Tyrant of the Ruined Sun

Chapter 58: Old Wounds Healed and Late Night Talk

Emersed in this euphoric feeling, both Leonid and Anastasia closed their eyes as they sank deeper into it's gentle hold, before it slowly began to recede like a lover's gentle caress.

Snapping their eyes open, the siblings stared wide eyed at the old man looking at them with kind glowing green eyes, with both gratitude and curiosity, as they pondered the identity of this man who seemed so pure and good in this world.

Which wasn't a surprise, as despite Adam's renown and prominence as one of the only two living tenth rank healers in the world, his recluse like attitude, extreme frugality and humble demeanor left many not associating him with the unapproachable figure in their minds.

But before they could satisfy their curiosity or utter their words of gratitude, Adam turned to face me and calmly said while slightly lowering his head "I believe you have more important matters to address for the moment, sire, so I shall take my leave."

"Very well Lord Adam, but I ask that you send me your findings within the next few days, before the beginning of my journey." I gravely replied.

"Understood, my liege. May his excellency, the God of the Underworld look kindly upon our coming efforts." Adam devotedly declared, before slowly turning around and leaving the hall.

Seeing his receding figure slowly grow smaller as he left, before it completely vanished behind the large doors of the throne room, the siblings couldn't contain their intrigue any longer and Leonid humbly asked "Sire, who was..."

But before finishing his question, Leonid abruptly stopped as he clutched his own throat in disbelief at the sound of his own voice, which no longer possessed it's ear splitting cadence and instead sounding like a song bird's joyful hymn!

Non though were more astounded by this than Anastasia herself, whose gorgeous eyes reddened and welled up with crystalline tears at the return of her brother's angelic voice, something she felt specifically regretful of, especially after knowing how her brother's wretched voice came to be.

But before the siblings could dive deeper into their thoughts, I gently asked "Kira, do you by any chance have a mirror on you at the moment?"

Kira, who wasn't as shocked as the siblings quickly rummaged through her maid outfit and pulled out a small, round hand held mirror before respectfully presenting it to me.

Climbing from my high throne, I took the mirror from her and walked before the still jubilant Anastasia, who hadn't noticed my approach and ordered "Remove your mask."

Flinching backwards at the suddenness of my close voice, she asked stutteringly not hearing my earlier words "E-Excuse me?"

"I said remove your mask." I replied calmly.

Anastasia, who was always self conscious about her looks, trembled slightly at my order as her eyes darted around the room at all the people present, with her gaze lingering the longest on her concerned brother and the worried Hasdrubal, before she took a deep breathe to stabilize her erratic emotions and slowly removing her mask with her anxiously shaking hands.

After a few agonizing seconds for her to fully take it off, she meekly raised her eyes to look at the gathered people, expecting the usual looks of repulsion and disgust from them, but to her shock and contrary to her thoughts she saw nothing but fascination from their eyes as they gawked at her stupidly.

Seeing her confusion, I forcefully break myself from the siren like enchantment of her mindboggling seductive beauty, as I present to her the mirror in my hands, only for her to show the same expression as the rest of us, only more comical as she began to gently probe, prod and even pinch her own face in an attempt to discern if she was dreaming or not.

"I suppose congratulations are in order." I sincerely said, as silent tears of joy streamed down her now healed and otherworldly face.

"Thank you, your majesty." She replied, as a radiant smile graced her features, further enhancing her mesmerizing beauty, before quickly and bashfully donning her mask once again, feeling awkward at all the gazes directed her way.

Smiling in return I turn around once again to ascend to my throne, when my gaze settled on a scene that caused even my mad filled eyes to slightly quiver in astonishment.

Before me stood a frozen Hasdrubal, as if time itself had passed him, leaving him abandoned with an expression that could only be described as the epitome of helpless infatuation, as he stared with wide, dazed eyes at her with beet red cheeks.

Seeing this, my mind seemed to instantly scan through it's long and forgotten library of ancient memories, before brushing away the dust of countless eons of a certain impression I still held deep within my fractured psyche and then projecting it to the forefront of my mind.

And it was nonother than the last time I had seen such a face upon my dear friend. 'The day we met that hateful woman!' I wrathfully thought.

But with those same vengeful and malicious thoughts, another more devious idea emerged in my mind, as I finally saw a way to rectify my great regret that I still carried for over two lifetimes.

After finally calming down the siblings became extremely grateful, as they asked about the identity of the old man who bestowed upon them such an enormous gift.

I truthfully answered them, before having Kira escort them to their rooms so that they may rest after a long journey, as well as get accustomed to the palace, which will be their home and work place for the forceable future.

And following that, the day continued normally with me once again diving into the tedious world of bureaucratic labor, before finally ending at dusk, when I joined my family for dinner and where I finally informed them of my trip to the Free City of Qayan.

Though they seemed slightly apprehensive about my decision, they didn't try to stop me, believing in my judgement and that I would not do something foolish, but that still didn't stop my mother and uncle from speaking till my ears nearly bled about the importance of taking care of myself and not taking any unnecessary risks, especially in that city, whose loyalties have always been up in the air.

Still I didn't find their nagging annoying or irritating in the least, as I always reveled in such interactions and moments with my family. Moments I was robbed of in my previous life.

Following that I went to my room, where I began training my divine blood, in preparation of unlocking my second gate, a habit I maintained in both my lives.

But as I was carefully guiding the miniscule amount of hell fire I held within me to travel to every vein, muscle, tendon and bone in my body, slowly strengthening it like forging exquisite steel from crude iron; so that it could withstand the might of the second gate, a loud knock echoes across my room, as Horus' voice sounds from behind the closed door "My liege, his highness, Prince Nizam has come to visit you."

Stopping my training and opening my eyes with a surprised expression at this unexpected news, I reply "Let him in."

"Good evening brother." Nizam greets me as he enters.

"Good evening to you too." I reply as I stand up from my bed, where I had been seated in a lotus position emersed in my training, before inviting him to sit with me on a small table by the window, with a large flask of water, as well as a bowl of freshly picked fruits on it.

"So what brings you to me at such an hour?" I ask him after a few seconds of silence.

Nizam seems to momentarily hesitate before confidently saying with a determined gleam in his eyes "I have a selfish favor to ask of you brother."

"Oh? And what is it?" I curiously asked.

"I wish to go with you on your trip to Qayan." He resolutely replied.

"What?! Absolutely not!" I vehemently refused.

"But brother, I..." Nizam tried to argue back, but I interrupted him saying "I will accept no ifs, ands or buts from you Nizam, this conversation is over."

"Why brother?" He asked in anger and frustration.

Seeing him like this I calm down and say "Qayan is not a place where we can so simply walk into. My trip there is already a risk I would've preferred not to take yet, but circumstances have forced my hand, and I will not have you, or anyone else from our family take that risk as well."

"I understand that you mean well brother and that you don't want to put us in harm's way, but I still ask you to please accept my request." He said as he bowed his head.

Gazing fixatedly at his lowered head, I solemnly ask "Why go to such lengths?"

Hearing my question he raises his head and stares directly into my eyes, as he staunchly replies "I want to be of assistance to you brother."

Shaking my head at his words, I sigh before calmly saying with a gentle smile upon my lips "Didn't we already agree months ago that you will do so when and only when you are ready?"

"But when will that be brother? When will I or even Cyrus be ready? How would we know when we're ready? And how would we even begin to prepare to be ready?

Especially when we don't know what to help you with, since we understand nothing of your struggles and difficulties!" Nizam unleashed a long string insecurities and doubts, like a steam valve releasing pressure.

But before I could address any of them, he continued "Everyday you lock yourself in your office, a prisoner of your own duties and responsibilities, so much so that even getting to see you during the day is considered a miracle nowadays.

And although non of the others show it, I can tell that they are all worried about you brother. Especially after our father's death, since you've changed so much almost over night, as if you've become a completely different person, and we don't want you to continue pushing yourself to be like that!"

My heart skipped a beat at his words, as I realized that they indeed rung true.

'For anyone who beheld my sudden and drastic transformation, they would believe that I was wearing a mask to hide myself behind, and not that my current mannerism were cultivated over the course of centuries of conflict and bloodshed.' I thought.

"Fine, I yield. You can come with me to Qayan." I replied with a small smile, while lazily raising my arms in surrender.

A smile of relief and joy bloomed across Nizam's face as he heard my words, but before his rising emotions could overflow, I raise my index and middle finger before him and firmly say "But under two conditions."

Straitening his back, he regains his composure and waits attentively for me to continue, seeing this I nod to him and begin "My first term is that you must gain mother's approval, or she'll skin me alive if you suddenly come with me without informing her." I lightly joked, earning me a chuckle from him.

"Very well brother, I'll make sure to convince mother in the coming few days." He confidently replied.

"And the second is that you must reach the first level of magic arts before the day of our departure." I firmly stated, much to his shock.

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