Transmigrate inside a Web Novel as a Side Character.

Chapter 7: Chapter 07 Worst way to awaken.

"What took you so long Tyr?".

Devi turns her attention toward the demon woman who kneels beside Soma named Tyr. Tyr was wearing the same outfit as Devi, with her red skin, a bat wing that emerged from her back, and a goat horn that protrude on her side skull. But compared to Devi she has a much smaller physique and a round cute face.

But, hidden beneath it was a cold and ruthless mind that will not hesitate to kill even the innocent.

"I apologize mylady. They had numbers on their side with a few A-rank awakeners with them and.."

Tyr began to give her report with a deadpan tone and expression on her face while looking at the ground. Apparently she was tasked to secure the perimeter so that Devi could gain possession of the relics without any disturbance from another party.

Especially other awakeners that notice the commotion. Also the report from the people that witnessed the tragedy that was caused by devi. Tyr eliminated every awakener that was sent to help Hiroshi and Hisako. It was probably bad luck for a human side that the awakeners that had been available on the closest site were an A-rank at best.

As for Tyr, and Devi, who were considered an S-Rank in human society, could handle them alone, just fine. Except the two awakeners that Devi fought.

Devi had planned her ambush for quite a while. One of her plans was to inflict injury toward the two S-rank awakeners. Because she was aware. That she couldn't handle them if they were in their best condition. She would lose.

"Hmph, well I hear enough".

As if she didn't want to hear the continuation of the report she turned her sight toward Soma who is desperately clinging onto life. Devi's corner mouth lifted and she began to sneer. Then opened her mouth wide, and laughed.

"Ahahaha, that is what you get for trying to negotiate with me.. let's see how long you can endure the death that will soon come knocking upon your door".

Soma who dropped on his knees while clutching his chest. Trying to close the hole in his chest to prevent the blood from flowing. But his attempt remained futile, because the blood kept flooding his body and even began to spread across his knee and made a small puddle beneath.

Heat started to dissipate and his body began to turn cold. He could not feel his fingers tip anymore, his vision began to turn blurry with his eyelids becoming heavy every millisecond. Asking him to close it. But he knew that if he closed it. It would eventually lead to his end.

Soma desperately tried to pry open his heavy eyelids and his eyes soon caught the translucent window before him. But, he could not read it because of his blurry vision.

[Devil blood essence is assimilating with your body]

[Assimilation process 54%...]

[Because the skill Adapt that user possess, the assimilation will be proceeding faster..69%]

"..What is that? I can't see it. What should I do?". Soma muttered in his mind. If soma was in his perfect condition and he saw the window before his eyes. Unmistakably, his eyes would pop out from their sockets and his jaw would drop toward the floor.

Because of how absurd and dangerous his situation is right now.

In his blurry sight. Soma's eyes locked into certain relics in Devi's right hand. His mind began to race and soon he opened his mouth. Even though his mouth was filled with blood. "I hope this works".

"..Aa, beneath,, heavens ,,I ,,am the one who,, reign above.l,, earth".

He desperately tried to squeeze a word from his clogged mouth and manage to say the line he needed. Albeit only in a whisper.

Devi's ears twitch and catch Soma muttering. But she didn't pay it any mind because she thought it was just his last attempt before his fire-candle vanished. But, she was mistaken.

The inscription in her right hand began to glow. The light that emitted from the inscription didn't radiate any heat. It was just a regular light, But, for Devi that light began to radiate heat until it burn her hand.


Devi shrieked, because of the intense heat from the light that burned her right hand. Instinctively she dropped the inscription to the ground. Then the light on the inscription began to shoot in a straight line like a beam toward Soma's forehead. It began to cover his entire body.

Tyr, who knelt beside Soma also felt an impending threat from the light that enveloped Soma's body. She shot forward and stood in front of Devi trying to protect her master. Seeing the state her master was in, she took something from her spatial ring and began to treat Devi's right hand that burned.

"Mylady, please bear with it".

Tyr opened the glass container that contained a high grade potion that could cure even a fatal wound. She poured the contained potion on Devi's hand. Even though Devi was a demon. She could still use a potion to heal her wound. It was because they are considered half-human.


Devi's hand began to sizzle as smoke began to appear on her hand. Her burned skin began to regenerate, returning to its normal state. The pain also subsided, leaving a frown on her face.

Devi clenched her right hand to check if there was any discomfort and it seems her hand was back to normal state. She shot a glare toward Soma's way only to find that Soma had already disappeared from its place. Leaving only the remaining of his puddle of blood as a proof of his dying earlier.

Soma's sudden disappearance clearly shakes not only Devi but also Tyr's mind. They didn't even sense his presence right now, even after turning their sight in every direction.

"..Fuuu, haaaa. As I thought, The air in the human realm is more breathable than that creepy and disgusting place".

They stopped in their search as a relaxed voice rang above their head. It made the two demons' bodies flinch, turn their gaze up and saw Soma, who is devoid of any tension in his face, was floating while looking at the bleak sky that has no star because of the light from the civilization. There is a single white orbit that illuminated in those dark skies but alas it was covered by the dark cloud.

However, despite Soma who is having a relaxed attitude. The two demon expressions turn grave. All Of a sudden, cold sweat began to appear on their bodies, their heart began to throb and their body started shivering nonstop in fear seeing Soma's figure.

They never feel this great presence that terrified them from the bottom of their heart. It was their first time feeling this sensation. It was a type of primal fear that emerged not because of the sheer domination, but it was a type of submissive instinct that engraved in their soul that came deep within their consciousness, telling them not to oppose the being before them.

Soma's body began to descend and he stood up on the hard cold asphalt and puffed up his chest inhaling as much oxygen he could inhale. Then exhale it slowly enjoying the delicacies that are called air.

"..Who ,,are you?".

Devi with her trembling lips stuttering her words succeed in asking a question to the being before her.

Soma turns his body around and now faces the two demons who are terrified with Soma's new presence.

As if the night was also waiting for this moment. The cloud split up, then a brilliance of divine light began to descend from the watchful eyes of the moon, illuminating Soma's new figure. That made the two demons terrified to their souls.

The two demons gasped seeing Soma's figure. Soma had the same appearance as before but with an addition of a goat horn that pointed straight forward on both sides of his skull. A blood-red pupil that shone in the darkest abyss, a pair of black bat wings that emerged on his back showing its majesty, and at last it was the existence of a black tail with a pointed triangle shape on its tip.

Soma's new appearance resembled the being people called Devil in Mythology.

After assimilating with the devil blood essence. His body underwent an evolution and it made him turn into something that was not human. However, his transformation had a big difference from the devil that is described in the mythology. With a small amount of devil blood essence on his hands. It only turned him into his current state.

Seeing the terrified demon before him. Soma lifted the corner of his mouth and opened his mouth.

"What did you say, woman?".

Devi's body flinched as Soma's attention turned only to her. She opened her mouth, desperately trying to push the word that got struck on her throat. She gritted her teeth and voiced her question.

"..Who ..are".



Soma pointed at himself as if to make sure and Devi nodded her head to give her consent.

"Okay give me some time!".

Closing his eyes, Soma began to cover his mouth with his right hand. Meanwhile Tyr, the other demon who was still frightened by his existence, began to prepare to take out the weapon she held on her ring, anytime. Ready to protect her master. Clearly she was wary about Soma's new appearance. Even so, no matter what it is. She resolved herself to protect her master even if it cost her life.

Soma nodded his head. Then opened his eyes and began to explain in a relaxed expression.

"..I am Devil. Well a half-devil thought to be precise".

The Devil exhaled, disappointed about his incomplete transformation.

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