Tyrant of the Ruined Sun

Chapter 34: Night at the Eclipse Camp

As both Marius and Georgios continued with their conversation in the command tent, a young soldier with bloodied bandages covering his arms and chest rushed to the overcrowded medical tent.

As soon as he entered the tent his eyes were filled with the wretched images of exhausted doctors and priests frantically rushing to heal who they can, and his ears were immediately assaulted with the muffled moans of the injured, while his nose became overwhelmed by the repugnant stench of medicine, blood and death.

Although this gruesome sight embodied the meaning of the word 'tragedy', the soldier paid no heed to this as he began to enthusiastically look for his comrades among the seemingly endless field of human misery.

Luckily he didn't have to search for long, since one of his comrades had noticed him first, and weakly raised his bandaged hand that was missing his index and middle finger, as he mustered all his meager strength in his parched throat, and called him with his raspy voice "Philip! We're here!"

Hearing his name being called he turned around, and rushed to their side, where he saw his three remaining comrades, all of them wounded and hurt, barely clinging on to their lives. But before he could say anything the same man who called him asked "Where did you go?

The doctor and the commander were furious when they noticed that you disappeared before they could finish your treatment!"

"Who cares about that right now? Where's the commander?

I need to tell him something." Philip quickly asked with an excited smile, but before anyone could answer a strong hand that was like a predators jaw roughly grabbed the nape of his neck, before an enraged shout sounded next to his ear "Philip, you slimy bastard!

Where in the name of the Gods did you go before finishing your treatment? You even reopened your wounds you damn idiot! I swear if you weren't injured I would..."

Before the man could continue Philip interrupted "But commander, I have news that you need to hear!"

Philip's commander sighed heavily, and released him, allowing him to turn around and look at his intimidating physique, that was covered with dozens of old scars and white bandages covering his freshly collected new ones.

"I don't want to listen to anymore disasters, Philip. I've had my fill for today. Damn this war! If only..." The commander began saying, but was once again interrupted by Philip saying loudly "I didn't bring bad news commander, but good ones this time.

The Emperor's emissary has arrived. This war is over!"

There was a momentary silence in the entire tent, as if the men were afraid that if they make the slightest noise they would wake up from this beautiful dream.

The tent remained in this stagnant state of silence until Philip's commander couldn't take it anymore and unleashed all his frustrations, worries and anxieties by loudly laughing, which caused all the tent to start celebrating as well, as if they're prior state of chaotic anguish that was only interrupted by the dying words of their brothers in arms, and they began acting as if they were the victors of this war!

"But won't the emissary also punish us for being defeated as well?" The man who called Philip, whose name was Cassander, timidly said.

Philip's commander, whose name was Amyntas scoffed upon hearing this, and said with ridicule "I would rather stand before a hundred military tribunals, than face those blood thirsty fiends ever again."

Philip, Cassander and the rest of their comrades all solemnly nodded, since they as soldiers who served on the right wing, knew better than anyone else how fierce their enemy was.

They even had to wound themselves, and pretend to be dead for hours before they were able to escape that infernal meat grinder!

But little did they know that not far from them lay the now one armed Heinrich, with disheveled hair, and bloodied bandages over most of his body, listening to them with hatred and anger blazing in his eyes, already plotting his vengeance, as he chillingly swore "I will make this right, brother.

This, I swear!"

But while, the Luminous camp began to be swept in the tempest of revelry, the Eclipse camp only descended more into the abyss of depressive silence. Which was odd, since they were the champions of the battle of the Melting Mist Plains, so why were they like this?!

The answer to that is very simple, it's because the man they have come to idealize, respect and revere above all else, their emperor, is currently struggling against death's frigid grasp!

If only they knew the truth!

***Scene Change***

I was currently in my tent limply laying on my bed, with Abraham standing protectively next to me, like a guardian statue, while Horus ran around attending to my every need, like a worried older brother, which brought a small smile to my pale face, even though it was somewhat unnecessary.

Although I appreciated their concern and efforts, I wasn't so injured that I couldn't do anything on my own, and the risk of losing my life, or the functionality in my limbs, was also eliminated, since as the emperor I was immediately treated by the best doctors and priests the moment I arrived, and thanks to that most of my wounds were healed!

Of course not all my injuries were fixed, since my bones were literally turned to dust; it would take months before I can remove the splint and cast that covered half my upper body, even with the aid of the mystical power of the priests.

Of course that doesn't count if Archpriest Adam were to help when I return to the capital, since that would decrease the time required to only a few days!

Thankfully, there was a lively atmosphere in my tent as Hamilcar who, similar to Georgios, who had several flesh wounds scattered across his arms and legs was happily bragging about how much fun he had, and about his great battle to Sodarus, who could only listen, while occasionally quietly grumbling about how unfair it was.

But sadly the lively mood was not to last, as Hasdrubal respectfully entered the tent and said "It's time my liege, we can't wait any longer."

As soon as he uttered those words, a serious air descended upon the tent, as I said "Very well. Let the show begin. Horus."

Horus nodded, approached me and began to help me up, he then covered me in a large wooly cloak that covered all my wounds completely, as we headed outside to the silent camp, that erupted in an explosion of excited cheers, and jubilant yelling.

I showed a weakened appearance as if I was in unimaginable pain, as I began to slowly make my way through the crowd of joyfully weeping men, with Abraham, Horus, Hamilcar, Sodarus, and my Palace Guard quietly following close behind, creating a grand and glorious procession that would not easily be forgotten by any who witnessed it.

Which made me internally smile as I saw the success of my plan!

I slowly visited every unit and battalion, while thanking them for their service and sacrifice, to which they would always reply with greater gratitude and servitude, with words such as 'It's our honor.' or 'It's a simple price to pay for the glory of the empire, and the emperor.'

And the same happened when I visited the infirmary, with the only difference being that they answered with even more fanaticism and mad loyalty, completely forgetting the fact that they were only here due to my orders and commands, as they desperately roared their will to live and die under my banner.

But while I was slowly walking among the wounded and telling them that they must first rest and recuperate, portraying myself as a saintly emperor, I noticed Horus discreetly making his way toward Hamilcar and asking him quietly, while making sure non of the men heard him "Why is his majesty bothering to put on this performance to the men?"

Hamilcar stared at Horus for a few seconds before answering with a question of his own "Do you believe this to be pointless?"

Horus hesitated for a moment before truthfully answering "Yes, I do. Although his majesty's life is no longer at risk, but his body is still weak! Besides, all the soldiers already adore him, and they would never even dream of betraying him!"

Hamilcar amusedly chuckled, as a mysterious smile adorned his fearsome face, and a wise look settled in his eyes as he sagely said "You overestimate the fickle minds of mortal men."

Horus didn't understand the meaning of the ancient general's words, but he could feel the sheer weight of the eons of experience that dwelled within them.

Seeing this Hamilcar merely stated "You will understand in due time." To which Horus resolutely nodded.

If anyone else had seen that exchange between Horus and Hamilcar, they would have been shocked to their very core, not only because of the words that were spoken, but because someone had actually spoken to Hamilcar Seth so casually!

But unlike them Horus understood that even though Hamilcar may seem terrifying and brutal, he was actually a patient and generous man, who had no qualms in sharing his wisdom with those who honestly sought to better themselves.

After finishing my tours in the infirmary, I went to the last battalion I hadn't visited yet, which was the Basilisk Cannon crew, who were under the command of the eccentric Orhan, but when we arrived their we saw a truly odd scene!

All the members of the cannon crews were currently laying lifelessly on the floor, looking haggard, dirty and stinking of the stench of sweat as they loudly snored, with the exception of Orhan, who was currently near one of the cannons, and seemed to be talking to it with a gentle expression, while his son, whose name was also Orhan; but everyone simply called him Junior, was currently shaking his head as he held the space between his eyes with his thumb and index fingers.

Intrigued by all this, I headed towards them as I asked "What happened here?"

Junior turned around with an annoyed look on his face, that vanished the instant he saw me, as he fell to his knees and said apologetically "I beg your forgiveness for such an unsightly scene, my liege!"

"It's fine. Now tell me what happened here." I said authoritatively, as I no longer bothered to pretend.

"My father wasn't satisfied with the results of the cannons in today's battle, so he made all the men to ceaselessly work at cleaning and fixing the cannons without a break, until as you can see, they collapsed from exhaustion." Junior truthfully reported.

Everyone who heard this were shocked, since in their opinion the cannons performance was magnificent, especially since this was the first time they were used in this manner.

But before anyone could say anything more, Orhan seemed to finally have noticed our presence as he loudly said "Boss, you're here?! JUNIOR! Why didn't you tell me the boss is here?"

Junior could only sigh as he defeatedly said "Sorry, father."

"Go wash up, and take some rest, lad." Orhan said to his son, who rushed to do it, as he thanked the gods, since he was as exhausted as the rest of the men.

After Junior left, Orhan looked back at me with a massive grin as he happily asked "Did you enjoy my darlings' serenade today boss?"

Abraham, Horus and the Palace Guard all showed angered expression listening to how he was addressing me, but I didn't mind as I replied "I did. But I'm told that you weren't."

Orhan sighs as he says "Indeed. If only I had a few more of my precious darlings, and a few more bigger instruments, I could've made such a melody, that would've made the famous Boreas Imperial Opera House lower their heads in admiration!"

I clearly understood the meaning behind Orhan's peculiar words, as I said with a small smirk "After this war is over, and we're back in the capital, we can discuss your darlings, and your new instruments."

Orhan's eyes gleamed with excitement as he resolutely said "You won't regret this boss. I promise you that my new darlings will not disappoint."

I nod to him as I start heading back to my tent, while inspecting my tired body, and pale face 'Hopefully the Luminous emissary will arrive in a few days, which would give me enough time to recuperate slightly, because I have a feeling that today will be a rough night.' I thought as a sigh escaped my lips.

Little did I know that the Luminous emissary had not only arrived, but was also non other than Marius Nerva himself, someone who I would need to be at my best to negotiate with on my best days!

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