Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 144: Disaster Day

Chapter 144: Disaster Day

"Ninu Now," Darcel said in a slightly weary voice, finally reappearing in the room. 

Some small beads of sweat drizzled down his face, and he was a bit short on breath. But overall, Darcel didn't feel that much handicapped.

Although, Aniela and Yasami's eyes quickly noted the slightly tired state of Darcel's face. Ninu felt some worry for her Master, but since he orders to go up, she wouldn't dare to refuse.

"Yes, Master~." 

Ninu immediately turned her attention to the destroyed roof of the office. She quickly flew up through the roof, sailing into the distant sky. 

Once she was gone, Aniela and Yasami snapped their attention back at Darcel.

Yasami walked up to Darcel with her hands on her hips, and her lips scrunched up in slight disapproval. "Don't use that flute anymore for today! Even your crazy soul can't handle repeated uses." She concernedly chided to him.

Aniela also walked up to Darcel, though her posture was a lot warmer and inviting. She gave Darcel a soft look saying, "You did perfect enough with the flute Darcy. But, can you still go up and fight?"

Happiness boomed into Darcel's chest, hearing both of his cute girlfriend's concerns. There was always something nice about their worrying affection for him that Darcel simply adores to hear.

He had then given the girls a small charming smirk, and as Yasami was the closest to him, Darcel pulled her into a surprise kiss. 

"Mnh~?! Mnnn~...." Yasami was understandably caught off guard but quickly melted into the kiss.

Her mouth popped open, and her tongue zipped out to entangle with Darcel's juicy tongue. For a few seconds, they sexily made out with each other, and Darcel was filled with pleasure and a wave of refreshing energy!

Pulling back from Yasami, Darcel saw her uttered a small, "Hmph, acceptable enough." 

Smiling at her cute side, Darcel turned his attention over to Aniela, who was expectantly waiting with a teasing smile.

Her eyes closed when Darcel turned his attention on her, and she leaned over, waiting for a kiss. Darcel didn't disappoint and quickly pulled Aniela into an electrifying kiss.


Darcel can practically taste Aniela's joy as she excitedly moans into his mouth. Just like with Yasami, Darcel was quick to lap up all of Aniela's sweet-savory juices, refilling his body back with tremendous energy.

After a few seconds, Darcel pulled back, and Aniela licked up the steamy trail of saliva that connected their lips. 

"Hehehe~. Back to full energy now?" Aniela teasingly asked him.

Darcel felt his lust ignited for a bit, and he was sure he was more than just at full energy. But, Darcel had excellent control of his body, pushing down his rising lust, and told the girls, 

"I'm ready to-"

"Ahhh!!! Dammit, Ninu!!!" 

The rage-filled voice of Silver Leader Luga blasted into the office and blared over the whole Mawold Town. 

Along with his shout of hatred, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami felt the last remaining aura of a once-mighty Heavenly King on his last legs.

The trio looked back at each other, and they all savagely smirked. Aniela opened up her mouth to proclaim, "It's time for the final event!" 

And immediately then, Yasami grabbed on to both Darcel and Aniela's hands, ready for the grand show.


Just a little bit before, up in the clear sky, Ninu stood calm and collected while facing her enemies. Two heavily bloody and battered near-death Heavenly Kings.

Silver Leader Luga was terrifying to look at. There was an enormous bloody hole that covered his whole chest, showcasing his ruptured organs and bones. 

Vice Leader Tiny was even more frightening to gaze upon.

He had two huge bloody holes in his chest and gut. And a mix of raging blue and black flames swirled around the two holes. 

It was amazing enough both leaders didn't die after those attacks.

Even for as mighty as these Heavenly Kings, even they weren't exempt from having their souls completely freeze up. 

And with the perfect combination of Darcel's flute that could've put even Ninu to sleep and Aniela's soul stun attack, their defenses were easily breachable. 

At a last-ditch effort, their heavenly souls are frantically filling them with life force to keep them going. But, as their souls already sustain such tremendous damage. They had very little soul energy to keep them alive, making their deaths are assured. 

Even then, Silver Leader Luga and Tiny weren't even sure they'd make it that long.

And it was all because of this betraying woman standing so calmly in front of them! She was acting like she just didn't make a tremendous mess in their group! 

They couldn't call for any special formations, hidden powerful Spirit Artifacts, or even a life-saving talisman. 

All because this traitorous woman somehow perfectly ambushed them.

Both Silver Leader Luga and Tiny know they're currently far too weak to pull out any of their trump cards now. And none of their lower-ranked members can efficiently gather up what they need before they die or Ninu just outright kills them.

If looks could kill then, the hatred filled gaze Silver Leader Luga and Tiny gave Ninu would've killed her a hundred times over. 

As the three Heavenly Kings hovered in the skies, of course, they quickly gained the interest of the whole Mawold Town. 

All three of their Heavenly auras constantly blared out from them, and the first one to react was the Silver Bloody Hammer group.

All ranked and unranked members quickly pooled out of the massive buildings, and every single one of them was tremendously shocked. Staring up in the skies, nobody could believe what they were seeing.


"Wh-what the hell?!? Why?!" 

"A betrayal?!" 

Every member was uttering shouts of confusion, creating a huge commotion. Their noise plus the Heavenly auras was attracting attention from all over the whole several hundred kilometers town.

And as more and more people were pilling over to them, Silver Leader Luga felt his hatred reach its peak. For all eyes to see his bloody humiliating state, and it was all Ninu's fault.

His face contorted with deep hatred, and Silver Leader Luga chaotically blared out the last remaining power of his Heavenly aura and tried to shriek out, 

"Dammit, Ninu!! What the fuck came ov-Argh!!"

Blood puked out Silver Leader Luga's mouth, falling into the chaotic wind. 

And from under him, the whole town felt the sudden blare of Silver Leader Luga's frenzied aura.

"Is that Heavenly Silver Luga?!" 

"Holy shit! Not only him but Silver Leader Tiny look nearly dead!" 

"What the hell happened to them?!" 

From average cultivators to even weaker Heavenly Kings from other clans and organizations, they all came to watch the scuffle.

"General Gorbug.tell me this isn't a dream." Even Heavenly General Sinaki from the Nobe's Fang group came over. 

He was, of course, with Heavenly General Gorbug, who had an equally bewildered expression.

"No-no.this is definitely real life." Heavenly General Gobug said, but in the back of his mind, he can't help but feel this situation was explicitly caused by someone.

The Heavenly Kings of the Beast Trading Center showed up to the chaotic fiasco as well, each being taken aback with shock. 

"Hm? So this is how your town settles things?" From far in the back of the massive crowds, the angelic white robe woman curiously watched the amusing scene. 

At her side was the same powerful Ice Drake Guild Mage, but he wasn't so amused like her.

"This.I have never seen a situation like this before. I'm just as out of the loop as everyone else." The Mage told the white robe man in a bewildered tone. 

The white robe woman merely shrugged but kept her attention on the drama unfolding.


Seeing that the whole town's attention really did come here, Ninu pleasantly smiled. 

She told both leaders without a hint of remorse in her voice, "All that happened, it was because my Master said so. Goodbye, Luga."

Without giving the two leaders a chance to respond or react, Ninu blitzed straight towards Silver Leader Luga. 

Silver Leader Luga felt a tremendous suppression crushed his body under Ninu's prime vibrant Heavenly aura.

At full power, Silver Leader Luga could correctly deal with Ninu's power. 

But at near-death? 

All Silver Leader Luga could do was barely lift up his battle axe and poured the remaining bit of his power in a vain attempt to defend.

Vice Leader Tiny felt like he was getting scorched, but he couldn't just let Luga die without even trying to help. He surged up the last remaining bit of his power and tried to move to intercept Ninu.

But right then, Vice Leader Tiny froze. 

Three tremendously powerful auras locked on to him, sealing his every movement. 

"Ah!! Heavenly Generals! They've e?!?"

"Why are they heading for Leader Tiny?!?" No, wait! That isn't the Heavenly Generals!!" 

Everyone watched in utter surprise as a Darkness aura, a white Light aura, and a blue flaming aura blasted straight towards Vice Leader Tiny.

Despair swirled in Vice Leader Tiny's eyes. As the three powerful auras approached him, all Tiny could do was try and put out some sort of counter. 

The severely weakened power of a fourth level Heavenly Transformation powerhouse blared out of him.

A silver glow enriched Vice Leader Tiny's hands, and he blasted out a bright silver beam at three rapidly approaching him. 

Everyone watching thought at least the ones approaching Tiny would stop to defend the silver beam.

After all, a near-death fourth level Heavenly King attack is still an attack from a Heavenly King! Even a peak third level Heavenly King wouldn't dare to take this attack lightly.

But in the next instant, Vice Leader Tiny and everyone watching was immediately proven wrong. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami merely smirked at the upcoming silver beam.

They flared the full extent of their transformed state powers, revealing themselves to the whole town! 

"Ah?!? It's just some-What?!?" 

Everyone became utterly gobsmacked as with Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami only flaring their powers, they utterly vaporized Vice Leader Tiny's silver beam!

And right then, Darcel pointed one finger at Tiny and shot out a Darkness tendril from his fingertip. The Darkness tendrils went faster than even Yasami's flying, sailing at lightning-like speeds.

Vice Leader Tiny couldn't even react as Darcel's Darkness tendril pierced right through Tiny's left eye! 

"GAAAHH!!!" Tiny's shouts of agony chilled most who were watching with a sense of dread.

Blood splattered out Tiny's eyes, but it wasn't over yet for them. 

Yasami's speed suddenly crazily burst, and she flew right above Tiny's head. Tiny couldn't even see straight as tremendous pain wracked his body. 

But Aniela was ready as soon as they neared him. 

Her green scimitar was already in her hand, and Aniela cleanly sliced through Tiny's neck, savagely cutting his head right off!

Blood pooled into the air as Tiny's decapitated head swirled up in the sky. 

Tiny's headless body crashed towards the ground like a broken puppet. And once Tiny's bloody body slammed into the ground, making a sickening thumb, everyone watching awoke to reality.

Nobody talked or made any kind of noise. Silence filled the whole town, almost making it a suffocating atmosphere. 

But, genuinely, nobody could believe their eyes.

High up in the air, everyone could clearly see Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami in full glory. Their transform state awed everyone watching, and the prowess they exuded caused a shiver to run down cultivator's spines.

From peak ninth rank Innate Core to even the third level of the Heavenly Transformation realm, they all were tremendously suppressed by the trio's combined aura. 

This wasn't a cheat nor some strange Spirit Artifact. They all were suppressed from their pure overwhelming superior power.

"G-G-Gorbug.I-can't-but how?!?" Heavenly General Sinaki felt his mind run at million miles per minute. He could barely breathe or move under the trio's combined aura. 

And a small sense of fear took hold of him as he remembered his less than pleasant first meeting with the trio.

"This.this is unprecedented." It was all Heavenly General Gorbug could utter out, fairing no better than anyone else under the trio's aura. 

"Who-who are these terrifying youths?!?"

"A Heavenly King.died just like that.under them?!" 

"You....you got to be kidding me! How can it be those three?!" Not even the angelic white robe woman could contain her shock. More shocking to her, considering she heavily disregarded those three previouly.

The Ice Drake Guild Mage only glanced in confusion at the white robe woman as he didn't even pay attention to Darcel's group in the first place.

"AHH!! LEADER TINY!!" Out of all the shouts of confusion, the loudest had to be the Silver Bloody Hammer group members.

They felt tremendous hopelessness seeing their Vice Leader get killed like a sack of potatoes. A suffocating feeling of hopelessness was also shared with Silver Leader Luga as he wordlessly gazes at Darcel's group.

In just a manner of seconds, everything fell apart so quickly. 

His three powerful Heavenly Generals, dead, and his trusted right-hand man, also dead. Losing these Heavenly Kings was the equivalent of his entire Mercenary group losing their backbone.

Depression hit Silver Leader Luga like a mountain, realizing his Mercenary group might never retain its former glory.

And right then, Ninu's voice echoed in his ears like cold water. "Don't worry. I'll send you off to see all of your trusted members now." 

Silver Leader Luga couldn't even turn around before Ninu cleanly chopped his head right off with her battle axe.

Silver Leader Luga's depicted head sprayed into the air, spurting blood into the wind. 

And just before his headless body crashed to the ground, Ninu swiped off the silver diamond necklace on his corpse. The silver diamond necklace showed signs of sparking up after Ninu took it into her hands, but she squeezed it, making it go back to its regular shine.

'Oooh~! Master will surely love this!' Ninu thought to herself as she swiftly put the diamond necklace in her pocket.

Silence once again permeated throughout the whole town. Another mighty fourth level Heavenly King died like it was nothing.

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