the ring and handed it over to the shopkeeper. "Here you go."

He accepted the paymt with a nod, th waved his hand again. The materials I had purchased began to float into a series of small, elegant bags, each tied securely with a string. "Thank you for your business," he said, handing me the bags. "I look forward to seeing the weapon you bring."

"Thank you," I replied, taking the bags and securing them inside my ring. "I'll be sure to return once it's done."

With that, I turned and left the shop, the bell tinkling softly as the door closed behind me. The cold air hit me immediately, but the warmth of the shop lingered, giving me a sse of satisfaction. I had all the materials I needed, and now I could focus on my next task.

I walked down the street, heading toward a small clothing shop I had noticed earlier. The windows displayed various winter outfits, and I knew I needed something more suitable for the weather outside the academy's protective barrier.

Entering the shop, I was greeted by a fridly shopkeeper, a middle-aged woman with a warm smile. "Good morning! How can I help you today?"

"I need a good winter outfit," I replied, looking a at the various coats, scarves, and gloves on display.

"Of course," she said, leading me to a section filled with high-quality winter wear. "We have a fine selection of coats and accessories. Are you looking for something particular?"

"Something warm and not so stylish," I said, browsing through the racks. "I have a special occasion coming up."

The shopkeeper's eyes lit up with understanding. "Ah, I see. Well, we have just the thing." She pulled out a dark, wool coat with a fur-lined collar and matching gloves. "This would suit you perfectly. It's warm and has a touch of elegance. It's also chanted by a two-star Magic Tailor."

I tried on the coat, feeling the warmth velop me immediately. It fit well, and the style was exactly what I was looking for. "This is perfect," I said, smiling at the shopkeeper. "I'll take it."

"Wonderful choice," she said, wrapping the coat and gloves in a neat package. "Do you need anything else? A scarf, perhaps?"

I glanced at the scarves, and one caught my eye—a deep blue, matching the coat perfectly. "I'll take that one too," I said, pointing it out.

After making my purchase and thanking the shopkeeper, I stepped out into the cold again, feeling well-prepared for the winter weather. With the materials and my new outfit secured, I felt ready for the week ahead.

But before I returned to the Academy, there was one more thing I needed to do. To select places for the date. The last time we wt only to two places so this time, I plan to visit a few more to make the day memorable.

Thus, I spt two hours finding good places.

With my shopping and scouting done, I made my way back to the academy, feeling pleased with the day's accomplishmts. I had gathered all the materials for Sior Anya, secured a good outfit for myself, and planned a series of delightful activities for the date with Aria.

Back in my room, I took out and placed the bags of materials in a safe spot and admired my new winter outfit. The coat and scarf felt luxurious and warm, perfect for the upcoming outing. I also placed the magical snow globe I bought on my desk, a reminder of the special day I was planning.

"Now, I'm ready for the upcoming week."

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