Tyrant of the Ruined Sun

Chapter 9: Preparations

In the throne room of the Eclipse Empire, the high command had finally calmed down after my speech and have once again sat in their chairs. Even though they calmed down and stopped releasing their auras, their eyes still glowed. Showing that the fire I lit inside of them was still burning brightly.

Seeing that they were all seated and paying their full attention to me I said "The plan I will propose now will allow us to defeat their army with the least amount of casualties, but for this plan we will rely on three things in particular." I said as I raised three fingers, and started to name the three things "The first is deceit, the second is speed, and the last is this." I said as I reached to table next to me and lifted a flask of wine.

This puzzled the military men. After all, how could wine win a battle? But they kept their questions to themselves, and waited for me to explain.

I continued "Before I talk about the strategy itself we need a few things to be prepared. Isaac I want you to go to the royal wine cellar, and get all the alcohol we have."

"All of it your majesty?" Isaac asked in surprise, since the palace had an enormous amount of liquor that had been painstakingly collected from all corners of the world by previous emperors.

"Yes, every last drop, don't leave anything." I said emotionlessly. Besides I never liked alcohol, it tasted weird, and it could turn even the most noble of gentlemen into revolting pigs.

"Very well, my emperor." He said as he left to perform his task.

"Second of all, Grand Marshal how many soldiers do I have in my personal army?" I asked to the shock of the others. After all, the personal army of the emperor could only be lead by the emperor, which meant that I was planning that I was planning on going with the army!

Also my army was supposed to be only used as a last resort! And the personal armies of all the emperor's were very unique, since unlike normal armies that consisted of normal men, and lead by martial artist or some noble. The armies of the emperors were made exclusively of martial artist!

If someone wanted join my personal army they had to be at least a second rank martial artist!

"...You have 120,000 men in your army, sire." Hamilcar took a moment to collect his thoughts before replying.

I nodded and said "Then prepare 20,000 to march by tomorrow, and have another 50,000 be on stand by." I emotionlessly ordered.

It was at this moment that a general with long brown hair and brown eyes said "My liege are you sure? We just lost your father because he went to the frontlines. And besides your personal army is our greatest strength and losing it could prove to be disastrous for the empire!"

"If we're afraid to use our strength even in such a situation, then we don't deserve to have it." I said in a cold tone.

At my words Hamilcar nodded his head approvingly as he thought 'Could this young and bold emperor be worth truly serving with all my strength? Could he finally usher in the age I dream off?'

Leaving his thoughts alone, Hamilcar said "I agree with his majesty. I will begin the preparations of the army immediately."

"You will also prepare to leave with me Grand Marshal." I said calmly.

The hall became as eerily silent as a grave yard! After all the Grand Marshal was a monster in disguise, and one of only three tenth rank experts in the whole empire! He alone is able to face entire armies by himself!

The Grand Marshal was about to open his mouth when I interrupted him saying "Before refusing me Grand Marshal, I want to tell you, that I will fulfill your wish in the future." Hamilcar's mouth was left agape upon hearing my words.

And I continued "So when that happens would you prefer remaining rusty, or would you like to resharpen your axe in this warmup I am preparing?" When the men heard what I said they were stupefied!

'Are they treating this war like it's a light exercise?' They all thought.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Hamilcar laughed like he had just heard the funniest thing in the world! When he finally stopped and replied "Forgive me your majesty, but are you being serious? Will you truly be willing to bring about such a glorious age?"

I remained silent while flashing an innocent smile at him. But my eyes were a different story. They became devoid of all emotion, and resembled two abysses with no rhyme or reason!

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Seeing my eyes the Grand Marshal laughed like a madman.

And then something that no one expected happened, The Grand Marshal Hamilcar Seth, the man feared as the blood-king of the battlefield and the martial demon knelt before me and said "As long as your majesty fulfills this old man's wish, then my axe and life are forever yours, my liege."

Hearing this I chuckle and say "Then prepare to be overworked Grand Marshal."

"HAHA. Gladly, my liege." He replied with amusement.

After that I turn toward Sodarus and say " General Sodarus, you and all your the Chimera Knights will be joining us as well."

He quickly said "Of course my liege, we will reclaim our lost honor and reputation, I assure you!"

I nod my head and then ask Hekan "How many battle mages are ready to march out by tomorrow?"

Hekan took a moment and replied "Six thousand, your majesty."

"Then prepare 1,000 of them." I demanded.

It was at this point that one of the generals present said "Excuse me my liege, but if we count all the forces that are going on this expedition with you it would amount to only 24,000, while the enemy still has over 42,000 active and well rested soldiers.

Even if they're only ordinary mortals, they still represent an undeniable threat."

"Don't worry general, with my plan they won't be able to use even 10% of their forces." I confidently say.

"And speaking of my plan let's get back to it. Since the army that we will send out has been decided on, the next thing we need for my plan will be required of you Grand Vizier." I say as I looked at Darius.

"Of course my emperor, you need only ask." He said as he bowed slightly.

"I need you to buy all the clothe in the capital." Hearing my odd request again the men became so confused that they honestly doubted that they were even talking about military matters, much to my amusement. But I have yet to give my most bizarre order!

"And finally Darius, I want you to send a message to the Luminous army and tell them we wish peace and that we are going to send them a great gift in order to show our sincerity." I finish with an evil smirk.

"HHUUUUUHHHHHH?!" No longer able to hold back the men screamed in confusion!

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