Transmigrate inside a Web Novel as a Side Character.

Chapter 18: Chapter 18 Invitation.

Alone in the patient room. Soma, now standing wearing nothing but his birthday suit looking at his body. He touched his ripped abs that had a low fat percentage, and the corner of his mouth lifted as he began to admire his body.

In his previous world Soma also had a pretty good physique, because he never abandoned his exercise to keep him stay healthy throughout the years. But, His previous body couldn't compare to the perfect state of his body right now.

"This thing happened probably because of one of the factors from him assimilating with the devil's blood inside him or maybe because of the change caused by the power that martial saint left behind". Soma muttered while still not figuring out how his body took a significant change in one night.

His bulging six-pack and chest protrude like it has been chiseled, with not too bulky, just on the perfect category of lean figure. But his muscles were firmer than ever. "Hehe, Man this is nice. Crap, I forgot the time".

As much as he wants to look at his perfect figure. He couldn't stay in that state for longer. Someone was waiting for him outside. He turned his gaze toward the new set of clothes that was brought by the couple and began to grab the boxer first before putting his foot in.

With a renewed vigor, after his body has been freshened up by magic. Made his body comfortable enough to wear a new set of clothes he was gifted with.

Earlier the nurse that Hisako brought was an awakener with a light magic user. She used.

[Level three Light magic, Cleanse: It was magic that could clean all of the impurities that were stuck in his external body and purify it]

After, putting the long dark long blue jeans on. Soma began to grab the white shirt and put it on his body to cover his chilled abs. Finished with his change Soma grabbed the brown parka on the bed before putting it on to keep his body warm.

Soma, for the last time, looked toward the spacious room before bowing his head a bit and turning his body to leave the room. Putting his hand on the door handle. He twisted the doorknob and pushed the door outside as he was greeted by the sight of the white corridor that was filled with people. Soma stepped out from his room then greeted with a clear like a beel voice beside him.

"Done with the change?".

A cheerful voice entered his ear and Hisako approached him and began to cast her eyes probing Soma's appearance. She nodded her head before giving him a thumbs up.

"You look great in that outfit".

"..Yes, Thank you".

Soma smiled wryly, seeing how funny this interaction seemed to him.

"Let's get this over with, Mom".

An indifferent voice brought back his attention as he watched the bored girl walk away, leaving the two of them. Hisako sighs, seeing her daughter's attitude before glancing at Soma. Soma, who understood that gaze, shook his head sideways then he opened his mouth.

"Let us go, Miss Hisako".


The two of them began their walk following the girl's step. Approaching the metal door that stood on the left side of the corridor. Hina was already standing there waiting for the elevator to come with crossed hands and tapping the floor with her right shoes.

The beeping sound accompanied by the glow from the button at the metal door side brought their attention back, as the elevator door began to open to reveal an empty space inside.

Hina didn't wait for anyone and began to step in first followed by Hisakio and Soma, in last. Hina soon found herself in the corner leaning her body toward the wall.

Hisako pressed the button from the right side of the wall, then the elevator door shut and it began to descend slowly. Their destination was the lower floor where the lobby is.

Soma stood silently as the floating sensation began to creep on his body. He kept his stance firm as he waited for the door to open. No one opened their mouths, they just stood silently waiting for the passing time inside the narrow space.

A few seconds later, the beeping sound could be heard again and the door began to open revealing a busy lobby packed with humans entering their sight. Hisako now led the way and was followed by Hina and Soma behind. Entering the busy lobby, they soon spotted a lone figure of a handsome man standing while waiting for someone, the two eyes met and formed a smile before approaching each other.

"Dear, are you done with the release procedure?".

"Yeah, there is no problem, he could go now".

"Good, then".

"Thank you so much for everything. I will remember this and pay you some other time if I am capable enough..".

Soma bowed his head ninety degrees then, opened his mouth, which made the two couples open their jaws wide. Hina, who witnessed that, humped. Then turned her gaze to the faraway place.

The two rushed to his side and began to correct Soma's form, stopping him from bowing his body. They smiled wryly seeing his attitude.

"It's okay, Soma. You don't have to do that".

"She is right. Let's get out of this place first. This is not a proper place for talking".

Soma nodded his head and accepted their invitation. The four of them began to drift off from the building as the entrance began to enter their eyes.

After stepping out of the building, a chilling wind passed him while brushing his skin, making his body shiver a bit. Soma felt as if the world welcomed his return.

Hiroshi put his right hand in his left chest pocket and retrieved his smartphone before making a call. It beeps three times before the phone gets answered.

"Yeah it's me, I am at..".

While Hiroshi was busy talking with someone. Soma puffed his chest out to suck a lot of air then exhaled it instantly. enjoying the fresh morning air "I think this is the time for us to separated, huh". Soma muttered.

"Then everyone once again. Thank you for everything you guys have done for me. I will take my leav..".

"Wait! where are you going?".


Soma who intended to give his farewell just got his word cut off by Hisako who approached him and put her hand on his shoulder.

Hiroshi seems finished with the call. He puts the smartphone in his left chest pocket and turns to the other trio behind him.

"It's arriving..".

Soon after Hiroshi finished his words, a black luxury limousine drove away on the quiet road. It approached their place before it stopped right in front of them. The driver's door opened and then a gray-haired man appeared wearing formal clothes like a tuxedo, bowing his head slightly before addressing all of them.

"Mr, Hiroshi and family. The president is expecting you to come, so please would you be willing to give us some of your time?".

"I don't mind, let go everyone".

The gray-haired butler began to shift his position and stood beside the passenger door, opening it and waiting for Hiroshi and co, to enter.

"Then, please".

Hiroshi nodded his head, as he began to lead the others followed by Hina after he entered the car. Before Soma had time to think, Hisako grabbed his right hand and he was dragged away by Hisako before entering the limousine and sat on top of the soft seat facing the other two.

The door closed as the butler guy began to enter the driver seat and start the engine before driving off, carrying Soma and Co.

"Um? Where are we going?".

Soma, sitting on the soft comfortable seat that he never experienced before in his life, still didn't catch the situation and opened his mouth to ask the perpetrator.

"Ah, we are going to meet the president of the Awakeners Association now".

"I am sorry, what?".

Hiroshi's brief answer gives Soma a big question mark on his head.

"What do you mean?". He asked.

"Well, the president wants to meet you. A young boy who is brave enough to challenge death, by trying to negotiate with the fearsome demon on his own just to save two unknown figures".

Hisako who sits beside him begins to explain the story of how the president of the Awakeners Association wants to meet with Soma. It seems after hearing the report from both of them. The president becomes pleased and curious as to who is the person who is brave enough to do that feat at such a young age.

Soma listened to the story that Hisako began to reveal, then sighed covering his face with his palm.

His mind began to wander as to why the president wanted to talk to him. Actually, there are a couple of things that worry him. "Does the president want to talk to me about the responsibility of the lost relics? or does he just want to talk with me about something else? I don't know". Soma muttered.

In the Chronicles Saga, the figure of the president of the Awakeners Association in Japan never had a chance to show himself in the long term. All he knows is that he is a strict person who always reprimands Hina because of her reckless actions. However, he knew that the person himself was not a bad person at heart.

Soma sighs before leaning his back toward the seat letting his body dive into the comfort of the soft seat of this luxury car.

"Well, whatever happens happens huh. Let's deal with it later at the place". Soma muttered in his mind.

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