Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

Chapter 145: New Year Date [1]

[A/N: These two [New Year Date] chapters will focus on a wholesome date I tried to imagine Adrian and Aria would have. They will be the d of the second volume as well. Th we will jump into the first Main Arc right away. Stay tuned and alert!]

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The first thing I did the day after I wt shopping was to contact Sior Anya and deliver the materials to her. Fortunately, her master had already left a few days ago and should probably be in the Forest of Shadows by now. He may have ev found the ores.

Well, the faster he is, the sooner I will get my weapon.

The next thing I did was, obviously, to talk with Aria. Imagine if I had prepared everything for the date, chos the perfect time, and th found out she didn't have the time wh I asked her—that would be totally awkward.

I found Aria in the library, immersed in a thick book on advanced aether manipulation. She looked up as I approached, her face lighting up with a smile. "Adrian! What brings you here?"

"Hey, Aria. Do you have a momt to talk?" I asked, taking a seat across from her.

"Of course," she said, closing her book. "What's up?"

"I was thinking, since we have a break this week, how about we spd a day together like last time?" I suggested. "I've planned a few activities too, it will be relaxing and fun."

"..." Aria stayed silt for a few momts, considering my offer. "Are you asking me... for a date."

'Isn't it obvious?'

"Yes," I replied calmly. "I wanted to know wh you would be free."

Aria's eyes wided slightly at my straightforward answer, though she quickly recovered. She glanced a the library, perhaps to make sure no one else was listing, before returning her gaze to me.

"I will be free on 3st December." She th replied.

"So, you agree th." I smiled in relief.

"..." Aria returned reading her book again.

Smiling to myself, I also oped the book I picked up just after tering. The only thing to do now was to wait.

_______ __ _

The following days passed in a blur of anticipation and preparation. I continued my training and attded to my responsibilities, but my thoughts oft drifted to the upcoming date with Aria. Every eving, I spt time nurturing the silver egg, hoping for a sign that it was close to hatching.

Finally, the day of our date arrived. I stood at the academy gates, the cold winter air biting at my cheeks despite the warmth of my new coat and scarf. My breath formed visible puffs in the air as I waited, feeling a mix of excitemt and nervousness.

It wasn't long before I spotted Aria approaching. She was dressed in a stylish winter coat, her long silver hair peeking out from under a cozy hat. A matching scarf wrapped a her neck, and she wore gloves that complemted her outfit perfectly. She looked stunning, and the sight of her made my heart skip a beat.

"Good morning, Aria," I greeted her with a warm smile.

"Good morning, Adrian," she replied, her cheeks slightly flushed from the cold. "You look well-prepared for the weather."

"Thanks, and you look amazing," I said, admiring her winter attire. "Shall we get started?"

Aria nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Lead the way."

Our first stop was the cozy café I had scouted out earlier. The warmth and inviting atmosphere were a welcome relief from the cold outside. We took a seat by the window, where we could watch the snow gtly falling outside. The barista greeted us with a fridly smile and took our order.

"I hope you like this place," I said, looking a the quaint café. "It seemed perfect for a relaxing start to our day."

"It's lovely," Aria replied, her eyes sparkling as she took in the surings. "I hav't be here before."

The barista soon returned with our drinks and pastries. I had chos a hot chocolate topped with whipped cream and a selection of freshly baked pastries. Aria opted for a fragrant herbal tea and a delicate-looking cake. We chatted easily, the conversation flowing naturally as we joyed our treats.

After leaving the café, we wt to the lake we saw on our previous date. It was now froz and many people were gathered a, using aether and magic to glide smoothly across the ice. It was a mesmerizing sight, the ice glisting under the soft glow of chanted lanterns that lined the lake.

"We can try that," I said, nodding towards the skaters. "It looks like fun, doesn't it?"

Aria's eyes lit up with curiosity. "Yes, it does. I've never tried ice skating with magic before."

We approached the edge of the lake, where a sign explained how to use basic aether manipulation to glide on the ice. I focused my aether into my feet, creating a thin layer of ergy that would allow me to slide across the surface. Aria did the same, and soon we were both gliding effortlessly over the ice, our movemts graceful and fluid.

It took a few momts to get the hang of it, but once we did, it was exhilarating. We skated side by side, occasionally reaching out to hold hands for balance. The air was filled with laughter and the sounds of other skaters joying themselves.

"You're a natural," I said, smiling at Aria as we glided together. She really is a gius.

"Thanks," she replied, her cheeks flushed with a combination of cold and excitemt. "This is really fun."

We spt the next hour or so skating a the lake, occasionally stopping to watch more expericed skaters perform impressive tricks. I ev attempted a small jump, much to Aria's amusemt, though I lost my balance in the process and ded up nearly injuring myself. She giggled, her laughter light and infectious.

Well, though I failed at the trick, I managed to make her laugh. My satisfaction increased immsely after seeing her smile.

After our time on the ice, we made our way to the artisan market in the park. Though not powerful like the academy, it was also protected by a cooling barrier.

The stalls were bustling with activity, and the air was filled with the ticing scts of various foods and the sounds of vdors calling out their wares. We strolled through the market, stopping at differt stalls to admire the craftsmanship and occasionally making small purchases. Until...

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