Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Huge thanks to Josh, Hyoi, and Darika, for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[Location: Mansion, Outside Mystic Falls] [3rd POV]

[Later that day] - [Late Night]

After finishing her talk with Emma, Talia had returned home. Emma had given Talia her number so that she could call her when she was finished with enrolling her. Talia was pretty surprised with how easy it was, but Emma promised that she would do most of the paperwork. Talia also noticed that Emma had not once talked about talking with Alaric, making her realize that Emma was about to do this behind the man's back. Probably as some sort of prank.

Their talk had continued on for a while with Talia giving Emma a brief explanation on her Tier magic, but it was incredibly brief. This was due to her not actually having a ton of knowledge on the magics yet, and she didn't really want to explain this type to her. Emma had shown interest in seeing her magics herself, which led to Talia showing off a simple lumos and a create water tier 1 spell.

The talk didn't last much longer after that as Emma had to return to the school. But Talia did get a wave goodbye from Emma and the kids. Seems that some of them had noticed her usage of magic.

The fact that she was now officially being enrolled into the school, led to the completion of her quest, which was what she was looking at right now.

[Quest Complete]

Get out of the damn house! - Go to Mystic Falls and find Emma Tig who is visiting the town with some of the younger students. Convince her to enroll you into the Salvatore school. And stop being such a loner! - Rewards: All tier 2 spells [Claim?]

'From what I remember, there weren't very many tier two spells that were explained or shown in the anime. So this is probably not going to give me much in terms of power, but I guess it could be worse, it could be some useless dogshit like the lockhart books' Thought Talia, grunting in annoyance as she remembered how terrible those books actually were.

"System, claim the rewards" Talia said, wanting to see the actual extent of spells she was gaining. She doubted it was going to be all that good, as she didn't remember any notable spells from tier 2. Most of the spells she remembered were in tier 5 and above.

[All Tier 2 Spells consumed]

At this, an influx of knowledge entered Talia's brain. Just as she guessed, the spells were rather underwhelming, most of them could be very easily replicated with her wizard, but there were a few that were actually pretty good. Cure disease allows her to cure most average diseases except stronger ones, like ones magical in nature.

The rest of the spells were mostly useless, but a couple could actually cause some damage. Thunderlance and Acid arrow were the two main ones that could prove pretty useful, at least for now. They were only really helpful due to the metamagic spells that she had, like triplet magic.

"Now that I am enrolling into the school, the only things I really have to worry about are the reactions of Hope and Alaric. Alaric should be fine as Emma will probably vouch for me. But Hope....she's a bit harder to convince. I doubt she'd be able to stop me from coming into the school, but she can potentially be rather suspicious of me which will get annoying very quickly"

'This is all under the assumption that Hope is roughly the same as in canon, for all I know she could be different. Guess I'll just have to wait and see, and not worry so much about what she and others think of me. It's not like any of them could actually do anything to me, in terms of magic at least' Talia thought, she knew that worrying about the thoughts of others were pointless, but she couldn't help herself in regards to a situation like this one.

She doubts there is anyone in the world that could actually threaten her magical capabilities. The only ones that could be annoying are the gods, but even they are not that powerful. And quite frankly, she doesn't really care much for them as characters. By the time they appear, she would probably be more than enough to decimate them anyways.

'There's roughly four days until canon begins, and I probably have to wait another day or two before officially being enrolled by Emma. It's Monday today, so hopefully they will have me enrolled by Wednesday or so. She didn't want to enroll too late, and would much rather join before canon begins.

Looking outside Talia sighed as she got up and prepared to go to sleep. It was nearly midnight, and while she didn't need to sleep, she preferred to. Getting up, Talia finished her nightly routines, before she flopped onto her bed, and fell asleep shortly after.

[The next day]

Groaning at the sunlight beaming into her eyes, Talia waved her hand which shut the curtains. 'God I hate waking up in the morning'

Getting up, Talia began her morning routine, before walking downstairs. Looking at the time she huffed when she noticed it was 8 in the morning. 'I should have just went back to sleep'

Talia flopped onto the sofa, still in her pajamas. Turning on the TV, Talia nearly jumped when her phone began to ring. The caller I.D was "Emma Tig"

Seeing this Talia grinned before answering the phone "Good morning Ms Tig"

On the other side of the phone, Emma smiled "Good Morning Talia. I am calling to inform you that your enrollment into the Salvatore school has officially gone through. A room has already been found, and all I need is for you to come here in person and move in. Do you want to start today or tomorrow?"

Talia, hearing this hummed in thought, thinking over whether or not she wants to go today or tomorrow, eventually she decided "I'll come in today, do I need to be there by a specific time?"

"No, but I'd suggest coming in soon so that you can get a proper introduction to the school. As well as meet the Headmaster, Mr. Saltzman" Emma replied.

"Well alright then, I'll be there in an hour or two. Will I be allowed to bring and use my wand, and my own type of magic?" Asked Talia, as it was a genuine concern to her. She'd rather not be barred from using her actual magic that she was skilled in. Because while she was rather sure she could learn the magic of this world, she'd rather not have them attempt to limit her to it.

"Of course, I don't see any reason to ban you from using the magic that you created" Emma replied, not seeing any reason to ban her from such a thing. The only reason she would do that is if it would harm others, but Talia had completely gotten rid of those worries yesterday during her talk. Talia had ended up explaining that she had thorough, pretty much perfect, control over her own magic, meaning she wouldn't accidentally harm anyone with them. "Thank you Ms. Tig, this truly means a lot to me" Which was true, Talia was happy that she finally had something to do besides sit in a dungeon for hours on end. Speaking of a dungeon, she knew that her prestige dungeon would be usable again, but she also knew that it would probably be the last time she does it, as she doubts the system would simply allow her to spam it over and over.

"It is my pleasure Talia, and please call me Emma. I shall see you later okay?" Emma said, preferring that Talia simply call her by her name.

"Okay, I will see you later Emma" Replied Talia, as they both canceled the call.

"Well then...I guess it is time to pack" Talia said.

And pack she did. For the next hour she went through her closet, grabbing clothes she would wear, while also grabbing other things she would want to bring with her. While doing this, she realized that she didn't actually have many personal belongings, besides clothes at least.

She managed to fit all the clothes into a singular suitcase. She didn't need to bring anything besides clothes anyways. She already had all her important items on her person, or in her

inventory.n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

Walking up to her front door, looked over her form, nodding in appreciation. The invisibility cloak was back into its jacket form, while she also had a comfortable top on, that allowed those who looked closely to see her very evident abs. Said abs had appeared and grown into a

six pack after she had become a Tier mage.

Walking into her garage, she decided on a different car this time.

From her knowledge it was literally one of the fastest cars in the world. Why it was in her

garage she didn't know, but she honestly didn't really care very much. Hopping into the thing

she sighed at the surprisingly comfortable seats.

Turning the engine on, she grinned "God I love cars"

Pulling out of the garage, she looked back, taking one last look at her home, before driving

off. Leaving the home she had stayed in for her entire time in this world, and probably the last

time she would be there for quite some time.

After a little over 15 minutes, she finally got close to the school. 'This is probably the most excited I have been for something in a long time'

Turning, Talia pulled up to the currently open gate, and pulled into the driveway of the front

of the school. Her car had gotten a lot of reactions, particularly from the younger kids who

looked at it with slight childish awe.

[5 minutes ago, inside the school]

"Emma, what is this about a newly enrolled student?" Alaric Saltzman, the headmaster of the

Salvatore boarding school asked. He had been doing his usual duties, which involved a lot of paperwork, when he noticed the enrolment papers of someone new. Which he definitely hadn't looked at, it was also signed off by one "Emma Tig"

"Ah that, she was a young woman that wished to enroll, and after speaking with her, I

enrolled her" Emma said.

Alaric hearing this rubbed his forehead "Emma you can't just enroll someone without talking with me, I don't even know her name, what species she is apart of, or even her age" "Her name is Talia Morningstar, she is a witch, and is 17. She is also an absolute genius in

magic. Trust me Alaric, it would have been a mistake to not enroll her into this school" Emma replied, completely shutting down Alaric's complaints.

"And what of her parents or guardians? I didn't see any signatures besides your own" Alaric asked, while noting that Emma had called her a genius, which she has never once called a student a "Genius", while she has called them gifted, it was never to that level. "...that is the other point of her joining, she needs this place, in the same way Hope does. I did

some looking into her background, and Talia has no one. No family, no friends, nothing. She needs this place just as much as Hope does, and I believe they might be good friends due to their similarities" Emma said, a slight look of sadness on her face.

Emma didn't let Alaric speak before continuing "She has been living on her own for 7 years, and I was the first human contact she had had in over 7 years. She had seemed truly happy when speaking about magic, and about learning magic. I believe it would be a horrible mistake to deny her enrollment into this place, especially not with the magic she has created" "...She's been alone for 7 years? No one checked on her? No CPS, no one? What exactly do you mean by "Magic she has created?"" asked Alaric, a look of worry on his face after hearing of Talia's past.

"None. I do not know how or why no one noticed, but it does not matter. What matters is that

she wishes to be enrolled into this place, and that we allow her to. The magic she has created is unlike anything we know of, and quite frankly, I do not think she showed me even a fraction

of what it can actually do" Emma replied, trying her best to convince Alaric to allow the


"...Fine, she can enroll. BUT, I want to see her using this magic. When will she be here?" Alaric


"Hmm, I do believe she will be here any moment. And I am sure she'd be more than happy to show off her magic to you" Emma said with a smile, remembering the enthusiasm Talia

showed in regards to magic.

Sighing at this, Alaric got up "Alright, who should I have do the tour?"

"Why not have Lizzie, Josie, and Hope do it? While you and I tag along?"

"I don't see why we can't, but why all three of them and us?" Asked Alaric.

"I think it may give you more insight into the type of person Talia is. And I believe it may give

her three new friends and vice versa" Replied Emma, who had created a note and sent it off via

a bit of magic. After a minute or two, the three girls had walked into the office.

"Daddy what's so important, I was in the middle of doing my makeup" Asked Lizzie, the

siphoner witch daughter of Alaric Saltzman, Caroline Forbes, and Josette Laughlin. A member

of a rather...complicated family.

"It's literally noon, why are you doing your makeup so late?" Asked Hope. The tribrid daughter of Klaus Mikaelson the original hybrid, and Hayley Marshall. Hearing this. Josie Saltzman, the twin sister of Lizzie, rolled her eyes slightly. Hearing the two beginning to bicker again. Which has long since been a regular occurrence. "Well some of us care about the way we look, Hope" Lizzie said with a roll of her eyes.

Hearing the arguing Alaric sighed "Alright, alright enough arguing. The reason I called you here is because we have a new and rather...special student" "Special how?" Asked Josie. Hope and Lizzie also looked interested in what was so special about the new student, and how that had anything to do with them. "Well...besides the fact that she is a witch, is 17, and her name is Talia Morningstar, I don't

actually know. I only found out, five minutes ago" Alaric said, giving a pointed look at Emma.

Emma just smiled "She is also a genius witch, is Australian, is quite wealthy, and has a deep love for magic"

"How wealthy is quite wealthy?" asked Hope. She found herself interested in this new girl, as Emma seemed to care quite a bit about the unknown teen.

"As she has described it "Enough that she could buy literally anything she wanted" I am not

sure how wealthy that makes her, but I am quite sure that she is well off"

Hearing this Alaric nodded, the more he knew about this mysterious teen, the more

interesting she became.

"And I'm guessing you want me to give her a tour?" asked Hope.

"Nope, all five of us are going to" Replied Alaric.

"Why all five of us? I get me and Josie, but why Hope? And why you and Emma?" Asked Lizzie,

looking both annoyed and confused.

"That is because I believe she might be a good friend for the three of you. I also think that her

knowledge of magic might be rather interesting to all five of us" Emma responded, having already expected this sort of response from Lizzie.

"I get that she is a witch, but she is the same age as us, she can't be that special of a witch, can

she?" Hope looked at Emma while saying this. Not seeing what was particularly special about her. All the while Josie was silently listening, thinking about this new mysterious student. "She is special because she has personally created two entirely new classes of magic, entirely

unique and different from ours" Hearing this the three girls showed a look of surprise. "Okay you should have led with that" Hope said, understanding why she was so special now. Creating an entirely new area of magic wasn't something even witches that were decades old could do, and yet this new girl did it twice in only a few years.

"I suggest we get to the entrance, she should be here in a few moments" Emma said, while

walking to the door.

Hearing this, the twins glanced at one another before following after Emma, while Alaric and

Hope walked besides one another. "Are you sure about enrolling her?" asked Hope. "Nope, but Emma seems to trust her, so I'll trust her for now" Walking out they stood together for a minute or so before the sound of a car engine entered

their ears. Looking forward they watched as a black and orange looking bugatti roll up.

Back with Talia, she pulled the car up before parking it. Leaning back she sighed, "Time to face the music"

Opening the car door, she ignored the looks she was getting from the nearby students, before

getting out of the car. Several eyes widened at the sight of her, but none more than Hope


'What...what is this feeling?' Wondered Hope, while she looked at the new girl with a look of slight awe. As her werewolf instincts were going crazy at the sight of the new girl.

On Talia's side however, she was struggling not to show a reaction at what appeared in front

of her. [Hidden Quest Complete]

Meet Hope Mikaelson for the first time - Reward: All Tier 3 spells and ???????? bond


Find out what this bond with Hope is, and why she feels so strange around you - Reward: ?????????

'What the fu-'

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And that's the end of that chapter. Sorry if some of the characters seem OOC, I am trying my

best to make them accurate personalities, but it is rather difficult.

Any guesses what this bond is? Before anyone worries, this does not affect either of them in

any way, besides a feeling of protectiveness over one another, and a want to be close to one another. Talia has enough mental fortitude to resist it if need be.

It should be decently obvious what it is. It is also something I have seen in plenty of other

fanfics, and I thought to add it into this one. I'll give a proper explanation for it, once it is revealed. If you don't like what this entails, then you are welcome to leave. Next chapter will be the tour, her getting to know Hope, and her meeting her roommate.

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