Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 146: Reveal

Chapter 146: Reveal

Massive chaotic waves of shocking news stormed all throughout Mawold Town for a whole day. Barely anyone in town couldn't stop talking about the event now dub as 'The Fall of Silver.'

In just a span of minutes, the once-powerful Silver Bloody Hammer group that had free reign on the whole town lost nearly all of their powerful Heavenly Kings, and only one frightening powerhouse remained. While the weakest ones were left.

Furthermore, the strongest Heavenly King left in their group wasn't even loyal to them. 

She was loyal only to three freakish youth that took everyone by storm.

As more digging went into these unknown youths, soon the townsfolk found out all three of them seemingly originated from the Nobe's Fang group. 

And what's more, they were all mere bronze rank members in that group!

People got even more curious, wondering just how the Nobe's Fang group managed to lose out on three terrifying powerhouses. And as curiosity increased, the increase in people wanting to meet with the trio.

Heavenly Kings from small clans and organizations alike wanted somewhat of a chance to exchange pleasantries with the youths. 

But, no matter what, Ninu had rejected every invitation offered to the trio.

Even when Heavenly Generals Gorbug and Sinaki and their Vice Leader came to meet with the trio, Ninu unhesitantly rejected them. 

And with the strength of Ninu, no dared to press hard on this matter.

Although it begged the question for everyone. Just what were those youths secretly up to now? 

And considering how shocking their first surprise appearance was, people simply couldn't get their minds off of them.


"Here it is, Mistress~. The precious fire spirit source." Ninu showcased Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami, a jar containing bright, beautiful blue flames. 

The four were currently in a luxurious treasure room filled with all the great riches of the Silver Bloody Hammer group.

With the Heavenly Generals and the two Silver Leader dead, Ninu had free reign to take the trio anywhere they wanted. 

And compared to the turbulent waves the rest of Mawold Town were currently experiencing, the trio actually rested rather comfortably.

Ninu had shown them one of their most extravagant resting quarters fit only for their group's true heavyweights. And Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami took full advantage of the room, resting comfortably in it.

In all honesty, neither Darcel, Aniela, or Yasami truly cares about leading or taking over this Mercenary group. 

They only wanted a bit of payback and the abundance of resources this Mercenary group would indeed hold.

That's why Darcel had ordered Ninu to reject anyone trying to invite them and, late at night, stand guard out of their room.

While Darcel, Aniela, and even Yasami can admit it feels good to be in the limelight, they consider other aspects of being famous too much busywork.

And though he is extremely confident about their prowess, Darcel still knows they may be some courageous people that would try and snipe them. Plus, there was an odd feeling panging in Darcel's mind that he couldn't get over ever since their fight.

So to relieve any tensions from leftover fights, Darcel didn't want to make love to Aniela and Yasmai but instead simply cuddle with them.

But during the night, while the girls rested comfortably into Darcel's chest as they all cuddled and cultivated together, an odd change happened in Yasami. 

Darcel had noticed her eyes suddenly sparkled with light blue flames and her expression went blank for a second.

Before Darcel or Aniela could question it, Yasami suddenly hotly told them, "We must see these silver eyesores riches tomorrow!" 

The duo didn't mind since they were going to do that anyway.

Which had then led to their current situation where Yasami had accurately guessed to Ninu that they had a fire spirit source here. And Ninu was quick to please her Mistress, immediately showing the trio the jar of fire spirit source.

Truthfully, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami nearly got lost in staring at the pure, unfiltered beauty of the blue fire spirit source. Not even their own flames could compare to the glory of this fire spirit source.

While Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami all focused on the constant destructive side of flames, they never stopped to appreciate the serene, tranquil beauty of a flame slowly roasting.

Suddenly, Yasami quickly snapped out of her daze trance. 

Her mind promptly recalled why she's even so shocked and frustrated at seeing the fire spirit source here. "So my senses weren't wrong! Those damn feline bastards! They think they can keep leading me astray, huh?! I'll def-"

Yasami abruptly stopped herself mid-sentence when she felt the eyes of Darcel, Aniela and Ninu gathered on her. 

Ninu had a curious expression, but she didn't speak up.

While both Darcel and Aniela had concerned expressions hearing that undisguised anger in her voice. 

Yasami had slightly lowered her head then, feeling a bit embarrassed at the outburst.

"Ah.uhm, that was-" 

Yasami was beginning to apologize until Aniela walked over to her and reassuringly squeezed her shoulder. 

She didn't even need to say anything. The wide calming smile that graced Aniela's lips was all that Yasami needed to feel a lot calmer then. 

And it was then that Yasami swiftly made up her mind about truly revealing herself to her team.

Seeing Yasami relax, Darcel turned his attention to Ninu. He found it curious enough that Ninu now had a more calm expression than her slightly sultry one she usually has around him.

Darcel had then told her, "Leave us for a bit. We have some things to privately discuss. While we talk, you will finally get everyone orderly here and take full charge of the group. Should be easy enough; quite literally, no one can challenge you here anymore."

"Yes, Master. Ah! I almost forgot Master, a unique charm from Luga himself." Ninu fished in her pockets and pulled out the same silver diamond necklace that hung around Silver Leader Luga's neck.

Darcel curiously looked at the diamond necklace, liking the design and natural aura from it. 

Without the necklace being powered by someone, its magnetic charm couldn't affect Darcel at all. But its own aura was still alluring nonetheless.

Darcel took the diamond necklace, asking Ninu, "So? What is this thing?"

"It's a charm accessory, Luga used to use to make all of his important negotiations meetings turn into his favor. And now, Master, you can further accentuate your own charisma with this." Ninu explained to him.

"I see.interesting. Alright, if that's all, you can leave now." Darcel shoved the diamond necklace in his pocket for future investigations. 

Ninu respectfully nodded to Darcel and promptly turned to leave the treasure room. 

Once she was gone, Aniela suddenly said, "One special present out of many to go! And now." Aniela trailed off at the end and went over to the shelf containing the jar of the fire spirit source and took it in her hands.

"A present for you, little fox!" Aniela presented the jar to Yasami with a wide smile. 

And though Yasami felt her nerves irked with that annoying nickname, she ignored it for now in the face of such a tremendous gift.

"Eh-eh? Wait! Don't you two want to share absorbing this?" 

Yasami stuttered out, still feeling some embarrassment over her previous outburst. She didn't want to give Darcel and Aniela the wrong idea of making it seem like she desperately wanted this thing.

Aniela, however, she quickly looked towards Darcel. 

He simply gave her the nod to continue, and Aniela smiled at him. "Huee~, fussy as usual. But don't mind any of that! It's all for you, Yasami."

Aniela presented the fire jar again, and this time, Yasmai took the jar in her hands. She had caught on to that brief look and nod Darcel gave to Aniela. 

And Yasami briefly paused with the jar of fire in her hands.

A broad, beautiful grin etched on to her face as she said then, "Alright, alright! Since it's like this, I'll also give you two a big prize in the future. But for now."

Yasami ignited her spatial ring and put the jar of fire in it. 

She had then proceeded to slowly take off her hoodie, revealing her ever-present beautiful face.

Although Darcel and Aniela could blatantly tell something was up as Yasami's broad grin quickly shifted into a nervous expression. Even her cute fox ears were nervously twitching. 

Darcel and Aniela looked over at each other before egging Yasami to continue with just their expressions.

After the current gift the duo granted her and everything else they've been through together. Yasami felt as if she needed to get this off her chest now.

Still, she took a small sigh saying, "Haah.guys, I-I haven't been entirely truthful during this entire time. My name isn't Yasami.it's Masami, Masami Kitsui."

On instinct, Masami stopped herself, expecting some kind of shock or extreme reaction from hearing her family name. But almost immediately, Masami remembered both Darcel and Aniela weren't from around here.

Before her thoughts could expand any further, her attention was taken as Darcel and Aniela had a different kind of immediate reaction.

"My, my. You little sly fox~."

Aniela and surprisingly Darcel simply chuckled at Masam's reveal. 

It caused Masami's beautiful face to scrunch up in slight confusion. But neither Darcel nor Aniela explained why.

They instead walked up to Masami, took a spot on her right and left shoulders, and, 

'Chu~' Darcel and Aniela respectively kissed both Masami's cheek. 

"A-Ah?! Wh-why?"

Masami felt the heat in her cheeks rise but still stumbled out a simply why question. Surely, she thought at least Darcel and Aniela would be a bit upset at keeping such a big secret.

And yet, Darcel only smiled at her, saying, "We could already fathom that wasn't your real name since you were never exactly keen on talking about your background before. Still, we understood that as well. You had your reason for not telling two people you just recently met and are quickly growing attached to. And also. Masami is a beautiful name for you."

"Mnh! Mnh!" Aniela reverently nodded. "A beautiful name for a beautiful little fiery fox!" 

Inside Masam's chest, an overflow of warmth and joy course there. 

A gorgeous smile bloomed on her face as she said, "Hmph, of course, you two would react like this. No idea why I was worried."

"But now I'm really curious. Why go so far out of your way with the hoodie and changing your name?" Aniela asked in a soft, soothing tone. She knows this could be a sensitive subject, but the offer to ask was on the table now.

Masami, however, felt entirely relaxed. 

She had no problem saying, "It's because I'm the youngest daughter of one of the most powerful men in the Icy Cloud Province. And he is one of the leaders at one of the most powerful sects in the Province. The damn Ice Nine Tails Sect."

Darcel and Aniela felt their curiosity rise. They didn't care at all if Masami's father is one of the strongest or her sect is one of the strongest. 

They focused more on the venom-induced tone Masami had when mentioning the sect.

So Darcel asked, "So powerful. And yet, I'm assuming there's a lot of discord over there, right?" 

Masami tiredly nods, explaining to them, "You don't know the half of it. To make a long story short. I was on the end of daily harassments, disdain, and challenges just because I'm supposedly the weakest talent out of my siblings and one of the lowest in the whole sect. To prove them all wrong, I had helped from grandmother to start a journey all on my own. One of my first destinations was the Nobe's Fang group since my so-called 'friends' fed me lies that they hold a fire spirit source that can help with my Fire comprehension. Tch, looks like I would've been led astray."

"Hey! At least on this path, you've met us. And with us, you can be assured we'll help fulfill your family revenge plot. We already have a treasure trove of resources here!" 

Aniela didn't waste any time in showing her willingness to help Masami's family problems.

"That's perfectly ri-wait a minute." Masami pauses for a second, nervously shifting her eyes between Darcel and Aniela before asking, "You-you two really going to help me so far with this? I-I mean I di"

"Of course, we're going to help. How can we idly stand by when we just told our little cutie was getting constantly bullied by blindside people. Besides, even as your family is the strongest in the Province, it doesn't change our relationship."

Darcel had swiftly cut off Masami to get rid of any doubts in her head. 

And Aniela perfectly added in, "Smoothly and perfectly spoken Darcy! You can't wriggle away from us that easily, Masami."

Even if Masami told them her parents were one of the strongest on the whole planet, their reactions wouldn't change in the slightest. Their feelings may be fast to grow, but it was firm and unshakable. 

Plus, with the combined force of their talent and prowess, Darcel and Aniela know anyone that's supposedly the strongest will quickly get surpassed by them.

Masami couldn't help but wryly smile. 

They quite literally had no reaction to even being told they may face off against Grand Sages! Even the geniuses she knew would feel a certain amount of pressure about meeting Grand Sages.

And yet, Masami remembers, Darcel and Aniela are no ordinary geniuses at all.

Sighing in her mind, Masami just picked up their hands, saying, "Your words, not mine, hmph. So you two better follow through with it!"

Darcel and Aniela gave Masami their most assured smirk, boldly saying, "We never go back on any of our words.

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