Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.520 Adventurer Students

CH.520 Adventurer Students

After I realized that I wanted an air walking skill, I decided to come up with a training plan that I think will get me the skill. 

It is pretty simple. What I’ll do is levitate a few metal plates with Telekinesis and walk on them. That should in theory maybe work.

But then I realized that I can do the same but with Magical Arms instead. I just produce arms under my feet and walk on them.

Sadly, I’m not sure if either of them will really work for getting a new skill, but they are just good for general balance training.

Speaking of Sky Gallop, Cina got used to it way faster than I assumed. In just a few days, she could easily run over 100 meters in the air. She couldn’t run in the air forever, but I’m sure she eventually will be able to.

The mana cost of  Sky Gallop wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t the most efficient skill either. It was more efficient than Mana Flight or flying with Telekinesis, when you consider the level though. But Winged Flight is still the best flight skill one of us has in terms of mana efficiency.

As for Molly, after she showed off her Flaming Gallop, Ria disaided to imitate her using Fire Magic, so I had to have a few Plant monsters fix up the yard, after they left flaming trails in their wake.

Also, it might be just me, but I’ve noticed that Ria’s Fire Magic has been changing lately. It looks different to both the naked eye, but also when I look at it with Mana Vision. It looks more like Agunan’s fire, which does check out since the two train together a lot. I think Ria’s Fire Magic skill might evolve soon, or maybe she is even going to evolve.

In other news, our current set of dhampir students were returned home today, and we are bringing in the next set of students. 

And as promised, Kurt was also now a student on HomeBase. But it wasn’t just Kurt, as I decided maybe I should bring in a few more students.

So about a week ago, I contacted Zayaan and asked him if there were any up-and-coming adventurers in Alewatch that maybe would want to study some combat techniques under me. For free, naturally. 

Alewatch currently has a few too many adventurers to begin with. The dungeon is pulling people in, but the area is generally safe. The highest ranked monsters you usually see are C-rank. And sure I have a different experience, but I feel like that is just my protagonist luck, aka. everything bad that can happen, will happen, because it is character development.

But enough with me pondering if it is the Goddess, or some other otherworldly force that is forcing all of those bullshit events onto me, back to my new students.

The group of dhampirs we have this time is on the lower end, only 42 students. In comparison, we usually have around 50.

On top of that was naturally Kurt, and Zay recommended another eleven adventurers. I interviewed all of them, and then picked eight of them. 

As for the three that didn’t make it. One of them sounded too arrogant, so I didn’t like him. One was only after new cards from me, yes he does have Card Summoner. 

And the last guy was an adult using an illusion spell to try and fool me. I saw through it with Mana Vision. I didn’t call him out on it, just made a note of it and reported it to Zay and Christina later. 

Because of his lies, the man got his adventurers’ guild card taken away, and he was suspended from the guild. It wasn’t a permanent ban or anything, just a temporary one, but that is still bad for the adventurer.

And that was before Christina decided to kick him out of town, because after he got his card taken, he went to the Watchman family to try and get a new identification card, but apparently he couldn’t behave well enough. So Christina ended up writing him an ID card, but then banished him from the town.

But he is no longer my problem, so let’s get back to the students I picked up.

Let’s start with Kurt. As I mentioned when he visited HomeBase before auctioning off the skill orb, he has the Sword Technique skill already. Other than that, his skills were Mana Control and Regeneration. Regeneration is basically fast HP recovery. It isn’t super powerful, at least not at level 1 where Kurt has it. And he got the skill after the entire Dark Magician card thing, so he did get something nice out of that.

We performed a quick attribute test on him, and we figured out that he actually has two attributes. Wind and water. That definitely gives him some options when it comes to magic.

Actually, lightning is a combination of wind and water. The spirits told me so. So in theory, Kurt can even learn Lightning Magic.

My other students weren’t nearly as impressive. They all either had one attribute, or in the case of one of them, no attribute. But the no attribute was a quick fix, and he now had the Light attribute. 

As for weapons, three out of the eight wanted sword training. Two asked for spears. One for knives, for whom I recommended twin short swords instead, because a knife really isn’t a combat weapon, it is a backup weapon. One wanted a hammer, and the last one wanted to use a swordstaff after she saw Alice training with hers.

But enough about my new students, let’s get to some Pack Opener stuff.

And with only one set I haven’t fully completed, the choice of a set was easy. It is .

And I think I’ll do 20 packs.



Wattkiwi; Attack Gainer; Defenders Intersect; Mirror of the Ice Barrier; Needle Soldier; Powersink Stone; Naturia Pumpkin; Barkion's Bark; Karakuri Showdown Castle


Karakuri Showdown Castle is new. … and it sucks about as much as every other Karakuri card. 

Next pack.



Scrap Crash; Mirror Ladybug; Vice Berserker; Wightmare; Wattkeeper; Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi"; Powersink Stone; Ally of Justice Unknown Crusher; Tokkosho of Ghost Destroying


Tokkosho of Ghost Destroying is interesting, and can maybe be used to make some cool weapons. 

Next pack.



Mirror of the Ice Barrier; Koa'ki Ring; Cursed Bill; Axe of Fools; Vanity's Emptiness; Medallion of the Ice Barrier; Attack Gainer; Blackwing - Aurora the Northern Lights; Supreme Arcanite Magician


Aurora the Northern Lights is just … why? I mean, I guess it could be okay if you cannot access your extra deck for some reason. Or maybe your opponent has a card that prevents Synchro monsters from attacking? … okay, I’m just trying to come up with reasons to use this bird, when there just are none.

But Supreme Arcanite Magician though. Yeah, it is good. It can turn Spell Counters into Pack tokens, which is amazing. Also, he has no maximum number of counters he can hold, so in theory, I could use Pitch-Black Power Stones to give him a ton of Spell Counters. And since every Spell Counter is +1000 attack, he can become quite powerful.

Next pack.



Wightmare; Darkworld Shackles; Powersink Stone; Karakuri Trick House; Needle Soldier; Ally of Justice Thousand Arms; Karakuri Spider; Star Siphon; Wattsquirrel


Ally of Justice Thousand Arms is new, but like most Ally of Justice monsters, it isn’t very good. The problem is that it kills itself if it battles a non-light monster. 

Next pack.



Scrap Lube; Vice Berserker; Exterio's Fang; Vanity's Emptiness; Scrap Searcher; Necro Linker; Cursed Bill; Naturia Pumpkin; Karakuri Bushi mdl 6318 "Muzanichiha"


Nothing new here, next.



Exterio's Fang; Scrap Lube; Cursed Bill; Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi"; Scrap Crash; Synchro Soldier; Karakuri Anatomy; Swift Scarecrow; Scrap Soldier


Scrap Soldier isn’t good. It is level 5, for some stupid reason, and its effect just isn’t worth it. 

Next pack.



Reed Butterfly; Mirror of the Ice Barrier; Darkworld Shackles; White Elephant's Gift; Karakuri Trick House; Ally of Justice Thousand Arms; Wattkeeper; Cursed Bill; Gravekeeper's Recruiter


Nothing new here, next.



Naturia Pumpkin; Karakuri Spider; Koa'ki Ring; Attack Gainer; Vanity's Emptiness; Wattkiwi; Darkfall; Karakuri Showdown Castle; Mischief of the Yokai


Mischief of the Yokai has such a cool name, but as a card, it sucks. It just reduces the levels of monsters on the field. For the turn. It isn’t good, which sucks, because it really should be good with such a good name.

Next pack.



Karakuri Anatomy; Extra Veiler; Wattjustment; Naturia Pumpkin; Leodrake's Mane; Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 "Nisamu"; Vanity's Emptiness; Red Screen; Blackwing - Aurora the Northern Lights


Nothing new here, next.



Star Siphon; Scrap Searcher; Darkworld Shackles; Red Screen; Synchro Soldier; Ally of Justice Unknown Crusher; Exterio's Fang; Wattkiwi; Droll & Lock Bird


Nothing new here, next.



Ally of Justice Unknown Crusher; Cursed Bill; Scrap Lube; Powersink Stone; Exterio's Fang; Vanity's Emptiness; Karakuri Anatomy; Extra Veiler; Gravekeeper's Recruiter


Nothing new here, next.



Watthopper; Axe of Fools; Barkion's Bark; Vice Berserker; Leodrake's Mane; Naturia Stag Beetle; Mirror of the Ice Barrier; Blackwing - Aurora the Northern Lights; Tuning


Got an ultra rare, but sadly it is a repeat. Next.



Wattkeeper; Powersink Stone; Extra Veiler; Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 "Nisamu"; Star Siphon; Wattkiwi; Scrap Searcher; Glow-Up Bulb; Chain Dog


Glow-Up Bulb is new. And while it isn’t amazing for me, it is great in the TCG.

Next pack.



Half Counter; Wattdragonfly; Red Screen; Wattjustment; Rescue Warrior; White Elephant's Gift; Wattkeeper; Vanity's Emptiness; Ally Salvo


Ally Salvo is, for some reason, not an Ally of Justice monster. Honestly, it feels like someone just didn’t know how to name it correctly. And it isn’t bad. Sure it is situational as anything, but the effect is decent.

Next pack.



Medallion of the Ice Barrier; White Elephant's Gift; Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 "Nisamu"; Wattkiwi; Scrap Crash; Rescue Warrior; Star Siphon; Scrap Soldier; Delg the Dark Monarch


Well, I got a new Monarch. Been a while since I’ve gotten one of them. And Delg isn’t bad, just … why can’t it attack on the turn it is summoned? If it couldn’t attack on the turn it was special summoned, I’d understand, since Monarchs like to be normal/tribute summoned. But limiting attacking on the turn it was normal summoned, that just doesn’t make sense to me.

Still an okay monster.

Next pack.



Ally of Justice Unknown Crusher; Swift Scarecrow; Mirror of the Ice Barrier; Star Siphon; Scrap Lube; Leodrake's Mane; Darkworld Shackles; Wattkiwi; Heat Wave


Nothing new here, next.



Ally of Justice Thousand Arms; Naturia Pumpkin; Half Counter; Exterio's Fang; Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi"; Naturia Stag Beetle; Darkworld Shackles; Needle Soldier; Creation Resonator


Creation Resonator is really nice in the TCG. I remember using it in a Red Nova Dragon turbo deck. For me now, it is just a Tuner. But I do like having it.

Next pack.



Necro Linker; Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 "Nisamu"; Reed Butterfly; Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi"; Naturia Stag Beetle; Star Siphon; Swift Scarecrow; Karakuri Anatomy; Blackwing - Abrolhos the Megaquake


Nothing new here, next.



Medallion of the Ice Barrier; Leodrake's Mane; Swift Scarecrow; Naturia Pumpkin; Axe of Fools; Watthopper; Darkfall; Mirror Ladybug; Wattcastle


Nothing new here. To the last pack.



Reed Butterfly; Leodrake's Mane; Koa'ki Ring; Vanity's Emptiness; Karakuri Anatomy; Golden Gearbox; Naturia Stag Beetle; Extra Veiler; Scrap Soldier


And nothing new in the last pack. 

Too bad, so sad. Next time I’ll just speedrun this set, so I’ll get new cards.

But that is next time.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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