What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 667: Remember To Conclude Your Deals

"What?" I blurted out inadverttly from the question.

She smiled at me, "Oh, did I not say my question clear ough? I asked how big is your cock?"

"Why are you ev asking a question like that?"

"Tut, tut. We agreed to answer each other's questions truthfully. Not deflect questions with another question."

I scowled at her but that only made her smile ev wider.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully. I never measured it after all.

Her smile disappeared for a momt before coming back again, "Very well. What other questions do you have?"

"How do I get to the next floor without relying on the hole you made?"

"Oh my, already looking to leave? Well that's a simple one. You just need to get swallowed up by the ttacles over there."

I narrowed my eyes at her and she smirked at me.

I know that she knew I wanted to ask her to explain but that would be another question by itself so I have to answer another one of her questions before I could get the explanation.

She tilted her head slightly, "What deal did you make with the succubi to allow you to get to the stairs unharmed?"

I grimaced before I answered, "I had to spank her to death."

She looked at me.

I looked back at her.

Both of us said nothing for a good long minute as she processed what I told her while I came to terms with how ridiculous that sounded.

I cleared my throat, "Explain how letting the ttacles swallow me would bring me to the next floor and what will happ to me once they do."

"Oh? That sounds like two questions to me, doesn't it?"

"Yes it does, now you owe me an additional answer."

I thought she might get pissed at being tricked but surprisingly, she giggled, "Fufufu~ I suppose you are right. Well th… The ttacles were supposed to catch you and suck you into a tunnel which would slide you down to another room."

Her smile th turned lewd, "That room is filled with ev more ttacles and you would be repeatedly raped by them for an tire day before they released you back outside where you would find the stairs~"

I frowned at her and was about to ask another question before I stopped myself.

The demoness seemed to find that amusing before she gestured to Eins and the others, "Now I suppose I should address the main issue. Who are they?"

"My companions."

"Hmm… I suppose I walked right into that one. Very well."

"Is having a forced loss evt to get to the next floor ev allowed?"

"Forced loss evt? Ah, I understand. That's not exactly true because if you're strong ough, you could break free from the ttacles and save yourself from being raped~"

Tsk… Basically git gud or get rekt.

She th nodded once more at my companions, "How are you able to create more than one Shadow Summon at a time?"

She knew.

I looked her in the eye, "I don't know."

"Really now? That's interesting."

I clapped my hands together, "Alright, that's all I need to know. I'm concluding the deal we made."

She narrowed her eyes slightly, "Are you sure you want to do that?"

"Why? Are you going to do something to me if I do?"

"My, my, I thought you would have more questions for me. You do know that this is the only time where I would answer your questions truthfully, right?"

"Doesn't matter to me, I know what I need to know already."

"Fufufu, Very well th~"

She th stepped towards the hole, preparing to leave this floor.

Eins immediately shot a [Static Bolt] at her to try and stop her.

A transluct shield th materialised in front of her to block the projectile, the surface of the shield shimmering like water wh the magic hit it.

"Oh my, how interesting~ They seem to be autonomous too! Now you've really piqued my interest! You're way more interesting than Tyler~ Would you const to me taking you down with me to play with?"

"No," I answered her immediately.

She pouted at me, "Really? But I promise it'll feel good for you though? Are you sure?"

"I should be asking if you would let me use that hole to advance to the next floor or I would beat you up."

"How violt~ I'm afraid that I will have to say no to that~ This would be too easy for you~"

"What if we made a deal?"

That got her atttion and she smiled at me, "A deal you say? That's interesting~ What can you offer me to grant you passage to the next floor?"

"It's a simple deal. I don't punch your face in and you let me go to the next floor using that."

"Kukukuku~ That's an interesting proposal~ But I'm afraid that is not ev a remotely fair deal for me~ Anything else you would like to offer?"

"You're going to regret not taking that offer."

"Sure I am~ Well good luck with the ttacles th, my dear~"

She hopped into the hole without another word and the hole started to close itself.

I immediately summoned a new Shadow Guard near the hole and had her grab onto the edges, pulling at it with all her strgth to prevt it from closing up.

Everyone else th used [Link Portal] to teleport themselves to the hole to help her as it still continued to close despite her intervtion.

I finished draining the mana from a Mana Crystal I took out before I summoned a portal under me and found myself dropping in it, the exit point of the portal being directly above the hole so I dropped inside it before it closed.

Once I was through, I called back everyone into my shadow and they instantly disappeared from above the hole and joined up with me.

The hole brought me into a space that was completely filled with darkness with a small circle of light at the very bottom, which I guessed must be the exit.

The fall continued for a while and I got ready to release the wings from my back, just in case I needed them to slow down my desct.

I angled myself towards the light and dove through it before immediately oping my wings, slowing myself down to observe my surings.

I was in another room where the walls were made of ttacles and there were two ways out of the room in the shape of two doors on both sides of the room.

That meant this wasn't a boss room at least.

The demoness from earlier was nowhere to be found so either she had already left or the hole worked differtly for her.

I called out my party again and they appeared from my shadow, assembling themselves a me in the standard formation.

Hmm… The fact that the walls were still ttacles meant that I should at least be on a lower floor instead of a higher one.

But which door should I go through?

Ehhh… Ey, mey, miny, moe!

Guess I'm going to the right side door th.

I led my party towards the door and let Shadow Odeta reach to op the door.

But wh her hand got close to the door handle, it suddly melted away and a single eye oped up on the surface of the door.

The eye moved down and looked at our group, regarding it siltly before suddly closing and a mouth appeared below the eye.

"Hey… Hey you there… Psst! Come closer!"

Ok… First we have demons appearing from the Dungeon floor and the next we have a transforming door with an eye and mouth… Probably not the weirdest thing I have se in this World but this is definitely weird.

I took a few steps back, prepared to leave and try the other door instead.

But the eye oped again and saw me leaving before it started to panic.

"Wait! Wait! I'm not anyone suspicious! I know how this looks but I need your help! You're Dungeoneers right?"

I paused, "I'm talking to a weird wood door with a giant eye and mouth… You're going to need to do better to convince me that you're not suspicious…"

"I'm a Dungeoneer just like you! I'm trapped by a demon and she's using me to control the Dungeon! I need someone to free me!"


I pointed at him, "You're Tyler ar't you?"

The eye wided slightly and the door rattled seemingly from excitemt, "Wait! You know me? How did you know?"

"I think I met the demon you're talking about. Red skin, horns and tail, right? A Lust Succubus? Summoned by you after you conquered the Dungeon?"

"Yes, yes! That's the bitch! I summoned her and she tricked me and locked me up! I need someone to save me from the outside because she has be using-- Aaaahhhh!!!"

His words were suddly cut off by a scream before the eye and mouth disappeared, the door transforming back to a normal wood door.

What just happed?

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