Tyrant of the Ruined Sun

Chapter 10: A Night of Joy and Sadness

After hours of discussing, planning, and ironing out all the kinks in the plan I made, all the men rushed to complete the necessary arrangements.

And the capital which should have been sleeping, was instead drowned in noise and lights as the military loudly made their preparations for the upcoming battle.

Meanwhile, I was standing with Abraham, Horus and Darius, as we watched thousands of soldiers sneaking out of the capital.

Using the cover of night, and taking advantage of the ruckus that the other units were purposefully making, these men dressed not as soldiers but as commoners, and merchants, while hiding their weapons and left through the only city gate, that happened to not have any guard patrols on it today.

"HAHAHA, I must say your majesty, this plan was a stroke of genius!" Abraham said merrily.

"Indeed, this way we have completely masked our intentions and movements from any spy that the Shade Corps has not found yet." Darius added.

"Indeed sire. And since they are dressed as merchants and common folk, not many will pay attention to them." Horus also chimed in with a happy expression.

But I did not respond to them, since my mind was preoccupied remembering what happened an hour ago.

Immediately after the meeting was concluded, and the men all rushed to finish the plan since we had only a few hours to get everything ready, as we were going to march at sunrise. Knowing that I didn't have much time, I instantly headed to my mother's palace to see my family, and break the news.

When I went to my mother's room I saw Alisar and Cyrus both sleeping on the right and left of my mother, who had a gentle smile on her face. While Nizam was still up reading a book on the desk when I entered.

"Alex, why are you so late? I was about to send Kira to find out why you were taking so long!" As soon as I closed the door behind me my mother began to nag me, like any mother would when her child was late returning home.

Instead of annoying me this brought a happy smile to my face, hearing her love and worry for me clearly in her beautiful yet tired voice.

"Mother, why are you still up? The doctor said that you need a lot of rest." I asked in a voice full of concern, while sitting near her, but without disturbing my younger siblings' sleep.

My mother chuckled at this and said with a teasing smile "Is my baby boy worrying about his poor old mother now? You're so cute!" She said in an obvious attempt to tease me. But I was not some teenage boy who could not even handle the teases of his mother.

So I replied back saying "Yes I am very worried. So the pitiful old lady should listen to me." I finished with the same smile she had.

When I finished I could hear Nizam behind me desperately trying to hold back his laughter. But that split second that I focused on Nizam with, was my downfall! Because my mothers bear trap like pinch quickly found it's way to my cheek and she started pulling!

"You've become really cheeky, haven't you? Who do you think you're calling old lady, huh?" My mother asked in a threatening smile, and I felt terror shoot up my spine when this happened. Since there are very few things that are more terrifying than a mother's anger!

I quickly said in an awkward manner, since she was still holding on to my cheek "I didn't call anyone old lady! You can ask Nizam. Right Nizam?" I desperately sought aid from Nizam who was watching all this in amusement.

Thankfully Nizam quickly acted and said "Yes mother, brother didn't call anyone that."

I thanked Nizam with my eyes, as my mother finally released my aching face and said with a satisfied smile "Good."

It was at that moment that my stomach growled loudly as if it was begging for food. And my mother's maternal senses were activated, as she asked "Alex how long has it been since you've eaten?"

I freeze hearing that question. After all, I can't tell her that I haven't eaten since the morning! But my silence was enough of an answer for her. So she instantly told Nizam to go have the maids bring me food.

After I finished my meal and listening to my mother's long lecture of taking care of my health, I could only think 'How the hell did the tables turn like this?!' But none the less I still enjoyed spending time with my mother, Nizam and my sleeping siblings.

It was at this moment that I remembered what I came here for.

"Mother there is something that I need to tell you." I said seriously.

My mother that was glowing with happiness as she enjoyed the company of all her children, looked at me for a moment and understanding my intention she called the maids, who carefully took my sleeping siblings to their rooms, along with Nizam.

After everyone was gone she looked back at me and urged me to tell her what's wrong.

Bracing myself for what was to come, I said "Mother I decided that we will not make peace with the Luminous Empire, and we will avenge my father and all those who have fallen."

Upon hearing my father's name she showed a slight reaction, but then she nodded resolutely and said calmly. "That was the right decision. If we sued for peace this quickly the entire world would laugh at us, and believe that we are weak and cowardly.

So even though it will be difficult for a while it will be better in the long run. We must not end this war until we can confidently sit at the peace table with them as equals."

My mother instantly went to her empress mode, and accurately understood the situation.

"You misunderstood my goal in prolonging the war mother!" I said with a cold expression on my face, which greatly surprised my mother since she has never seen me with that kind of face before.

"My goal isn't to sit on equal terms with them, mother. It's to have them beg us for peace!" I said darkly. It's then that mother gently caressed my cheek and said with a voice overflowing with pride "You already look like an emperor my dear. I know you will be an excellent leader in the future!"

I tenderly held her hand and said "But there is something that I haven't told you yet. The army will depart by sunrise at the latest. And... I will be the one leading it."

As soon as I finished talking, my mother grabbed my shoulders and screamed "Absolutely NOT! You're not going anywhere. I forbid it! I will not lose you too.


My mother became hysterical. And it didn't matter what I said, argued, or how much I begged her to calm down, nothing would work. It was then that my mother lost conciseness scaring the life out of me.

I immediately called for the imperial doctor who checked up on her, and thankfully she was fine, she just needed to rest. But even while she slept she would keep mumbling like a broken record "Don't go. Please, don't go. Not you too." Which broke my heart even more seeing her like this.

And worse still duty called, and I had to reluctantly answered this call. Thankfully Nizam, who was supposed to have gone to sleep, said that he would remain with her, and never leave her until she woke up.

It was at this moment that I was pulled from my thoughts, when Horus put his hand on my shoulder seeing that I was not responding.

"I'm fine Horus, just lost in thought." I said to them.

"Darius, I want you to do a few things for me while I'm away." I said.

"Yes sire?" He asked.

"First of all I want you to have Nizam start learning magic. I have a feeling that he would have some talent in it." I lied. After all it wasn't a hunch, I knew he had incredible talent in magic. Especially water magic.

"Very well, my liege." Darius replied calmly.

"And I want you to tell Isaac to train my maid, Kira, in the arts of the Shade Corps." I said.

This surprised Horus, who said "My liege, do you not want Kira as your personal maid anymore?"

"You misunderstand Horus. I just want her to become able to protect herself in case something unfortunate happens." I said as I remembered her miserable end in my past life.

'I won't let her suffer such a fate again!' I thought.

"I will be sure to deliver the message, my emperor." Darius said.

"And finally I want you to get the best doctors, healers, alchemists, herbalists, priests, druids, midwives, and everything else in the world, to make sure that my mother will be fine while I am away." I say seriously.

Hearing this they all felt like it was too much. After all the imperial doctors and midwives were the best in the empire!

"My liege, the imperial doctors are all..." Darius tried to argue, but I cut him off.

"I don't care Darius. While I'm gone your number one priority is my family's safety, and especially my mother's health. So I don't care how much money you need to spend, just spend it! Am I clear?" I said coldly.

"Understood my emperor, it shall be done." Darius answered understanding that I will not budge on my decision.

Soon enough the sun began to rise signaling that it was time to leave. I remove all my noble and expensive clothes and instead I wear simple robes that a merchant would.

As I rode my horse and prepared to walk through the city gates, but before I did I turned around and looked at the palace from afar, and I quietly vowed "After I avenge father, and return victorious I will kneel before you and beg for forgiveness mother.

I only ask you to remain healthy and happy till that time."

And with that I rode into the blazing desert, ready to write the first page of my legend in this new life!

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