Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Huge thanks to ApexAlphaNinja for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[Location: Mansion, Outside Mystic Falls] [3rd POV]

[1 Week 2 days Later]

It had been a week since Talia had gotten her new class and maxed out her wizard class, and nothing much had happened. The only thing she did during this time was refine her spells, master her control over her animagus forms, and had even gone into the prestige zombie dungeon 2 times, going from level 41 to 55. The dungeon had a one day cooldown after completion, otherwise she would have grinded her class up to level 100. Due to this, her Overlord racial class had been maxed out.

Technically she could now do Tier 5 spells, sadly she hadn't unlocked any just yet.

Watching tv Talia sighed out loud "Who knew being a normal human was so bloody boring. All I want to do is learn magic or something, but nooo I have to wait. Damn system and its attempts at balance" Talia huffed out.


Get out of the damn house! - Go to Mystic Falls and find Emma Tig who is visiting the town with some of the younger students.

Convince her to enroll you into the Salvatore school. And stop being such a loner! - Rewards: All tier 2 spells

"Hey! I will have you know that I am a perfectly normal person, so what if I haven't seen another living being in over a week, and so what if I haven't had a conversation with another human being once in this new life!...ookay maybe I do need to get out..." Talia said with a sweatdrop, as she realized just how long it has been since she has actually talked to someone that wasn't the system.

Getting up Talia began to get ready to leave, it was pretty nice out today so she kept her cloak as the jacket it has been for a while. She also grabbed her phone, and one of her various sets of car keys.

On her fourth day here she ended up touring her mansion a bit more, and noticed she had quite the collection of cars. She also was informed of her driver's license, hence she was able to even do this. Otherwise she would have to fly there or some shit.

"Which one of you beauties should I take? Oh, I know! Eeny, meeny miny moe "Talia eeny meeny miny moe'd her choice. She ended up picking one of the various older beauties.

Climbing into Bertha as she dubbed the car, she started its engine, resulting in the roar of the engine. "God I love my new life" Talia said with glee as she listened to the purr of the engine. Pressing the garage door button, she drove the car through, closed the garage door, and drove off.

Mystic Falls was actually a decent bit away from her home. Roughly 15 minutes at that. Popping on some music Talia leaned back and bobbed her head to the song as she drove to Mystic Falls.

"Considering Emma is with the younger kids, they are probably at the park. Or maybe a tour of the town. Mystic Falls isn't exactly big, so finding her shouldn't be the hardest. I'll just have to wait until they take a break or something...god I sound like a creep" Talia shivered at how she sounded.

The sounds of Playing God (Polyphia) emanated through the car as she continued her drive. Rock and Metal being Talia's favorite genre of music.

'Hopefully she's accepting enough that she will allow me to join the school. I doubt it will be that hard, especially if I show off some of my unique magic. Alaric is going to be the only real problem though, he'll probably be rather suspicious of me...to be fair I am pretty damn suspicious'

"I guess I could go the donation route. If Alaric was to know that I am a literal multi- billionaire, and am probably richer than the Mikaelsons, I doubt he will deny my enrollment. If he even denies me in the first place" Talia said with a thoughtful expression on her face. She knew that Alaric was a pretty skeptical person in regards to certain people, but she also knows that he is a rather kind man. He's a horrible headmaster, but not really a bad person. Besides him the only other person she would have to really worry about was Hope. As Hope was a rather...interesting person all things considered.

'Hope might actually be the biggest hurdle in joining the school. She isn't exactly the most trusting individual. Which...I can't say I blame her considering the horrible shit that has happened to her' thought Talia, a sad sigh escaping her as she remembers the things that have happened to her.n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

And while she hadn't watched the entirety of the Originals, she knew enough to know that a lot of horrible things had happened to Hope, and that she had lost a lot of people. There's also the fact that the family Hope does have, seem to have all but forgotten about her, except Freya. The other's just borderline neglect her.

"Agh then there is that wet sock of a person, Landon. He was one of the only people in the show that actually annoyed the piss out of me. He just was so bloody useless! Not to mention his dull and boring personality" Talia grunted out, remembering how boring and dogshit of a character Landon actually was. She expected his actual self to be just as boring/annoying.

Finally, after a little over ten minutes of driving Talia was greeted with a rather famous sight that brought out a lot of nostalgia from her.

Driving for a few more minutes, she pulled into the actual town itself. Famous clock tower, mystic grill, and all.

Pulling into the parking lot across from the Mystic Grill, she turned the car off and leaned back in her chair with a sigh. She noticed almost immediately the stares her car was receiving. The other thing she noticed was that on a single bench within the park, sat the person she was looking for, Emma Tig.

The witch guidance counselor was currently looking after a group of children that were running around, playing tag and whatnot. Seeing that Emma was currently looking after the Salvatore school's younger children, Talia knew that interacting with her wouldn't be too difficult, as all the children were preoccupied with playing.

"She seems weaker than I was expecting. Huh, I guess being an overlord wizard would make me pretty overpowered in comparison to a normal witch like Emma" Talia could partially sense the magic from Emma, and it was actually pretty weak...like almost laughably so. "Hopefully not all the teachers are so weak. But...she is a pretty nice person, so I guess I can't be too disappointed"

Talia sighed one last time, before slowly moving and opening the car door. Seeing the car door opening, several of the park's residents glanced at the person stepping out. Several of the highschool students, who were no doubt skipping school, whistled at the sight of her. 'God I forgot how creepy some highschool boys can get...it's like I am being checked out and judged at the same time' Talia thought, trying not to show her annoyance on her face. Slowly, Talia walked towards where Emma was sitting. Talia already had an idea about how to approach this, but she couldn't help but cringe as she realized how overwhelmingly awkward this was about to be.

Walking up to the side of the bench, Talia began to speak "Um...Hello, are you Emma Tig?" Hearing this Emma turned to Talia, and smiled softly "Yes I am, and you are?" "Talia Morningstar, I was wondering if I could speak with you about something? It is kinda important" Talia said. Hearing this Emma raised an eyebrow, and motioned for Talia to sit. "What is it you would like to speak about?" Emma said, a look of curiosity crossing her face. "The school you work in, more specifically, whether or not I can enroll in it" Talia said, as she moved and sat down next to the woman.

Hearing this Emma looked slightly surprised, before she replied "I'm sorry, but we are not accepting any new students"

Talia, hearing this just smiled slightly "Even if said person that wishes to join is a witch?"

Upon hearing this, Emma's eyes widened slightly, a look of surprise crossing her face. Before Emma could reply, Talia began to speak again.

"Look, I know that your school is meant for supernatural children, and I know that you work there, and that you are a witch. I have nothing else to do besides practice my magic at home, and I haven't had any proper schooling, so...I was hoping to enroll and maybe learn, and maybe even make some friends" Talia said. She genuinely meant this, as she had begun to realize that she was becoming too much of a loner. She was also hoping to learn something new, as the magic from this world was a pretty interesting type to her. While not really all that strong in most cases, she knew it had some pretty useful spells here and there. Plus, she found that she really enjoyed learning and practicing new magic. Emma hearing this softly smiled in...sympathy? "I see, and what of your parents?"

Talia, hearing this, sighed, already expecting this question. "...long dead. As is the rest of my family. I've been alone as long as I can remember, and after hearing of your school, I thought maybe it would do me some good"

Emma's smile lowered into a look of concern "And how long have you lived alone?"

Talia looked ahead at the children playing tag "Since I was 10, so...for a little over 7 years"

Emma's look of concern deepened, as she realized that Talia has been alone, for an unhealthy amount of time. "And you haven't been contacted by anyone?"

Talia could already see how this was going. It was Emma's councilor's side coming out. "Nope, no one has come to see me, and this is the first time I have left my house in over 7


Emma sighed softly "...I see. And what of your needs? Like food and water, schooling?" Talia couldn't help but inwardly chuckle. The fact that Talia had someone worried about her wellbeing was strangely nice, even in her past life, she rarely had others worried about her in this way. She was happy that Emma was exactly as kind as she was expecting.

"It's all grown on the property, and water has never been something I have worried about. I learnt everything from online and self study"

Emma decided that, that was enough questioning for now, noticing that Talia was beginning to get uncomfortable with the questioning. "Seeing as you wish to enroll, what sorts of magic

have you learned?"

Talia smiled at the question, more than happy to talk about magic "The magics I learn is a bit...different. I guess you can call it a separate class of magic, inherently different from the magic that normal witches learn."

Seeing this, Emma looked slightly surprised, because while she knew there were plenty of types of magic, it was rather rare to see them, especially from someone so young. "And what makes them so special?" Emma asked, genuinely curious.

"Well, the first type of magic I have learned is done primarily through a sort of magical focus,

in my case, a wand. It lets me do spells far quicker than any normal witch, for cheaper, and with more control. But the downside is that the spells cannot be learned by any normal witch, and they are usually pretty weak" Talia said.

Emma smiled as Talia all but rambled about her magic, while listening thoroughly to Talia's explanation. Emma was quite surprised with the explanation. Finding the differences between their magics to be far more interesting than she was expecting.

"This type of magic is also much more.....accepting. Certain spells that would be classified as black magic for witches, doesn't in my type....I guess that is a bit of a downside too." Talia continued, finding that she enjoyed talking about magic.

"And doing this black magic won't affect your mental state?" Emma asked, finding that Talia's magic was more and more unique as she listened.

"Nope. None of them actually affect the user mentally. But that is how most magic is, it just

matters the intent the user has when using it. Even normal magic can be considered black magic if used in the right way" Talia replied, shaking her head at Emma's question. Emma nodded, agreeing with Talia on the way black magic works. "And you said that you have to use this...wand to do this magic?"

"Ah yes, normally a person would have to use a wand in order to properly use this magic, but I can do it wandlesly and wordlessly. But I guess I am a special case" "And how does one make a wand?" Emma asked. She found that Talia was much more comfortable when speaking of magic, she also wanted to know more about Talia's class of

magic. "Well...that is rather dependent on how strong you want the wand to be. For a half decent want you have to have a decent type of wood to make it out of, and a wand core. Cores are the most important parts of the wand, as without them the wand wouldn't work. These cores are usually from special creatures, like my wand for example, is said to have the wand core made

from a thestral tail hair. A sort of magic horse that only those who have seen death can see" Talia explained, giving a rather detailed explanation on the way wands were made, from what

she knew at least.

"That is....impressive" Emma said, looking more and more impressed as she heard about the

magic that Talia uses.

Talia was only willing to speak so much on her magic, because she knew none of the witches

from this world would be able to properly learn it. Not to the same extent as her at least. She was also confident enough in herself that she could talk about her magic. Plus, she knew that Emma wouldn't do anything bad with the knowledge.

"And how did you learn this magic?" Emma asked, realizing that Talia couldn't possibly have learned this much on her own. Oh how wrong she was.

"Well...I guess I made both classes of magic I use" Talia replied. Technically she wasn't

wrong, in this world she was the creator of these magics. While Harry Potter did technically exist in this world as a movie, it was drastically different from the canonical version, and was actually quite bad in comparison. The same could be said for Twilight...although even the movies from her world were pretty bad.

Emma looked at Talia with a shocked expression on her face "You...you made it?"

"Yep, it took me a while, but after a lot of testing and messing around with my magic, I

managed it. The second class is way harder though, I have barely even done anything with it" Talia replied, technically still telling the truth...sorta.

Sighing Emma chuckled softly "Talia, the more I hear of your magics, the more I know that

you will certainly be enrolling in our school. You are only 17 and yet you have already done so much, more than just about anyone your age"

"Well...I am still way behind them in what is considered normal magic. But, does this mean you will enroll me?" Talia asked, a hopeful look crossing her face. "While that is true, the fact that you made your own to make up for that difference, is truly

remarkable. I will have to get proof of your ability to do magic, but yes, I do believe you will

be enrolled into the school" Emma replied, a smile on her face, as she watched a smile break out onto Talia's face. Talia grinned "Thank you Ms. Tigg, you won't regret this!"

Emma chuckled "I am sure I won't. Now, what is this other class of magic that is so difficult?"

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Well that is that, this chapter was decently long. Could have been longer, but I think I ended it

on a good spot. Next chapter will be her getting her next tier of magic, and probably enrolling into the school!

Emma Tig is a character I don't know a ton about, so, sorry if her personality is a bit off. I tried

my best with her, but she doesn't have a lot to work with. I am not the best writer out there and do it for fun, while trying my best at the same time. Writing personalities is especially difficult with characters that aren't shown often, or are

rather complex, like Hope. So please bear with me if their personalities are different/change around.

Talia will probably enroll just a few days before canon begins. As I want her to interact with Hope and co before the wet sock appears. Hope might be a bit annoying for a bit as she isn't

the most trusting person in the world, which is sort of a given, considering the sheer amount of crap she has gone through.

I am going to try and keep uploading chapters between every day, to every 2-3 days. I am

going to make sure to upload at LEAST 2 chapters a week (for each book). I have school, and

other things going on, but I will make sure to warn all of you if I can't upload for whatever


I also take holidays off, like Christmas. Which I am sure all of you understand why. Please point out any mistakes within this chapter!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.