Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 143: Betrayals

Chapter 143: Betrayals

A bit of time has passed in Heavenly General Dara's office. 

And the only one left in the room is the recently turned Darcel's Darkness servant, Ninu. She was casually sitting on Heavenly General Dara's desk with the same slightly sultry expression from before.

Looking at the room's current state, no one would believe any kind of altercation went down here. 

There is no blood on the floor, nor was any furniture out of place there.

Ninu satisfiedly smiled as her eyes scanned the whole room. She knows the seemingly calm atmosphere here will all change in just a few moments. 

And Ninu couldn't care less about any type of disaster happening for the Silver Bloody Hammer group.

All her mind thought about was pleasing her Yin Pleasure Master. No matter the past allegiance she had or past relationships, it all pails before her glorious Master.

Ninu was lost in her thoughts, basking in the warmth of Darcel's Darkness in her soul's core center. 

But after a few minutes, the once bewitching sultry look on Ninu's face quickly shifted.

Briefly gone was the Darkness servant of Darcel. 

Now, Ninu dawned her previous superior, ice-cold expression from her days as being a Vice Leader for this group.

As her indifferent expression reappeared, there was a knock at the door. The ones who knocked didn't dare to speak up. They submissively waited for their Vice Leader to give them the call.

"Come in." Ninu gave them the word, and the door promptly opened up. 

What came through the door were two handsome men. At first glance, anyone can tell the status these men wielded as they wore the same luxurious silver armor as Heavenly General Dara.

One man had a smooth, a bit of a babyface. He generated a warm comfy vibe about him looking like someone aligned to peace. His most notable feature though, was the sparkling blue hair that swerved out of his head.

This man was Heavenly General Adric. 

As for the other man, he held the fiercest looking face out of all three Heavenly Generals. A big long scar ran down under his left eye, and his facial features were frightening to gaze upon.

Though, contrasting a bit with his fierce looking face was the sleek, smooth brown hair that swayed down to his shoulders. 

This man was Heavenly General Reder.

And for both Heavenly Generals, they would exude a boundless air of confidence and superiority on any other days. 

But as they entered Heavenly General Dara's office, their faces were warped with apprehension.

Neither of the two knew just why Vice Leader Ninu decided to suddenly call them out of the blue. Especially since she would barely contact them previously and would usually talk only with Heavenly General Dara.

Moreover, when she had contacted them, her tone seemed a bit more distant than usuals. 

Both Heavenly General, Adric, and Rede thought she was already in a bad mood before they even met.

And getting to see her indifferent cold expression in person, the thought of her having a bad day only got reinforced in the Heavenly General's minds. 

Alas, there was little they could do about that.

And neither wanted to risk upsetting Vice Leader Ninu even further. So Heavenly General Adric, while not leaving his spot in front of the door, he worked up the nerves to ask,

"Vice Leader.we're surprised you called us down here so suddenly. What do you have planned for us? Huh?.... Where's General Dara?" 

When Heavenly General Adric pointed it out, Rede as well noticed the distinct lack of Dara.

Even while they were walking up to his office, neither of them sensed anyone inside the office beside their Vice Leader. 

Ninu, however, completely ignored his question.

She only pointed to the couch, telling them both, "Come, sit down. Get comfortable; we have a lot to discuss." 

Heavenly General Adric and Rede exchanged a brief look between each other.

Now, they felt some other worrying troubles suddenly happen for their group. Vice Leader Ninu's vague statement only spawned the idea that Heavenly General Dara's missing appearance would undoubtedly relate to what they have to discuss.

So the two Heavenly Generals nodded at Vice Leader Ninu, went over to the couch, and sat down. 

As they sat down, the two Heavenly Generals were becoming increasingly unsure of this meeting.

They have heard from Heavenly General Dara about the strange disappearance of several of their strong members. But they quickly wrote it off as them taking on arduous missions.

However, now, sitting in front of the stone-cold Vice Leader Ninu, both Heavenly Generals quickly piece something far more mysterious is going on. 

Strangely enough, though, even as they sat down, Vice Leader Ninu didn't launch to any explanation. 

For a brief second, complete silence filled the whole room. And at their most confused and unsure state, Heavenly General Rede was the one that opened his mouth to speak. 

But right then, 'Fuuu~.' 

A soothing, hypnotic melody slinked into both Heavenly Generals' ears! Just like what Ninu went through, both Heavenly Generals felt their souls get instantly enraptured.

Indescribable waves of drowsiness suddenly washed over their bodies, making both Heavenly Generals incredibly sleepy. 

"N-No-What." Heavenly General Adric and Rede struggled to stay awake.

But since the mighty fourth level Heavenly Transformation powerhouse couldn't resist the melody sleeping powers, how could mere third levels resist it?

Their souls fell even faster than Ninu's soul. As they fruitlessly struggled to stay awake, neither Heavenly Generals knew just what was going on. 

Their Spirit Sense didn't even spike at death swiftly approaching them.

Ninu waited a split second after the melodic melody played. She felt a slight weariness affect her body, but a strange yet warm energy pulse inside her, protecting Ninu from the drowsiness.

And once at full attention, a savage and slightly sultry grin etched on Ninu's lips. 

She ignited her spatial ring and pulled out a small, platinum design battle axe.

Axe in hand, Ninu's eyes swirled in killing intent. And in that instant, Ninu burst forth her tremendous aura of the fourth level of the Heavenly Transformation realm!

All Heavenly General Adric and Rede felt was their breath stopping as their eyes began to fully close. 

A flash of silver sparked in the slight vision they had, and it was the last sight they would ever see.


In one smooth, swift motion, Ninu swiped her battle axe horizontally and lobbed off both Heavenly Generals' heads! 

Blood gushed out of their decapitated neck like a fountain, painting the whole office in a gory sight.

Up in the air, both Heavenly General Adric and Rede's decapitated head had their eyes closed. Both weren't even given a chance to realize their fierce Vice Leader suddenly betrayed before their lives were quickly taken away.

As both Heavenly Generals head fell to the ground, making a sickening wet thumb. Ninu slowly lowered her battle axe but kept up her Heavenly aura. 

Despite the overwhelming power she was exuding, the current state of the office was still orderly.

Ninu had that much control over her power to dial in at least the range of destruction for small attacks. Only a mere second passed after Ninu killed the Heavenly Generals. 

Suddenly, Ninu felt two rings in her pockets burst.

If it was the Ninu of before, then she would've felt tremendous distraught and crisis over the rings bursting. But current Darkness servant Ninu simply smirked for what's about to come.

Ninu didn't even need to expand her Spirit Sense far before sensing two powerful auras equal to her rapidly approaching this room. 

A second later and a silver aura shined behind the door.

Ninu stood calmly as the silver aura burst through the door, utterly destroying it. And from the wreckage of the door, two men with distraught and panicking expressions appear.

These two men completely fit the bill of being hands and radiating a leader-like aura that made it pleasant to be around them. 

Both men were also wearing the same platinum armor design as Ninu.

But there was one distinct difference between the men. On the left, the man had no kind of silver jewelry around his neck, showcasing his status as essentially equal to Ninu.

This man was the second Vice Leader for the Silver Bloody Hammer group. And his official title was Vice Leader Tiny. 

As for the other man, he was the only one that had a large silver diamond hanging around his neck like a chain.

The silver diamond wasn't for merely cosmetic purposes as well. A strange, captivating aura trickled from the silver diamond, making those that are weaker than he gets lost in its alluring ambiance.

This man was the Leader of the whole Silver Bloody Hammer group. Silver Leader Luga! 

And both leaders were utterly appalled by what they witnessed when breaking into Heavenly General Dara's office.

"Adric, Rede?!" 

On instinct, Silver Leader Luga shouted his confusion, seeing both Heavenly Generals bloody deposited heads on the floor. 

Immediately both Leader and Vice Leader snapped their heads to the only other person living in the room.

And their pupils shrunk to needles sizes. 

Standing like she didn't have a care in the world was their Vice Leader Ninu, holding her iconic small silver battle-ax that dripped with fresh blood.

Even without words, Ninu had a knowing cruel smile on their face, telling her deeds without saying it. 

"N-NINU!!" Both Vice Leader Tiny and Silver Leader Luga roar with feracious killing intent.

Their powerful fourth level Heavenly auras crazily burst out of them, causing a chaos of power to storm the whole room! Both Leader's Heavenly aura crushed down on Ninu in an attempt to suppress her.

But Ninu wasn't the one to stand idly by. Just with the small amount of aura she already is releasing, she could just barely resist both leaders' Heavenly auras. 

"Oooh~? Surprised at my little welcoming gift?"

Ninu fully unleashed her Heavenly aura, violently clashing against the two leaders' Heavenly auras. The clash of several Heavenly King was causing the whole top floor to become a torrent of frenzy power!

Enormous wide cracks burst on the floor and walls, and Heavenly General Dara's room already got thrashed from the collision of Heavenly auras. 

"Tch! Don't hold anything back, Tiny!!" Silver Leader Luga roared to Tiny and ignited his spatial ring. 

At the same time, Vice Leader Tiny also ignited his spatial ring. Both leaders had fished out a colossal silver battle hammer. 

Their Heavenly auras climbed to the peak of their prowess, and both leaders swung their gigantic silver battle hammer down on Ninu. 

Both leaders' speeds were immense, and in just a split second, they would clash with Ninu.

Ninu, however, didn't panic, nor did she feel any danger. 

As, right when they were about to clash, 'Fuuu~.' 

The melodic melody played out once again. And like all victims facing the melody power, both Leaders Luga and Tiny weren't exempt from it.

Their souls got instantly enraptured, causing massive waves of drowsiness to affect their entire beings. They both halted mid movements, and their eyelids drooped half-close.

Although Silver Leader Luga and Tiny were actually a bit better in fending off the melody powers a bit. Their Heavenly souls were just barely resisting it, keeping both men up for longer than any other previous victims.

Ninu saw this, but she knew why they were seemingly doing better than her under the melody powers. She could clearly sense that the melody powers got a bit weaker after continuous and repeated uses.

Ninu, however, didn't try to attack. Because right then, 


The sweet booming voice of Aniela blared out in the whole office. And as expected, a blinding white flashbang covered the entire office.

Vice Leader Tiny and Silver Leader Luga completely froze, utterly defenseless to anything now. The combination of the melody power and Aniela's stunning soul attack was perfect.

And when the two leaders froze, Ninu finally made her move. She felt Darcel's Darkness essence pulse once again in her protecting him from Aniela's flashbang, giving her a perfect opportunity to strike.

Ninu poured a hundred percent of power into her battle axe in one split second, making it glow a radiant silver shine.

She had then plunged her silver shining battle axe deep into Silver Leader Luga's chest, breaking through his platinum armor like it was glass. 

Blood crazily spurted out of his chest, yet Silver Leader Luga didn't react. Even as Ninu's full power wreaked havoc in his body and Heavenly soul, his eyes still stayed in the same half-lidded state. 

And Ninu wasn't going to let this opportunity pass. Ninu quickly lifted her battle axe, holstering Silver Leader Luga up in the air, and she quietly uttered,

"Silver Charge!"


A bright silver beam blasted out from the tip of Ninu's battle axe and sent Silver Leader Luga through the roof! Ninu's silver beam tore their building, blasting Silver Leader Luga all the way up to the skies.

At the same time, Ninu sent Silver Leader Luga to the skies. Yasami had appeared along with Aniela in front of Vice Leader Tiny. 

She had already donned her blue fire fox aura cloak being at full power at the start.

Yasami had also worn her aura claws and had plunged them deep into Vice Leader Tiny's chest, effortlessly shredding through his platinum armor. 

At the frozen, defenseless state Tiny was in, even as Yasami was still a bit weaker than him, none of that mattered now.

Blood pooled out of Vice Leader Tiny, but he too didn't react to the pain. 

Aniela didn't waste a second, and she too fished out her scimitar, tore through Tiny's platinum armor, and stabbed him deep in the gut.

Aniela's scimitar glowed an intense black flame aura as she shouted, "Fiery Slice!" 

At the same time, Yasami's aura claws burst with a raging blue flaming glow, and she exclaimed, "Fox Flames!" 


Aniela's black fire stream and Yasami's blue fire beam burst savagely through Tiny's body. 

Simultaneously, the girls lifted Tiny's body up and shot him through the roof, making him sail to the skies along with Silver Leader Luga.

Ninu, Aniela, and Yasami stared up through the large holes they made in the roof. Debris crumbled from the ceiling, falling on the cracked floor. 

From their Spirit Senses, the girls could tell Silver Leader Luga and Vice Leader Tiny was barely hanging on to a thread of their lives.

Any one of them could easily kill them now, making it seem like the battle was over. 

But an excited grin split on Aniela and Yasami's face. They knew the fun will truly start now!

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