The Villainess Proposed a Contractual Marriage

Chapter 17: Tears Seeping into Mud

Rona grew up in a perfectly ordinary family.

Raised by loving parents in a comfortable home, she blossomed into a beautiful young woman with a radiant smile.

Perhaps because of this, all the eligible bachelors in town couldn't help but steal glances at her.

At village festivals, she always had her pick of dance partners - a common occurrence.

Occasionally, she even received courtship proposals accompanied by fresh bouquets.

Rona sometimes enjoyed the attention, but always turned them down firmly.

There was no particular reason.

Despite her popularity, Rona held an almost naive fantasy about romance.

Someday, her soulmate would appear.

She wouldn't date anyone unless she felt "This is the one!"

She thought, "Maybe someone a bit flawed would be nice too."

There could be joy in helping fill those gaps.

And wouldn't someone imperfect rely on her more?

... If he had a great body and handsome face on top of that, it'd be perfect.

No matter how tempted she was to date, she patiently held out. All for that destined partner who would someday appear.

But was it a stroke of fate?

Her soulmate arrived like an uninvited guest, without warning.

"I can't remember anything... Who I am, what I do... My name... It's all gone."

The man who suddenly appeared in the village had striking red hair that seemed to burn with passion.

When he blinked, it was like watching sunlight dance across a summer lake, momentarily submerged before resurfacing.

She'd never seen a man as handsome as him before.

His broad shoulders strained against his shirt, the buttons barely containing his muscular chest.

A bell rang clearly in her heart.

This was a first love she couldn't let slip away.

Rona was certain.

This man was truly her destined partner.

So she made up her mind in an instant.

"I'll help you!"

From that day on, her heart raced with newfound excitement.

She stayed by his side, patiently teaching him how to navigate daily life as he fumbled through everything.

The kinder Rona was, the more he responded with shy, fluttering smiles.

As time passed, she grew increasingly curious about the man's identity.

With looks like his, he could easily be a young nobleman... Could he be a noble who'd fallen on hard times?

Perhaps when he regained his memories, he might even make her a noblewoman.

She knew it was a foolish fantasy.

An amnesiac noble lord? It sounded like something out of a romance novel.

Still, she felt lucky.

To think a man so perfectly matching her ideal type would rely on her.

And occasionally even show subtle affection while blushing.

When he finally proposed, putting clear effort into it despite having nothing, Rona felt like she had the whole world.

Surely only happy days lay ahead.

She believed that. Until the morning after their wedding night, as the sun rose while she lay in his arms.

"Darling...? Where are you...?"

He had vanished without a trace. As if he'd never existed.

Delusion? Dream? Was she losing her mind?

She considered every possibility, but as the days passed, her body revealed the answer.

"I haven't had my period..."

She was pregnant.

A single night together had left life growing in her womb.

The child of a man who disappeared right after their wedding night...

Her parents were against it, but she wanted to keep the baby.

Even if it meant being thrown out to fend for herself.

Because it was his child.

The result of her love with the man she'd cherished so dearly.

The baby girl she carried for nine months was adorable enough to make her forget all her hardships.

A child who resembled him in everything from hair color to eye color.

It felt as if this child was proof that their love had been real, and she was moved to tears.

... At least, that was true until the child turned two.

The year she turned two.

She began to speak, able to communicate in short sentences.

It wasn't about intelligence, but physical possibility.

She'd never heard of a two-year-old who could actually talk.

It was unsettling, but not reason enough to withhold love.

That remained true for three more months, until just before the child could run instead of toddle.


A wild dog's yelp pierced the night.

Thinking some dangerous animal might be outside, she hurried out to check.

What she found wasn't a sharp-toothed wolf or a massive bear.

It was her child.

Her barely two-year-old baby was covered in blood, rummaging through a wild dog's entrails, staring intently at Rona.

For the first time, the mother felt afraid of her child.

She even doubted whether this truly was the baby she'd given birth to two years ago.

Rona vomited on the spot.

The year the child turned four.

Rona suffered an injury that would leave her limping for life.

From an attack by none other than her own child.

From that point on, Rona abandoned raising Tina and ran away. Far enough that her child would never find her, even by chance.



Life without the child was peaceful.

Farming unexpectedly suited her, and the villagers were kind to Rona, the newcomer. They likely guessed she had her reasons for being there.

After settling into the village, she often spent time with one man.

Noticing his sorrowful demeanor, she asked and learned he was reminded of his late wife.

Rona could relate to the man's story.

After all, her first love and husband had vanished overnight.

They'd both lost spouses, so they grew close quickly.

It only took six months for them to remarry.

This time, she gave birth to a perfectly ordinary boy.

Clearly the issue had been with her ex-husband.

Rona felt relieved. It seemed she could finally build a normal family with someone she loved.

That should have been the case, but...

"Mom! There's a girl I don't know here!"

"Jed? Do we have a visitor?"

Rona hurried out the front door to greet this unexpected guest.

As she was about to shield her eyes from the bright sunlight.


Her bad leg gave out. No, she couldn't even make it move.

It wasn't physical. It was all in her head.

That child, the monster who had tried to harm her own parents, had appeared before her eyes again.

The red hair she still couldn't forget. Still burning with passion.

Those inhuman blue eyes were shining just as beautifully as that day.

Her body had grown, but Rona recognized her instantly.


As the worst daughter who had only given her cruel memories.

"Jed! Get behind Mom right now!"

"Eek, okay!"


Rona's ordinary son scampered behind her, peeking out to stare at Tina.

Tina took in the mother and son with wide eyes.


"What did you say?"

"Mom... It's me, Tina... Your daughter..."

Tina reached out as if grasping at empty air. But her hand stopped short, not even reaching her waist.

"Who... Who are you calling daughter?! I never gave birth to a monster... That's right, I never had such a daughter..."


"Please leave, I said leave! Are you here to hurt someone again? Not my son... As long as I'm alive... Never...!!!"

Tina felt like her world was crumbling.

Ironically, the firstborn daughter was witnessing the tender maternal love of a mother trying to protect her child from herself.

She knew this hostility and maternal instinct were entirely her fault.


Children are blind to reality.

Unlike parents who have choices, children only have one path. After all, a child's whole world is their parents.

Even faced with this harsh reality, Tina asked pleadingly.

"Mom... Am I not good enough...?"

"Get out... Right now...!!!"

The collapsed mother let out a scream mixed with anger and fear.

Tina's world shattered at that fragile cry.

"Don't ruin our lives... You monster!!!"

"Ah... *sob*..."

Tears welled up in her blue eyes.

The tears that flowed down her cheeks seeped into the mud wet with morning dew. As if those tears meant nothing to the mother she'd found again.

Tina's tears were no different from the mud trampled underfoot.

Just then, a snapping sound came from somewhere.

A cruel sound.

Today, Tina finally learned what it sounded like when the thread of fate was severed.

Just as Rona's strength gave out, so did Tina's legs.

Even then, her only thought was a pitiful worry.

Her bottom would sink into the mud.

Her clothes would get dirty.

She'd surely be a bother.

... She'd look unsightly.

Tina squeezed her eyes shut.

How long had it been?

She let out a faint groan.


She felt no impact at all.

No mud splattered, her clothes didn't get dirty.

Then, as she opened her eyes, she felt a sense of comfort.

Firm, broad, and warm. A now very familiar sensation. Somehow reassuring.

Tina softly called out to the one who firmly supported her as she was about to collapse.


"Yes, it's your stupid, good-for-nothing dad."

Harte regretted his decision.

If he'd known it would be like this, he should have sent a letter first.

Then he wouldn't have left such a painful first impression.

Blinded by optimism, he'd hurt the child who trusted him.

"I'll be right back, Tina."

Harte steadied Tina, then approached Rona without hesitation. Rona backed away, clearly afraid.

"Y-You... What are you trying to do...!"

"I can't just stand by and watch this."

Though Harte moved slowly, he was faster than the struggling woman on the ground. He knelt beside her and placed his hand on her leg.

Then, a faintly shining golden light.

A miraculous glow reminiscent of life itself circulated through her body.

The woman quickly felt the change.

Her useless ankle now moved freely, and her stiff knee felt as good as new.

Without any therapy, she could move it as easily as her other leg.

"What is this... Why would you...?"

Rona, still sitting, struggled to form the question.

Harte's answer was simple and clear.

"Because from today, I'm her real father."


"There's no such thing as... parents who don't take responsibility for their child's mistakes."

Harte added one last thing.

"However, as Tina's family, there's one thing I must say."

He bowed deeply, showing respect to Rona.

"Thank you for bringing such a wonderful daughter into this world."


Ignoring the woman's suspicious gaze, Harte continued.

"I'll cherish this miracle and love Tina as my own. And I'll raise her with more love than anyone in the world. As much as you, who wanted to love Tina, couldn't..."

Harte doesn't hate Rona.

He doesn't deny that she tried her best as a mother.

It's just that the situation was impossible.

Fate had torn their bond apart.

What's done is done.

Now they must each live their own lives with their own families.

"... I hope you find peace in your new life."

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