Tyrant of the Ruined Sun

Chapter 35: Peace Negotiations

As the sun reached it's zenith above the Melting Mist Plains, and the line of sight of both armies began to stretch further, and further, the Luminous camp's southern gate opened for the first time since yesterday's disastrous defeat.

And from within those gates emerged a thousand fully armed and armored elite Luminous soldiers in a tight and defensive formation around an elderly looking man, and an adolescent kid with a stern looking face, who were obviously Marius and Felix.

The iron smell of spilled blood, and the revolting stench of burned flesh still wandered around the field like lost ghosts, who had forgotten their way home, but it didn't seem to bother neither Marius nor Felix, unlike the soldiers around them who held a glint of sadness, anger, and an undisguised thirst for vengeance in their gaze, which greatly pleased Marius, since it meant that the army's fighting spirit wasn't completely crushed as he came to believe after last night's disappointing display of celebration after the news of his arrival, and subsequentially the end of the war, spread.

But this feeling was not to last for very long, since shortly after they stopped half way through the field and raised the olive branches they held, a dark stream of black armored knights atop their nightmarish steeds approached them, which instantly crushed their once defiant gaze, and filled it instead with bone chilling terror!

Marius sighed as he thought 'This is going to be a headache. I must speak to Georgy about this, and find a way to wash this trauma from the hearts of the men, or we will be defenseless against the inevitable future invasions from the south.'

The Diomedes Knights stopped so close to them, they almost trampled them and loudly asked, in a obviously ridiculing tone "Where is your emissary?"

The Luminous soldiers didn't reply to them, rather it would be better to say that they couldn't, since they were too busy quaking like dried leaves in the autumn wind as they stared at the hungry eyes, of the terrifyingly close Diomedes Warhorses.

Marius once again sighed upon seeing this, and immediately began to push his way through the men until he reached the front, where he stood valiantly before them, much to the shame of the soldiers behind him, as he said "I am the emissary."

The Diomedes Knights were shocked by the sight of an old man confidently standing before them, and they were even more shocked when the Luminous soldiers who were cowering before them just a few seconds ago, began to regain their courage, but they quickly regained control of their emotions and said "You may only bring twenty men with you."

Marius was shocked at hearing this, since although twenty men might seem like an insignificant number, but it was actually the customary number of attendants one would usually bring in a peace delegation, this clearly showcased Alexander's will to make peace, which greatly eased the men's tensions, but only Marius saw the true meaning behind this gesture.

This action wasn't meant to honor the Luminous emissary, but it was intended to take the moral high ground away from them.

'The first strike of this battle has already been delivered before I even entered their camp.' Marius dangerously thought, as he amiably said "I thank the emperor for his graciousness. I will gladly take him up on that offer."

The Diomedes Knight nodded to him, and led Marius, Felix, and nineteen other soldiers into the camp, where they witnessed thousands of Eclipse soldiers sharpening their blades, polishing their shields, repairing their armor, walking in tight miliary formations, and carrying heavy supplies from one place to another, which sent a chill up the spine of the Luminous soldiers watching as a sense of dread tightly gripped their hearts, but once again Marius saw through this charade!

This show was actually a subtle message that was meant to psychologically dominate the emissary, by saying that they were perfectly ready, and willing to continue this war if need be. 'The second strike has been delivered before even sitting at the negotiation table.

This is going to be a fun battle.' Marius thought as a massive grin spread across his lips!

***Scene Change***

As I quietly sat in my tent, before the gathered officers, Hamilcar, Sodarus, Abraham, and Horus while looking at a mirror, I couldn't help but sigh as I looked at my pale complexion, fully showcasing my exhaustion.

Although they did try to lessen it by adding some makeup on my face, it did very little.

Hearing my sigh Horus said "Are you sure about this, my liege? We can tell the emissary to come at a later date."

I shake my head and say "No, we can't. Although his arrival was a surprise, we can't simply turn him away.

If we do that, it's an admission of weakness, and we can never show even the slightest amount of it!" Abraham, Sodarus, and Hamilcar all nodded their heads to this as well, which forced Horus to sigh as he gave up on the issue.

The tent returned to it's relaxing silence, until a few minutes later, when a Palace Guard said from outside "The emissary of Emperor Octavian, and ex-prime minister of the Luminous Empire Marius Nerva has arrived, your majesty."

We were all shocked upon hearing the name of Marius, since the man was a living legend, and was retired, but we quickly regained our composure, as I ordered "Let him in." Slowly an old man with a kind smile entered the tent, while being supported by a stern looking youth.

He scanned everyone present with his observant eyes as soon as he entered, before locking his eyes on me and bowing as deeply as his frail body could allow him to, and greeted me with my full titles saying "Salutations to the master of the Scorching Desert, lord of the southern realms, holder of the black throne of the south, and Emperor of the Eclipse Empire." But before I could reply to him, he immediately began by introducing himself, which was not only against etiquette, but also odd since everyone knew who he was, and needed no introduction.

These actions completely bewildered the gathered officers, since they couldn't understand why he would do this, except for myself, Hamilcar, Abraham, and Sodarus. 'So this is your first strike.

This old snake noticed my exhaustion, and wants to prolong this meeting as much as possible to increase the pressure on my fatigued body. But you're going senile if you believe that I'm simply going to allow you to do this.'

I raise my hand slightly in a gesture of silence, before saying "Although you have been gone for a while from the world of politics Lord Marius, it wasn't enough for your name to diminish to the point of people forgetting your glory."

Marius smiles amusedly upon hearing this, since he noticed that his blow had been repulsed, before slowly sitting on his chair, but before he could speak once again and allow him to prolong this meeting any further I say "We are all busy men here, Lord Marius, so I'll get straight to the point.

I hold no desire for any land from your nation, and in exchange you will pay 10,000,000 Darr as war reparations, and another 3,000,000 Darr for Grand Duke Marcus.

As for the 8,000 prisoners we captured during the battle, you can ransom them depending on their rank, and those you don't ransom will be sold as slaves for the highest bidder, or they will be sent to the mines where they will live for the rest of their days digging in the depths of the earth for precious minerals."

Marius was dumbstruck by my level of honesty, but he quickly composed himself and said with a sly smile "I appreciate your forwardness your majesty, but I'm afraid the price you have requested isn't possible, but we are willing to pay 6,000,000 for peace, and 1,000,000 for the release of The Grand Duke, as well as all the soldiers you currently hold prisoner."

"You appear to be misunderstanding something, Lord Marius, these aren't terms that can be negotiated. These are my demands, and if you reject a single one of them, this war will continue.

But I warn you that if you do reject them now, the next time we meet, my demands will be much harsher than they are now." I say coldly.

Marius smiles amusedly as he parries my attack, and lashes out with his own blow by saying "Although I do not doubt your military genius Emperor Alexander, I find it hard to believe that you will achieve much with only a few weeks worth of supplies left you have here."

My lips part into a smile that match his, as I deflect his assault, and reply in kind by saying "You have very competent spies, Lord Marius, but that doesn't matter. I can simply buy all the supplies that I'll need from the Yue Dynasty in the east."

"The Yue Emperor is a man famed for his insatiable greed, and I'm sure he'll be more than willing to sell those supplies to us instead, if we offer him a few extra coins." Marius dodges and attacks once again.

"You're not the only one that has competent spies, Lord Marius, and I highly doubt that you will have enough coins to spend after the Boreas Empire attacks.

After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend." I withstand his assault and lunge at him from a direction he didn't expect, and for the first time since the beginning of this duel of words between us, a crack appears on Marius's armor as a frown appears on his face.

What followed next was silence as both Marius, and I sat quietly, while the officers waited with baited breath for the continuation of the invisible battle, as they desperately tried to wrap their heads around the situation.

I finally break the silence by saying "Neither I, nor you, nor your emperor want this war to continue, as that would only serve to strengthen others, and although the price I demand is steep, we both know that the Luminous Empire can easily afford it."

Marius sighed as he said apathetically "I suppose that what our ancestors say is true, the vanquished have no right asking their conquerors for anything, they can only obey. Very well, I agree to your terms Lord Alexander."

After that we decided on the ransom cost for the prisoners, which Marius insisted on getting them all, and we agreed on 500,000 Darr for all 8,000 of them.

After that we each signed the peace treaty, and shook hands to finalize it, but while doing so Marius looks at me and happily says "I look forward to face you again when you're at your best, Lord Alexander."

"The sentiment is mutual, Lord Marius." I reply calmly, which caused Marius to excitedly laugh. And with that the war was officially over!

Marius returned to the Luminous camp with not only the one thousand men he left with, but with all eight thousand that were captured prisoner, much to the happiness of all the men, except Marius himself who had an unusual expression on his face, which didn't go unnoticed by his age old friend Georgios, who walked up to him and asked "What happened?"

Marius stayed quiet for a few seconds before resolutely replying "I'm coming out of retirement Georgy."

"What?! Why?" Georgios asked in disbelief.

"Do you believe the empire can survive against that monster for very long without my help?" Marius asked.

Georgios stayed quiet for a few seconds before shaking his head and saying "No. Although we can hold on for years against him, but we will eventually fall, of that I'm sure."

Marius nodded in agreement, as he turned around and looked him in the eyes and asked "Are you with me, old friend?"

Georgios grinned as he wrapped his massive arm around him and said "You can count on me. I've always said that you were wasting your talents in retirement. HAHAHA."

While the two old friends were talking, no one noticed inside one of the tents sat a man reading a golden scroll with shaking hands and trembling eyes, as he asked in disbelief with his raspy voice "How?!"

And without wasting a single second more he began preparing to quietly enter the Eclipse camp to uncover the answers for his many questions!

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