What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 666: A Question For A Question

So… You know how I sometimes wished that I kept my mouth shut about certain things?

I'm afraid that this is one of those times…

I managed to avoid that ttacle wall trap and jumped through the door. But now I realised that the area behind the door was just a small room and nothing else inside it.

What made it worse was the fact that the ttacle wall was still there, blocking the half destroyed doorway that we came in from.

I don't understand… Isn't it a rule for a Dungeon to always have a way down? Like it's actually not possible to seal off a specific floor to prevt Dungeoneers from conquering it, right?

But yet, there's no way out of this room as far as I could see.

I already checked the tire place using [Screed] and ev had everyone check every single nook and cranny for a secret button that might op up a hidd doorway or something.

Yet after searching a for about an hour, we came up empty.

Just what were we supposed to do to continue advancing through the Dungeon?

Hmm… Maybe we need to go back? Perhaps the way forward is somewhere along the corridor we had run through?

I looked back at the ttacle wall that was still blocking the doorway.

Great… So I guess I'll need to destroy that?

Alright th… Let's see what I can do…

I got Eins to stand in front of the wall and got ready to start trying differt spells to see which one might affect the wall.

I've already tried [Laser] on it earlier and it simply burned off a ttacle off instead of piercing through the tire wall. So what else can I use that could break this wall without needing to get close to it?

Well… Let's just start with fire first?

With a mtal command, Eins raised her palm and cast [Fire Blast] on the ttacle wall.

I wasn't really expecting much to happ from this but the flames seemed to cause the ttacles to get ev more aggressive and a few of the ttacles extded out to try and grab Eins.

I managed to react in time and got Shadow Katsuki to intercept the ttacles and cut them down with her daggers before any of them reached Eins.

Wh the fire died down, I could see that there were fewer ttacles on the wall than before and I thought that I found the solution for dealing with the wall.

That is… Until more ttacles grew out and replaced the ones that had be burned off.

I hate this Dungeon.

Just as I was about to wonder how I was about to deal with this, a circular section of the floor in the middle of the room suddly disappeared, creating a hole in the floor.

I leapt back from it and had everyone else gather a me as I watched the hole warily.

There was a short groan before a figure rose up from the g, revealing themselves to be a red skinned… Demoness?

She looked a for a momt before finally spotting us, her lips curling up to a smile as soon as she spotted us.

"Oh wow! So a party really did manage to reach this floor! Hello there! Nice to meet you!"

I mtally commanded everyone to prepare for a fight while asking the demoness, "Who are you? What's going on?"

"What a curious one you are~ How about a deal? A question for a question?"

I narrowed my eyes, "You're asking me to make a deal with a demon?"

"If you want to see it that way, sure~"

"And what's stopping me from just getting the answers I want from you by beating them out of you?"

"My, my, I didn't take you for a violt one. But information freely giv is better than one that is coerced, right?"

"Not wh you don't ev know if the other party is actually telling the truth."

Her smile got a little wider, "Never made a deal with a demon before, have you? You would be happy to know that a deal made will be honoured by the terms laid so you don't need to worry~ If I agreed that I will answer your questions truthfully to the best of my knowledge, I am bound by the deal to do it~ Of course, you would be bound by the same restrictions~"

I frowned, "What kind of question would you ev want to ask me?"

"Oh, if you make the deal with me, you'll know, won't you?"

I'm guessing she's not going to tell me ev if I asked.

I looked at the hole that she came from and she noticed my gaze immediately.

"Oh, if you're wondering, that is indeed a way to get to the next floor~ I can just go ahead and let you know for free that I am capable of closing it up any time I want~ So trying to get past me to dive into the hole is not recommded~"

"And if I answer your question, you'll let me descd to the next floor?"

"My, my~ That sounds like a question to me. Could I assume that this means we have a deal?"

Ugh… She's being that strict I see.

But is it really a good idea to make a deal with a demon? The last demon I met… Well… They wer't exactly in a talking mood so I guess I can't draw comparisons with them…

Oh, speaking of which… I actually forgot to use [Screed] on her because I was so surprised by her appearance.

[Name: Lust Succubus

Race: Demon


00 Strgth

400 Dexterity

0 Endurance

0 Magic]

Huh… Well, she's a demon alright, but I was expecting there to be a lot more information than that.

But I suppose it's good to know that I have a chance of beating her if it comes down to that at least.

I sucked in a breath, "Fine. Let's make a deal. You answer one of my questions truthfully to the best of your ability and I will answer one question of yours just as truthfully as you have. Is that agreeable?"

"My, my, you took the words straight out of my mouth~ It's a deal~"

I felt a wave of what I assume to be magic wash over the area and I knew instinctively that an actual contract was made.

She th smiled at me with a slight tilt of her head, as though waiting for something.

Oh right, she's waiting for me to ask the question.

"Who is the owner of this Dungeon?"

She smirked, "That question right from the start I see? Kukuku~ Well, I suppose you already figured out that someone else has conquered this Dungeon right? It's a little lovely man named Tyler~"

I narrowed my eyes, "And who is he?"

"Tut, tut, that's another question, my dear. You need to answer one of mine first~"

I nodded at her to go ahead and she clasped her hands together in glee, "Now, I wonder~ How did you manage to find the stairs to get to this floor?"

Huh? That's a rather odd question she's asking. I thought for sure she would ask something like how I managed to get past the traps or ev how I managed to get myself Shadow Guards or something.

"I got a succubus to show me the way," I answered her honestly.

Now it was her turn to be surprised, "A succubus showed you the way? How did you get one to do that?"

I smiled and wagged my finger at her, "Tut, tut, that sounds like another question to me, doesn't it? Shouldn't you be answering one of mine before I do?"

She smirked at me, "Yes, I should. So how did you get one to do that?"

I was about to point out that she didn't answer my question yet wh I realised what she did.

Fuck! I should be careful not to phrase my words as questions th…

Biting back a curse, I answered, "I seduced one into submission."

She blinked at me for a momt but th said nothing.

Ev I could tell that she wanted to ask me how I did it but she knew I wasn't going to answer that until I get an answer for my own question.

I decided to change the question I wanted to ask, "What is your relationship with Tyler and this Dungeon?"

"Oh my~ How forward~ I must apologise if you plan to take me for yourself but I'm afraid that I am merely just a summoned demoness that he has brought here to help him manage this Dungeon for him~ So you could say that I am the manager of this place~"

I nodded to show that I understood and that she should ask her next question

She took a momt to smile at me and straighted herself, "Now… How big is your cock?"


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