Transmigrate inside a Web Novel as a Side Character.

Chapter 8: Chapter 08 Reverse situation.


Devi furrowed her brows. She understood clearly what is happening now. His changing appearance, his healed state, and most important is the primal fear that comes within their soul, that terrified them to this extent.

Demon is basically a copy-cat of the version of the devil. They are created which almost have the same characteristics as the devil. They also had a small amount of impure devil blood within them. That has been bestowed by their lord.

Their goal was to raze human society, and rule over them for eternity, by order of their lord. However, the disparity between the real devil and demon was like mud and heaven.

The Devil lives based on hierarchy in hell. So demons who only had the impure devil blood within. Could only submit themselves after witnessing the real one. Today Devi truly opened her eyes after what she experienced from this exchange. The Demon could not oppose the Devil, their progenitor.

"..Hey, you".

The devil's calm like voice snapped Devi from her thoughts and their eyes met. Devi's body turns cold seeing the chiling smile from the devil before her. The devil pointed his index finger toward her and spoke.

"I think you had the thing that belonged to me. Mind if I ask you to give it back?".

The devil extended his right hand and with a calm expression smiled. That expression alone made Devi's whole body shivering from fear that shook even her soul.


"Mylady, please step back!".

Tyr, who only watched their exchange, began to make a move. With her bravado and even her still trembling body. She stood in front Devi trying to protect her master with a puffed chest.

Holding a dagger on her right hand in a backhand grip. Tyr began to raise her battle aura. Her red aura enveloped her body and strengthened it from both outside and inside.

The devil who saw that showed a curious gaze to the woman who bravely stood in his way, a Devil. Amused he began showing his long canine.

"Mm, it's amusing indeed..".

".Mylady, please leave this place. I will hold that monster down".

"No, it's.."

Tyr didn't wait for her master to reply and instead prepared her battle stance. In her eyes there is a great determination to protect her master even if it costs her life.

The devil who saw Tyr's determination, held his mouth using his right hand trying to hold back his laugh. Then stood there with his hands down.

"..Come, I will play with you".

Tyr, looking at the devil before her who didn't even take this fight seriously, frowned. She made her first move, her class was an assassin that works for Devi as her guard. Earlier she was sweeping the nearby awakeners who noticed the comotion, that can cause a failure in her master plan.

As an assassin she was an expert in the art of ambush and stealth. However, the current situation where the two parties already recognised each other's presence. It's futile to rely on her speciality. So she tries to face the devil before her head-on. Seeing the relaxed stance the devil showed to her. It clearly made her displeased for his lack of seriousness.

Instead of going for the blind spot she lunged at her opponent in the face. She also needs to assess the devil's strength, before making another plan for her next attack. The devil red pupil began dilated and shone, he shifted his left leg to the back and dodged the Tyr attack that aimed at his heart with a minimal movement.

However, Tyr didn't finish with just that. She stopped her advance, then changed the dagger grip to the front, and used her left hand to grab the devil's left wrist before lunging her dagger at his throat.

The devil bent his head back a little and used his right hand to grab Tyr's right wrist. In the deadlock situation, Tyr used her magic. A small amount of electricity began to buzz around her right hand skin. Then she poured her magic power to strengthen it. The devil whose hands were in contact with her got electrocuted and raised his left foot to kick Tyr's abdomen.

Tyr got blown away for a couple of meters and she began to stabilize her stance. Then focus her attention toward the devil again. The devil on the other hand clenching his hands and noticed that his hand was fine before turning his gaze toward her once again.


Seeing the lax composure the devil shows clearly throws Tyr's mind off balance. She began to pour her magic into her body, strengthening it, before disappearing from sight.

"Hou, quite fast for a copycat".

The devil show his amazed expression while looking at Tyr disappearance. But his pupil that has been strengthened by devil blood could follow her movement easily. In a split second, his pupil moved in accordance to where Tyr was moved. He showed his canine and began to take her invitation.

"Wanna play tag? Let's do it".

Crimson mana began to glow from The devil's body and enveloped it, albeit it was only a paper thin margin. However it was enough to make Devi and Tyr's expression turn grave.

"..This brat, having this much talent, yet still didn't do anything.. What a waste". The devil muttered to himself before disappearing from sight and began to engage in a sonic speed battle.

Every time a clash occurred. Rumbling from the shooked air, rising dust, Cracked space, shattered building glass, make it enough proof how intense their fight is.

Devi who witnessed all of that happening stood motionlessly. Then gritting her teeth and using magic to strengthen her body, ready to flee from the battlefield.

"Tyr, thank you and sorry".

With a remorseful face Devi turned her back and ran as fast as her feet could carry her. But a sinister smile of the devil began to block her vision and it made her heart almost leap from her throat.

"You aren't going anywhere lady".

The devil extended his left hand and released a shockwave toward Devi's unguarded abdomen and sent her flying a dozen meters away.

"..You bastard!".

Tyr, who witnessed that happening right before her eyes, roared like a maddening beast and lunged at him with a demonic expression.

The devil seeing the state Tyr was in. Could only laugh. He then grin fiercely and resume their batlle, or maybe playing catch.

Tyr swung her dagger recklessly with the intent to kill the devil before her eyes. The devil on the other hand keeps dodging her every attempt with minimal movement. His eyes even show how boredom this fight actually is.

However a translucent window began to appear before the devil's eyes.

[Adapt skill activating]

[Begin a process to adapt toward the Devil blood essence]

[Adapting begins 1%...2%...]

The devil Knitted his brows. He shifted his gear and began to take the fight seriously.

Devi, who was holding her abdomen after failing to block the kick from the devil, grimaced. That attack completely pierce through her mana strengthening body, and her strong physical ability as a demon race. She could feel that her internal organ was in disorder.

A bitter taste of iron spread around her mouth. She coughed a mouthful of blood. Then she took some potion from her ring and drank it. The potion she drank took effect immediately and her pain from the damage was gone and she could stand back on her feet.

"Hmph, It's boring".


However, when she tried to strengthen her body once more. Tyr's shriek voice and the emotionless voice from the devil entered her ears, and halted her movement.

Devi began to cast her gaze to see what was happening only to find Tyr with her wounded body, lying on the hard cold asphalt, being pressed on her chest by the devil's right foot.



The devil who heard the crying voice that came from a meter away. Turned his gaze and found that Devi was still staying from her collapsed place. Seeing this as a chance, the devil began to put strength on his right leg. putting pressure on Tyr chest.

It was getting hard for Tyr to gather some air. She desperately tries to pry open the foot that restrains her but not to avail.



The devil began to turn his gaze and lessened the strength in his right foot.

"Kahack,, (cough, cough)".

Free from the pressure that restrained her. Tyr coughed, as her lungs began to puff out inhaling some air.

"..Listen demon woman! if you don't want to see this girl get killed. Hurry up, and bring me the devil blood in your possession!".

Devi began to hesitated and she looked toward the girl that being restrained on the devil feet. She began to ponder what should be the best choice she could make right now.

She needs the devil blood essence and the inscription to finish the commision her father has given to her. Without the two relics on her hand she will experience the same horrible thing again, and that is what she wants to change.

However, Tyr lifes weighing on her mind. She was her only ally in the harsh environment she was living in. Tyr was the one that supported her dream since she was little and the only demon who always stayed by her side, supporting her heart.

"..No mylady, you must not!".

Tyr with an ounce of strength she had shouted to warn her master.

"Just leave me behind and deliver those relics to your father, and with that you will gain. aaaakh..".

The devil put more strength in his right foot trying to shut the girl. The truth is the devil is also desperate right now. The strength in his body began to weaken. His mana pool began to depleted at a rapid pace.

[The skill Adapt activated. Accelerating the process]

[Adapting toward the devil essence …64% …65%]

[The user consciousness that slumbered because of the disturbance slowly aroused and will awoke after Adapt skill reached 100%]

"Tch, I didn't know the brat had this kind of disturbing skill. What a drag". The devil muttered.

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