Tyrant of the Ruined Sun

Chapter 59: A Meeting at Dawn

Gazing upon my brother's shocked expression I thought 'I know my second demand is harsh, considering that he's only been learning the intricate and complex art of magic for only a few months, but if he wishes to aid me he needs to understand the stakes, and that weakness and mediocrity is a mortal sin in this world he wishes to plunge in.'

But contrary to my belief, my brother's astounded expression did not turn to one of despair or disappointment at the sheer impossibility of my term, but instead he revealed a large victorious grin, as he calmly pointed at the water flask to our side, as his emerald green eyes shone in the faintest cerulean blue.

Staring at the flask I notice the water begin to tremble, before it exploded out of it's hold and began to dance elegantly in the air, transforming into many different shapes and sizes, such as birds and fish, as if celebrating it's new found freedom, before it once again returned harmlessly into the flask, as if nothing had changed.

Gawking at the scene before me, I ask in absolute disbelief "When in the name of all the gods did you do this?"

Smiling smugly he replies "I only did it yesterday, but I wanted to surprise you all with it in a week's time, after I had better solidified my foundation."

Staring at him in utter disbelief I begin questioning my senses, as I think 'How in the seven hells does that make the slightest bit of sense?!

Even in my past life, Nizam needed nearly thirteen months to achieve the first level of magical arts and even then that was considered to be an absolutely monstrous achievement. How come it only needed him a few brief months this time? Is it because he started at a younger age?

Or is it because he doesn't have as much to worry about this time and could devout his time more seriously to his studies?'

I thought and I thought, but ultimately it was meaningless, since it didn't matter how he managed it, only that he did.

"Brother?" Nizam called out with an awkward smile, feeling uncomfortable by my scrutinizing gaze that he felt nearly bore a hole through him.

Coughing to ease the tension in the odd silence that had formed between us, I honestly praise "I suppose my congratulations are in order. You have truly outdone yourself little brother."

Hearing my words a bright, proud smile blooms across his prepubescent features as he asks "Then?"

Sighing in defeat, I reply "Yes, you can come with me. But only after gaining mother's approval."

"I'm on it!" His enthusiastic voice echoed behind him, as he bolted out of my room faster than I had ever seen him run in my entire life.

***Scene Change***

It was the early hours of dawn, a few minutes before the sun began it's shift in the sky, when Anastasia suddenly opened her eyes out of habit and rustled out of her bed.

Usually she would be preparing to embrace the coming day either by dressing for her work in the brothel, or simply to head out on the road toward the Eclipse capital, but today she simply stood looking absent mindedly out of her window, still coming to terms with the direction her life had suddenly turned to.

Turning around to look around her room, which was a stark contrast to anywhere she has ever stayed in before, she caught a glimpse of her profile from the large mirror to her side.

Focusing her attention at the mirror, she once again began to doubt the surrealness of her current reality, as she still doubted that the face she beheld mirrored before her was truly hers and not some cruel illusion from the gods.

Staring a few more seconds at herself in the mirror, which seemed to resemble that of her late mother more and more with each passing moment, she decided to have some fresh air, and so she wore her mask that she always wore, not only as a force of habit, but also because she disliked the stares the men and even some women gave her when they saw her face yesterday, looks she was all too familiar with in the depraved and sinful red light district of Solis Luxuria she called home until recently.

Wanting some time alone to sort out her own thoughts, she rejected the offers of the maids who offered to stay by her side, since she hadn't gotten used to the palace yet, and simply asked them for the directions to the imperial gardens, as she figured they would be empty at this time.

Following the directions she was given, she quickly found her destination and couldn't stop her eyes from opening wide in awe at the picturesque scene before her, of the beautifully blooming flowers that seemed to blend perfectly together along the cobblestone paths, as well as the gentle rays of the sun who had just begun to kiss the edge of the dark horizon.

Sadly her moment of wonder wasn't meant to last, as she soon heard a loud gruff voice angerly yell out from behind her "Who are you?"

Turning to face the voice, Anastasia saw a couple of gold armored guards towering over her, while glaring at her with suspicion evident in their eyes and despite wanting to respond to their question she couldn't, as she had never before suffered the pressure of being the sole target of not one, but two powerful martial artists' aura.

"I asked who are you?" The guard inquired yet again, but this time while releasing more of his oppressive aura that seemed to suffocate her usual courage.

Thankfully, she didn't have to continue shouldering the immense weight of their unrestrained presence for much longer as it vanished instantly before the fearsome roar that sounded like a beasts threating growl from behind them "Guards!"

Turning their attention to the lightly illuminated hallway behind them, they saw a handsome man with raven black hair and eyes, donning a fearsome set of black armor depicting a myriad of snarling beasts upon it, slowly walking towards them as an intense aura of savagery incased him, further accentuating his dreadful presence.

Immediately recognizing the man, the guards saluted him while loudly saying "Greetings General Hasdrubal."

Not bothering with returning their salute he dangerously asked with narrowed eyes "What are you doing?"

"Sir, we found this suspicious woman loitering around the palace and we..." One of the guards stepped forward and attempted to explain the situation, but it was of little use, as Hasdrubal interrupted him angrily "Suspicious woman? How dare you disrespect our emperor's personal guest like this?!

Apologize to lady Anastasia this instant, before I have your tongues and eyes fed to the crows!"

Terrified not by his threat, but by the implication of having tarnished their great emperor's name, the men scampered before Anastasia and knelt before her with their heads hung low in shame, as they loudly pleaded "Our deepest apologies, my lady.

We were fools and offer you no excuse for our offence."

Looking at the scene before her, Anastasia quickly replied "Please don't apologize, I wasn't offended in the slightest.

Besides, you were simply and faithfully performing your duties, I can never blame you for that." She reasoned since she herself realized that her current appearance was indeed very suspicious, especially when you take into account her mask and baggy clothes that completely hid her appearance.

"You don't have to be so lenient with them, my lady Anastasia.

They should face the consequences of their error." Hasdrubal mercilessly growled, and as if they had already accepted this, the men quickly drew their blades and placed them on their necks, as if they wouldn't even hesitate in taking their own lives if she deemed it so.

Panicking upon seeing this, she swiftly assured "No! I already said it's fine, didn't I? So there's no need for that."

Huffing in seeming exasperation, Hasdrubal looked at the two guards and ordered "Thank the lady for her magnanimity."

Quickly doing so, the guards then fled back to their duties to not only escape the shameful situation they were in, but also to finally elude the Black Beast's murderous gaze.

Seeing Hasdrubal's current mood, which was so drastically different from the one she was introduced to only yesterday, she felt that she needed to calm him down, lest she feared he would still punish those guards.

But contrary to her expectations, Hasdrubal suddenly turned around, his earlier ferocity and authority now gone, like a beasts fangs when it slumbers, as he showed her his most charming smile and eloquently bowed, like a true gentleman, before saying with delight evident in his voice "We meet again, my lady.

It appears the gods have truly blessed me this morning."

Holding back the smile that threatened to appear behind her mask, Anastasia gratefully replied "Thank you for your assistance earlier, I truly appreciate it."

"Please don't mention it, my lady. But why were you here all alone to begin with? Did the maids and butlers just leave you alone and unattended?" He asked the final question with narrowed eyes.

"No, no. It's nothing like that, I simply wished for some fresh air and privacy. Though now in hind sight, that might've been a mistake." She half jokingly replied.

And so the two began to chat idly for the next few minutes completely immersed in their own world, before Anastasia suddenly asked "Right, I nearly forgot. What are you doing here so early in the morning? I was told that the gardens are usually abandoned during these early hours of the morning."

"Oh, I was simply off to meet his majesty, since I will be heading to the northern frontier today to assume my post, but I was told by the servants that he wanted to enjoy the scent of the newly planted Lavenders." He truthfully replied, not yet realizing the implications of his words.

And surprisingly so did Anastasia, as she completely disregarded the second half of his answer and unconsciously asked with a slight tremble in her voice "Wait, you're leaving?!"

Surprised by her slight outburst Hasdrubal says with a seriousness she has never seen before "I'm afraid so, my lady.

But if I may be so bold, would you permit me to write to you from time to time?" He finished with a slight bow, in a show of utmost sincerity and elegance, something that greatly surprised Anastasia, since she had primarily only interacted with his more laid back side.

"Of course." She happily answered, as they both remained blissfully unaware of the blinding aura that has been surrounding them since a few seconds ago.

But eventually, as if a certain button clicked finally inside their heads, both of them recalled Hasdrubal's earlier answer as the color fled their faces, at long last evicting them from their own world, only to immediately sense the presence of five pair of eyes looking intensely upon them.

Turning their now flushed faces robotically to the side, they saw the emperor himself, Alexander with his usual entourage of Horus, Abraham, Isaac and Kira standing silently there.

And while Kira, Isaac and Abraham maintained neutral or kind expressions to not further embarrass the duo, Alexander and Horus had no such misgivings, as they both wore what can only be described as shit eating grins, while staring amusedly at them, thinking about all the ways they can endlessly tease their friend.

But no one seemed to notice the peculiar gleam deep in Alexander's mad filled eyes, as he extatically thought 'This might actually work out better than I had ever hoped!'

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