Ultimate Gacha System: Reborn Into A Crazy Fantasy

Chapter 107: In the Northern Star Continent, Arran Abyssal

Chapter 107: In the Northern Star Continent, Arran Abyssal

It took Aleron one hour to absorb all the knowledge of magic books despite using this extraordinary method to absorb the knowledge of multiple books at once.

These books were an accumulation of refined arcane knowledge gathered over centuries, and since Aleron was able to comprehend all the knowledge, his ability to design skills and the speed to design would increase drastically.

Fortunately, Primordial Genome Whispere had also developed his brain in a better way, and since his physical stats had increased by 500%, he didn't feel much strain digesting a large amount of knowledge concurrently due to the higher agility of his brain.

This was also why he could maintain a 1500-kilometer radius Monitor Dome while also working to mark people and teleport Xorgs for over three hours straight.

"Alright, I'm finally done," Aleron grinned and descended while the last book returned to its shelf.

Roxen, Rias, and Aleron left the library and arrived at the lively area of the academy-the academy town.

It had various magic and combat activities for students, a student market for the stuff they collect from exploring the Labyrinth, and a place to show off for the strong.

However, Aleron, Rias, and Roxen were only here to relax and rest as per Aleron's request. He wanted to eat something new and also contact Arran'tel to learn things about the Northern Star continent. As such, the trio went to a relatively peaceful cafe situated in a big fat tree trunk that was 20 meters in radius and designed cutely yet aesthetically.


Northern Star Continent.

This humongous continent larger than Lightdusk Continent was ruled by only three big forces.

-Beast Empire-Beast Emperor Ragha

-Beast Sanctuary House Beast Head Alyesia.

-Monster Paradise Guild - Monster Head Nerathi.

These three factions ruled the entire continent and its billions of population, but there was one major problem.


The beastfolks were superior races who could turn from the beast form into a humanoid form, but for a normal monster to do that, it had to reach Ascension rank lifeform or trigger transformation by sheer innate talent and innate intelligence in Primeval-rank or Exceed- rank lifeform, but this was super rare.

Once upon a time when this Ardentia world thrived with abundant resources and produced Ascension-rank powerhouses, those powerful Beastfolk had made families everywhere and created lots of clans.

That was why the number of Beastfolks peaked at 10 billion. However, it has been in a steady decline since then after Ascension-rank Beastfolks left the world or died while the resources gradually dried.

At the moment, the number of Beastfolks is only 3 billion. Of course, the normal-form beasts and monsters were still abundant, and Beastfolks had a mutual or master-servant relationship with them.

Some beastfolks had pets and mounts, while others had contracts, but only with powerful beasts of Exceed-rank and above.

Five hundred years ago, Beast Emperor Ragha's father invaded the Lightdusk continent for resources and to continue the Beastfolk population as it was declining. Humans were best partners because a child birthed from a Beastfolk and a human was of a mixed race but not much different looking, so they didn't mind it, unlike Humans.

Of course, the Beast Emperor of that time didn't come peacefully as he had other intentions, aside from mixing with humans to increase Beastfolks. He wanted to acquire resources as well and access a secret place sealed by Goddess that he had heard about that could help him to break through to Ascension rank.

Unfortunately, they were driven back by humans at that time, but due to the presence of powerful monsters in the ocean and ocean control in their hands, humans couldn't cross the


In the present times, the three most powerful Beastfolks, who were heads of three major factions, were stuck at the peak of Primeval rank with no way of breaking through to half-step Ascension rank due to a lack of resources.

And now, there was a new monster powerhouse who had been making waves in the continent for the past three days-Arran Abyssal.

Indeed, he was none other than Arran'tel.

After Arran'tel gathered some information in the first few days by staying in the dark, he decided to incorporate himself into the beast world and became part of the Monster Paradise Guild.

He wasn't a beastfolk, but he was a humanoid monster nonetheless, and quite powerful at that as he was near the peak of Primeval rank with a powerful Bloodline.

Beast Paradise Guild, headquarters mansion.

Arran'tel sat cross-legged atop a huge boulder in the backyard of the mansion, but not alone. On his lap was an otherworldly beautiful snake woman, his tongue slithering into Arran'tel's mouth as they had been kissing for the past few minutes. Her snake tale was wrapped around Arran while Arran's beard-tentacles massaged her face and extended till her juicy massive breasts.

Indeed, the snake woman was none other than Monster Head Nerathi, the leader of the Monster Paradise Guild.

Suddenly, Arran'tel felt something and stopped as he slightly pushed her back.

"What happened, darling?" Nerathi asked with her arms around Arran's neck as her tongue hissed out and licked his cheeks.

"Something urgent came up, wait until I am finished with it," Arran'tel said with a smile before he kissed her.

[Arran'tel: Master, I am here.]

[Aleron: Arran, how have you been there? Did you get the needed information?]

[Arran'tel: Haha, I am doing very well. As for the information, I have learned everything of importance regarding this continent thanks to a solid connection I made here.]

The duo talked in the soul channel via their master-servant soul-bound contract and Arran'tel proceeded to tell Aleron about everything.

The more Aleron listened, the more he was dumbfounded, especially the part where Arran'tel became a beast partner of Monster Paradise Guild's head.

There was conflict between Monster Paradise Guild and Beast Empire, and Arran'tel also had conflicts with Beast Empire as he killed some of their Exceed-rank beast lords and a Primeval-rank beast lord as they found his trace due to Rotchistar Leviathan that he captured

in the Starlit ocean.

In the end, he arrived at Monster Paradise Guild's territory, and met up with Nerathi who was attracted to him and also his power as he successfully established his identity here.

[Aleron: do you love her or faking it?]

[Arran'tel: If you tell me to kill her in her sleep or poison her right now, I will obey your order, but I won't deny my feelings for her.]

[Aleron: Sigh, I would never order you to do something like that. I want to come there and see that part of the world for myself to see what I can do, but the current urgency is Demonic


[Arran'tel: What shall I do here now, my lord?]

[Aleron: Be with them and enjoy. But If they are thinking of going to war or something, then

immediately contact me.]

[Arran'tel: Understood, my lord. I will do my best to make my position and fame higher here

so that I can use my influence for your plans.]

[Aleron: Haha, that's good to hear. Enjoy.]


"Damn," Aleron laughed as he finished talking with Arran'tel.

"What happened?" Rias curiously asked.

"One of my subordinates made a good position for himself in the Northern Star continent," Aleron grinned. "This gives me some leeway to work in that area later."

Standing up, Aleron smiled and said to Rias and Roxen, "I have nothing more to do here, so

I'll be going for my next task. Do you want to come with me?"

"Yes," Rias grinned and immediately agreed.

"Don't you want to know where I am going?" Aleron wryly asked.

"Where?" Roxen asked as she raised her eyebrows and had a bad feeling all of a sudden.

"Demonic Continent."

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