Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 147: Ninu's Night

Chapter 147: Ninu's Night

The day quickly passed for Darkness Servant Ninu. And she was completely efficient in clearing her duties for her master. 

Currently, Ninu was in her office staring out of the window that overseer Mawold Town with a content smile. 

She was reminiscing on how easy it was to get things in a somewhat orderly state here. Ever since that fateful battle the day before, the Silver Bloody Hammer group was in total chaos.

Nobody knew just who was the real leader in charge now. 

With Silver Leader Luga, Tiny, and their Heavenly Generals dead, all that left them was their Vice Leader Ninu.

But, before today, Ninu had just up and left them! 

She didn't even bother once with checking in on them, leaving the ranked and unranked members all confused and chaotic.

Yet, there was nothing they could do about that. Ninu was massively stronger than them all, and she was entirely submissive for that terrifying youth. 

The only time Ninu had appeared, before today, was to reject all other foreigners Heavenly Kings and other organizations wanting to meet the youths.

Nobody could get a word in edgewise when Ninu rejected them. Even if one of the ones that came here was a third level Heavenly King.

And all Silver Bloody Hammer group members, ranked or unranked, simply had to watch on the side as everyone has seemingly forgotten their existence.

It was at that point, the Silver Bloody Hammer group members were starting to get antsy. 

Besides Ninu, nobody held anyone of them in the same level of reverence and respect anymore. 

And everyone just wanted to meet those damn youths!

However, before their resentment had a chance to buildup, their Vice Leader, now Heavenly Silver Leader, finally appeared. 

After she showed her Master and Mistresses their treasure room, Ninu issued an order to the remaining platinum ranked members to gather everyone into their largest room.

The platinum ranked members were ecstatic to hear from Ninu. 

They know that she effectively caused their downfall, but there was no one else they could go to for leadership other than her.

No matter what, they clearly understood, despite people not having the same level of respect before. Still, nobody dared to disrespect Ninu or overstay their welcome in their district.

One-fourth level Heavenly King is still one tremendous force nobody dared to take lightly. 

So that's why the platinum ranked members led everyone else down to a vast open room where large scale meetings were always held.

Once gathered there, Ninu had immediately appeared. And when she had shown up, all members there were taken aback. 

The woman they saw was their Silver Leader, yet they couldn't believe it was the same Silver Leader Ninu.

The reason for everyone's initial surprise and shock was because Ninu decided to use a different tactic for talking to her members. A tactic that made everything a hell of a lot smoother for her.

Instead of the cold and indifferent facade that was her original personality, Ninu instead let the blissful feeling of her sweet master essence inside her carry her words and actions.

The effect of this decision was polarizing, to say the least. 

Previously, not many really ever noticed the genuine grand beauty of Ninu. Her dominating, intimidating stature and aura made it nearly impossible for those weaker than her to even properly look at her in the eye.

But, once everyone got a good look at the changed beautiful, slightly sultry face of Ninu, members were immediately singing a different tune for her. 

The gorgeous smile Ninu had while talking absolutely captivated all watching her.

Most people at that large scale meeting were even considering Ninu as the most beautiful woman they had ever gazed upon in their lives. Combing with her angelic beauty was her smooth tone of voice.

Instead of a cold steel like one, Ninu used the same slightly flirty tone that she had with her Master and Mistresses. 

Just that sweet change in her voice made members go silent nearly instantaneously. 

And it was from there, Ninu basically relied on her previous leader's instinct and experience to get members' minds orderly. 

Ninu still didn't really care much about the Silver Bloody Hammer group, but she does know it can benefit her master.

And at the very least, Ninu knows the members are a decent fighting force for him. 

Their meeting lasted for about an hour. Ninu assigned the new Heavenly Generals on the spot and sent everyone on their ways to acquaint themselves after the chaotic events.

Of course, the last remaining second level Heavenly King was chosen to be the new Heavenly General. 

And though everyone complied with Ninu's words, she could still sense some doubts swirling in people's minds.

If Ninu still would've been cold and ruthless, she had no doubt in her mind she would've achieved the same result in calming everyone down. But she knows the doubts in their minds would've been greater.

No matter what, though, Ninu knows they'll fall into line eventually. 

Truthfully, besides the lack of respect and status they commanded now, Ninu also knows nobody would go out of their way to provoke them.

Not even their rivals, the Nobe's Fang group, would try something outrageous with her still around. 

Ninu was also sure her own members won't try and act unruly anymore with their loss of power, so troubles shouldn't arise as of now.

All in all, Ninu was feeling optimistic about their future. Her grin cracked a little wider, enjoying the quiet time.

Until suddenly, Ninu blinked her eyes and froze.

Her Heavenly Spirit Sense spiked, feeling some sort of shift in space. It was a short and barely noticeable shift. But Ninu was sure she felt as if something had just passed her window.

Yet her eyes didn't pick up anything. Nor did her Spirit Sense pick up on any human life signatures. 

However, when she had reopened her eyes from blinking, Ninu faltered a bit.

Stuck right on the outside of her window was this small odd-looking bug. 

The bug appearance itself wasn't anything to write home about, being just some regular insect Ninu would be prone to ignore.

But there were two specific things that immediately struck out for the bug. And it was the fact that a small white note was attached to the bug back, plus Ninu can sense some kind of strange aura from the bug.

It was incredibly odd. 

In just the mere split second, she blinked her eyes, somehow that shift in space occurred, and this bug coincidentally ended up on her window.

Ninu took a second again to spread her Spirit Sense throughout the whole Silver Bloody Hammer group district. But, she didn't find anything strange or out of place beside this mere bug.

Ninu had to just shrug her shoulders at this point. She had then tensed her body, having her Heavenly Qi roaring to go into action at any moment. And in one swift motion, Ninu opened her window and grabbed the small bug.

Once the bug was in her palm, Ninu had her Heavenly Qi ready for any kind of surprise attack or traps. 

But, just like how she watched it from the outside, the bug simply laid still in her hands.

The aura she sensed from the bug was in no way harmful to her. 

In fact, it was almost like the aura had a quality about it that made it easy to track down where the source of the aura was coming from.

Since the bug wasn't a threat, Ninu took off the note attached to its back. 

She quickly read over it, and her eyes were filled with mild shock. She contemplated a bit over what to do with the note until her mind promptly came to a decision. 

'Master.he just has to see this!'


The night quickly passed, and morning washed over Mawold Town. 

All the way up at the Silver Bloody Hammer group's top floor, only four people occupied this space.

One was, of course, Ninu, who was in her own space. 

And down the hall from her was one of the most luxurious and expansive sleeping quarters in the whole Silver Bloody Hammer group.

Inside this room laid various rare looking scrolls, books, items, and decorative designs hanging off the wall. And at the center of it all was one large silver bed fit for a king.

And on the silver bed were Darcel, Aniela, and Masami. 

They all were in their gloriously naked state, and Darcel propped himself at the backboard of the bed. Lazing on his laps with a content smile was Masami, showcasing her more loafing personality side.

Her huge perky breast was on full display for Darcel and Aniela, yet Masami didn't mind at all. 

Considering that they also cuddle naked like this yesterday, Masami was even more comfortable doing it today.

She didn't have any worries or guards being with the duo. And the feeling of Darcel stroking her cute fox ears and Aniela rubbing one of her fox tail was absolute bliss to her.

Aniela was on Darcel's shoulder, feeling unbelievably warm while leaning on Darcel's soothing body and stroking Masami's fluffy tail. 

With cultivating sessions like these, Aniela knew she'll never get bored of cultivating!

Being completely naked like this and so close together most definitely aroused Darcel's drive to have sex. Especially seeing how Darcel knew both girls would eagerly respond to his desires.

But, just like yesterday, Darcel didn't really go through with it. 

Even though he quite literally proved him and the girls to be one of the strongest here, Darcel just didn't feel completely safe here.

During the first time they showed off their powers, Darcel didn't let it show on his face in front of the enormous crowd. But he felt like there was someone particularly odd watching them.

It sounded ridiculous to Darcel since he knew everyone was watching them. Yet, Darcel had this faint premonition that something significant could happen at any time.

Funnily enough, while most premonitions people have tends to make them feel pessimistic about a future situation. Darcel didn't feel like anything negative at all would happen to him or the girls.

But, either way, the lack of sex was only a minor inconvenience to Darcel. 

Naked cuddling with the girls still felt absolutely heavenly, and he tuned in to listen to what the girls were talking about.

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