Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

Chapter 143: News

It was already night wh Adrian returned to his room. He sat down on a chair, recalling the day's evts. He signed up for all the evts he intded to participate in and got to know his sister's condition.

Most of all, he managed to secure Anya's agreemt to craft his weapon. He felt a sse of satisfaction, knowing that he had successfully set his plans in motion. The conversation with Anya had gone better than he had hoped, and now he had a chance to obtain a weapon forged from Moonshadow Ore.

'Now I can finally feel the knowledge from the novel bringing me befits.' He chuckled inwardly. After all, he read all the info about the Moonshadow Ore and its location from the novel. As for the fragmt of the Moonshadow Ore, he had come across it during one of his outdoor explorations. It had be a lucky find, tucked away in a hidd alcove within a hidd cave.

He had kept it safe, knowing it would be valuable someday. And now, that day had come.

Adrian leaned back in his chair, a small smile playing on his lips. The knowledge from the novel was indeed proving to be a significant advantage. Not only had it helped him find the Moonshadow Ore, but it also guided him in his interactions and decisions within this world. Every step he took was informed by the insights he had gained from the story, giving him a unique edge.

'And it's already be four months since I regained my memories, huh.' He thought inwardly. 'The year is about to d as well. This might be my first welcoming new year in this world as having my memories from Earth. Alas, there is no time to relax just yet,' Adrian reminded himself. The competition was fast approaching, and he needed to be in peak condition.

'But should I invite Aria to a Christmas Date? The next week will be the d of this year...' Adrian leaned back in his chair, contemplating the idea of a Christmas date with Aria. Although this world didn't celebrate Christmas, he could still create a special occasion inspired by his memories from Earth. It could be a way to bring a piece of his past into his new reality and share it with her.

'Right, I need to buy some clothes while I'm at it,' He thought remembering his big mistake on their first date. 'I will buy them wh I go to buy the materials for my new weapon.'

He took out the list of the materials Anya gave him. Though he didn't know all of them, he recognized a few of them, which were somewhat rare and pricey.

"It seems my wallet will take quite a hit," he mused, shaking his head with a smile. "But it will be worth it for a weapon of that caliber and a good date with Aria."

"Well th, let's plan a date, shall we..."

______ ____ __

Tomorrow Eving.

"Studt Adrian, don't be too stressed. I won't evaluate you till the d of the semester since your egg hasn't hatched yet, ok. Let's be a bit more patit and see it to the d." Instructor Elara said looking at Adrian and the silver egg on his hands.

"Don't worry, I can wait, instructor," Adrian replied. "And I'm sure whatever hatches from this egg will be worth the wait."

Elara's smile wided. "I'm sure it will. Keep nurturing it with your aether, and it will bond with you deeply wh it finally hatches."

Adrian thanked her and made his way back to the dorm, his room, cradling the egg with care. Once inside, he placed the egg on a cushioned pedestal, suring it was secure and comfortable.

Just as Adrian was about to ter the shower, his communication bracelet buzzed, emitting a soft chime. He glanced at the device, noticing a small holographic image forming on top of it. The image flickered for a momt before stabilizing, revealing Anya's face.

"Adrian, are you there?" Anya's voice came through, sounding slightly distorted but clear ough to understand.

Adrian quickly activated the communication device, and the holograph of Anya became sharper. "Yes, I'm here. What's up, Sior?"

Anya's expression was a mix of excitemt and seriousness. "I wanted to update you on the matter we discussed yesterday. I spoke with my master about the Moonshadow Ore and the possibility of finding Moonfire Crystal."

Adrian's heart skipped a beat. "And? What did he say?"

"He agreed to go and retrieve the ores," Anya replied, her voice tinged with relief and anticipation. "My master is very intrigued by the possibility of finding Moonfire Crystal. He mtioned that if your information turns out to be true, he would reward you handsomely."

Adrian's eyes wided slightly. "That's incredible news! Thank you for talking to him about it."

Anya smiled, her holographic image flickering slightly. "No need to thank me. You provided the lead, and it's a significant opportunity for all of us. My master is already making preparations to vture into the Forest of Shadows. He plans to leave within the next few days."

"That's good," Adrian said, surprised by the swift action.

"Yes, he wants to make the most of the currt lunar phase, which he believes will be beficial for navigating the forest and locating the ores," Anya explained. "In the meantime, I'll continue my preliminary work on your weapon design. As soon as my master returns with the ores, I can start the actual forging process."

"Thank you, Sior," Adrian said sincerely. "This means a lot to me."

Anya nodded, her expression softing. "You're welcome, Junior. Just make sure to gather the additional materials on the list I gave you. We'll need everything to sure the weapon is crafted to perfection."

"I'll take care of it," Adrian assured her. "I'll start sourcing the materials tomorrow."

"Great. I'll be in touch if there are any updates," Anya said, her holographic image beginning to fade. "Take care, Junior."

"You too, Sior," Adrian replied, watching as the holograph disappeared, leaving him alone in his room once more.

He leaned back in his chair, feeling a surge of excitemt and relief. The pieces were falling into place, and the promise of a powerful weapon crafted by Anya was becoming more tangible. With her master's involvemt, the likelihood of obtaining the Moonshadow Ore and possibly the Moonfire Crystal had increased significantly.

He knew he needed to start gathering the materials as soon as possible. But first, he decided to finish his shower and get a good night's rest. Tomorrow would be a busy day, filled with tasks that required his full atttion.

As he stepped into the shower, the warm water cascading over him, Adrian's thoughts drifted to his plans for the upcoming days. He was determined to gather the materials, prepare for the competition, and plan that special date with Aria. The future looked promising, and with the knowledge from the novel and his growing connections, Adrian felt more confidt than ever.

He finished his shower and dried off, feeling rejuvated. He glanced at the silver egg on the pedestal, giving it a reassuring pat. "Soon, little one. We'll both be ready for what's to come."

Adrian th lay down on his bed, his mind buzzing with excitemt and anticipation. The challges ahead were many, but with careful planning and determination, he was confidt he could overcome them. As long as he didn't make any mistakes, he should be fine.

As he drifted off to sleep, he dreamed of wielding a powerful weapon slaying beasts while looking cool.

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