Twin Soul

Book 3: Chapter 4 (6/8)

Book 3: Chapter 4 (6/8)

Krugas shook his head and said, This was the fight to the death. At least Kaharzon died honorably and didnt bring shame to the family. You have won, fair and square. I will keep my word allowing Evienne to leave. But from this moment, Evienne will be banished from the lands of the Lucifuge Family for eternity and she can no longer use the name Lucifuge as her last name. Unless... never mind.

Kain then flew toward the castle and attempted to open it but a magical barrier pushed him back. Kain thought to himself, "This magical barrier can even push me back proved it was casted by someone who has a stronger Magical Penetration rate compared to mine."

Kain turned toward the female Devil Mage that was carrying a Magical Staff embedded with many unknown Magical Stones. The female Devil Mage standing nearby Krugas was also looking at Kain to see if he could break through the magical barrier she casted on Evienne's castle or not. Kain asked, You must be Eviennes mother. Arent you going to take this barrier down so Evienne can leave this shit hole?

The female Devil turned to look at Krugas, not to get his permission, but to confirm that he wouldnt kill Evienne the moment she took down the magical barrier. Krugas sensed the distrust his wife gave him. He gave the signal for Argvel and other Devils to withdraw from this area as he followed right behind them.

The female Devil Mage said, Kain, please take care of my daughter. If Evienne ever comes back to the land of the Devils, make sure she will never step foot into the lands of Lucifuge Family ever again.

Kain nodded and asked, I still dont know your name. What is your name?

My name is Ellinde Eicher. Two million years ago, I was married into the Lucifuge Family and became Krugass wife.

Very well, Ellinde Eicher. I promise to take good care of Evienne.

Ellinde and Kain flew into the castle and summarized the event of how Kain killed Kaharzon in a one versus one battle in exchange for Evienne to be able to live. Ellinde then advised Evienne that she cant use the last name of Lucifuge and cant come back to the lands owned by Lucifuge Family anymore or she will be executed.

Mother, you risked your life to protect me for the past two weeks. Im sorry for causing you any trouble.

Darling, you dont have to say anything else. You are my only daughter, and I must protect you. Every time you won the arena and brought back many precious rewards, the Lucifuge Family had no problem sharing those rewards while praising you all kinds of good names. But after you lost only once and became Kain Bersks Soul-Bound Creature, the Lucifuge Family stated that you brought shame to the family and forced to you commit suicide. Im just happy that you didnt do commit suicide because it wasn't your fault. Im glad Kain Bersk wasnt as bad as you told me. I remember you once told me that he gave some kind of precious reward to his former Soul-Bound Creature while forcefully to banished you back to the Hell Realm Ellinde goes on and on.

Kain remembered and felt ashamed about the time he used Evienne then banished her back into Hell Realm before he gave Finwe the Soul Advancement Stone. Kain thought, No wonder why Evienne gave me such a bad attitude back then. She was facing all kinds of problems after getting defeated and became my Soul-Bound Creature.

Kain said, Evienne, we should leave before your father changes his mind.

Evienne finished saying goodbye to Ellinde then followed Kain back to the Thirteenth Gate where they were met with Kimaris. Kimaris didnt ask but Kain still summarized the event that he dueled a Devil Battlemage to the death in exchange for saving Eviennes life. Kain then asked Kimaris to let Evienne stay in his castle temporarily but Kimaris greatly objected to that idea.

Kimaris explained, A Devil staying inside a Demon Lords castle is prohibited.

How so!? Kain angrily asked.

Devils have to live on the planet reserved for them to prevent the balance from being broken. The rules are clearly written that any Devil to live inside any Hell Gate will be executed.

"Who created such rules?"

"The Devil Overlord."

Kain thought, So there is a Devil Overlord as I have thought.

Kain asked, Who is this Devil Overlord? How may I find him?

Its she, not a he. She was the one that executed Ursula after finding out that we loved each other.


Kain started to remember what Noe Clerico told him. Kain thought, Noe called his Soul-Bound Creature a she as well. Does that mean the Devil Overlord is his Soul-Bound Creature?

Kain asked, How strong is this Devil Overlord? You havent answered my question about how to find her yet.

Kimaris was about to say something to Kain, but then he turned toward Evienne and said, You are a Devil. Maybe you can answer his questions better than I.

Evienne expressed her unhappiness as she asked Kain, Why do you want to know about her?

Kain honestly answered, I have recently fought with a very powerful enemy and he told me his Soul-Bound Creature is stronger compared to Devils and Archangels. I was just wondering if he meant the Devil Overlord or not.

Blasphemy! How can a Devil Overlord become a Soul-Bound Creature of a mere human?

Arent you, a mighty Devil Warrior, also became a Soul-Bound Creature?


Calm down. What I meant was, everything is possible. Evienne, how do I find this Devil Overlord?

Evienne thought to herself, Why should I care about what happened to him? I should take him to the Devil Overlord. Because of his personality, she probably kills him as soon as he shows signs of disrespect toward her. After that, I will be able to return to the Lucifuge Family as the permanent abyss link chained between Kain and I will be broken.

Evienne smiled and asked, Would you like me to take you there?

This was the first time Kain saw Evienne smiled after being defeated by him. Kain smiled back and said, Of course. That would be great.

Kain thought, Like father, like daughter. The way Evienne smiled toward me back then wasnt friendly, but evilly. It was just like the smile Krugas gave me before he attacked me from behind. Is Evienne wanting me to get killed by the Devil Overlord? Even if I anger the Devil Overlord, I can still escape from there by deactivating [Astral Projection] for my astral form to return to my physical body. Still, I needed to be extra careful.

Kain activated [Cure] ability to slowly regenerate his health pools. Kain checked his blood pools and saw another blood pool depleted because he was still keeping his Devil Form active. Only three blood pools left. Should I activate [Second Soul] just in case? But if I do that, I have to deactivate my [Devil Anatomy] spell.

After Evienne walked into the portal to get back to the planet of the Devils, Kain deactivated [Devil Anatomy] spell then activated [Second Soul] to create the Blonde-hair version of himself then let the Black-hair version walk into the portal while he stayed with Kimaris.

Seeing Kain done so, Kimaris smirked and asked, You still didnt trust her, am I correct?

Kain shook his head, then nodded and said, I hope that Im wrong. Evienne is my Soul-Bound Creature, I should trust her with all my heart. But the evil smile she gave me just now makes me doubt my trust in her. What about you, Kimaris? If you are in my shoe, will you trust her?

Not in my entire life. I hate all the Devils! Devils were born to be stronger compared to regular demons like me. Because of that, they always looked down on other demons including the Demon Lords. I wish one day I can surpass them all, including that bitch Devil Overlord!

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