Transmigrate inside a Web Novel as a Side Character.

Chapter 17: Chapter 17 Encounter.

After finishing his training and putting on his clothes. Soma and the trio began to leave the rehabilitates room and now they gather in the room that Soma occupied.

Soma, who was still tired after finishing his daily quest, was sitting on the bed and as for the three they just stood up surrounding Soma, looking at him.

"I am impressed that you are doing some exercise, Is it your routine?".

Hiroshi began to open his mouth first to lessen the tension in the room. As for Hisako, she is still probing Soma's body and she nodded her head agreeing with her husband's words. Apparently, their word contains another meaning.

"Yeah, Soma, are you always doing that?".

"..Well, yeah".

Soma felt a little bit awkward, after the event that happened this morning. Also, there was a matter from yesterday when his emotion on a roller coaster made his expression tense a bit.

However, the two of them apparently noticed that Soma was a little bit tense. So they began to start with a light conversation. So that Soma would drift off from his thoughts about yesterday.

"Hee, Awesome you are so diligent".

"She is right. Looking at the muscle that has been developed, it was not something that was trained just recently but something that had been trained for years…".

Soma opened his eyes wide seeing the enthusiasm from Hiroshi who usually had a calm expression now spoke as if he was finding a new companion. Soma flabbergasted seeing this side of him.

Hisako on the other hand noticed that Soma's expression was loosened seeing her husband's antics. Hiroshi also had the same hobby.

He was a person who liked to train his muscles or exercise at home. So his passion ignited seeing Soma, who seemed to have the same hobby as him. In developing an amazing physique at such a young age.

"Dear, let's stop it at that".

"..Ah, right. I am sorry for the sudden outburst".

Soma, who had a blank expression on his face, snapped back began to raise his hands, and opened his mouth.

"..Ahaha, It's okay".

He could only smile wryly seeing the two couples who always act intimate wherever they are. Then, a sudden clear-bell voice reverberated inside the room and made the other two stiffen their figure.

"Mom Dad, let's not waste any more time than this!".

However, Soma could catch a slightly impatient voice that came out from the little girl behind the couple.

She had a striking resemblance to Hisako. With straight long red hair that reached her waist, and a pair of sharp-glint eyes with light blue pupils that showed her strong-willed gaze, Shot a glare at Soma with knitted brows.

The girl wore a loose small white shirt that showed her belly button inside, and a dark blue jacket with a haphazard style while its sleeves were raised until her elbow. For her lower part, she is wearing short pants showing her smooth-toned thighs and wearing branded sneakers.

Soma opened his eyes wide, seeing the girl behind the two couples. His heart began to throb unconditionally. His brain came to a halt seeing her. Earlier he was too preoccupied with the bare naked thing and the girl also kept throwing her gaze away, not wanting to look at him, but now upon closer look. He is one hundred percent certain that the girl that stood in front of him now, was.

"No way, …Is she?" Soma muttered in his mind.

"Ah right, Soma. Let me introduce you. This girl is our daughter, and her name is Akabane Hina, she is the same age as you".

Hisako circled behind her daughter then raised her two hands to push her daughter in front facing Soma as she wanted to brag about her. Hina on the other hand knitted her brows more displeased with her mother's antics.

Soma who is still wide-eyed, trapped in his swirling thought not moving any muscle. Hina turned her gaze away not wanting to look at Soma before rushing the other two again.

"..Let's Hurry before the sun rises above us. I will wait outside".

Hina slipped away from Hisako's clutch before she walked away from the room and left the other three.

"..Geez, that girl. …At least, hide her expression in front of Soma… . I am sorry Soma, my daughter caused you discomfort".

Now after Hina disappeared. Soma's gear began to work again. He turns his gaze at Hisako who looks troubled, after what happened.

"..Ah, ..It's okay. I don't mind".

"Don't take it personally. She is rather a shy girl at heart so I hope you can get along with her later".

Soma nodded his head hearing Hiroshi's words. Earlier, his mind was blanked out after his favorite Heroine appeared before his eyes in real life. His mind was filled with mixed feelings of euphoria, anxiety mixed together creating chaos inside his mind.

"..What are you guys coming here for again?".

With a rather awkward atmosphere that lingered in the air. Soma opened his mouth and tried to change the topic of conversation. To disperse the heavy air that permeated the room. The two of them turn to share a glance before looking at him.

"We plan to visit you to see how your condition is but..".

"It seems you're fully recovered. So we decided to get you released from the Hospital today".

"..I see, thank you".

The couples shook their heads sideways simultaneously, hearing Soma's words of gratitude. Soma has a sigh of relief hearing them. Finally, he could go home. After staying the night in this spacious unfamiliar room.

Even though the bed is much more comfortable than the bed in his house. But, nothing beats the taste of 'Home sweet home'. Soma also has nothing to worry about. Because of the flood of memories the other day. He could remember his home in this world just fine. Rather, his house was no different from his house in the previous world.

This miracle-like coincidence must be the work of that damn author.

"Soma, You should freshen yourself first, and get changed. We bought you a new set of clothes since your clothes are torn apart. Dear, can you please".

"Okay, Soma wait here. I will bring your new clothes".

"And I will tell the nurse to take care of you".

"Thank you, for everything".

The two of them shook their heads and began to leave the room leaving Soma alone. Soma's head began to wander, then his attention was brought back toward the creaking sound from the door that suddenly opened, and Akabane Hina with knitted brows walked in, then stood beside his left bed.

The atmosphere took a sudden turn and began to feel heavy. Hina shot a glare at Soma with a gaze of contempt, and Soma on the other hand stiffened, his brain was short-circuited.

However, Soma shook his head to snap his mind back to reality. He raised the corner of his mouth a bit before opening his mouth to say.

"..He, hello?".

Hina just stood there and didn't utter any word, while keeping her eyes bore a hole in him. Soma's mood took a sudden turn realizing what he had done. Blood began to disappear from his face as a cold sweat began to appear on his forehead. "My God, what the hell should I do? I am alone with Akabane Hina in one room. I am too nervous to greet her properly.

Fuu, …Calm down me, regain your mind". muttered Soma.

[Mental enhancement level 7 activated]

The emotionless voice began to reverberate inside his mind and his swirling thoughts began to dissipate. His mind became clear, his face began to regain its color and his eyes regained its light as he stared back at the girl before him.

Soma exhaled and tried to open his mouth to begin his introduction.

"Hello, My name is..".

"..What are you after?".


His words were cut off from the indifferent voice that came out of Hina's opened mouth. Her gaze became sharper than earlier. Soma stiffened his body and soon realized what she meant by those words.

Akabane Hina was a character that had been written with a shy personality. However, as the day went on she began to realize how the world works. She began to build a wall around her heart. Her Shy and reserved character began to undergo a change. It changes into a wary personality, because of her surroundings.

It was not because her parents guided her wrongly, no. Rather, it was because of the greed, and malice that began to approach her in early years that they tried to coat her as they would gain trust with her parents. Made her mind twisted.

Her personality got worse in the Chronicles Saga after she lost her parents. It was changed into indifference where she didn't care about what happened to other people as long as she could avenge her family. Fortunately, this time, Soma had intervened. So Hina before him only had a wary personality.

"What do you mean?".

Soma pretends to be clueless about what her question is. She seemed displeased by his remark and she began to click his tongue.

"Tch, Okay let me be clear. I don't trust you!".

Hina began to spill out her venom. She crossed her arms in a daunting pose while looking down on Soma. Soma just kept his mouth shut, opening his ears to receive her venom.

"Don't get ahead of yourself just because you are my parent's savior. I know too well that you must have had another reason behind those kindnesses you show to my parents, but you can't fool me".

"..I see, so it was like this".

Soma whispered to himself as he began to be aware of what kind of girl named Akabane Hina was. He cast his gaze to the floor and began to dive into his thoughts. Hina watching Soma's nonchalant attitude irks her to the core as she begins to raise her voice.

The door in the room slammed open and a third person showed themselves and began to approach the bed.

"Hmm? Hina, what are you doing here?".

Hisakko tilted her head seeing her daughter who stood beside Soma with a scowl on her face.

".. Nothing".

Hina turned her back and began to leave the room, leaving her dumbfounded parents. The figure of Hiroshi appeared as he stood before the door, holding a paper bag in his hands, and saw his daughter walk away. Then Hiroshi, who is curious, turned his gaze at Soma and opened his mouth.

"What happened?".

Soma just smiled wryly and answered. "Nothing, we just introduced ourselves to each other".

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