The Villainess Proposed a Contractual Marriage

Chapter 18: Descent

I scooped up Tina as we left her birth mother's place, our connection now at an end. I wiped away Tina's tears that kept falling with my sleeve.

"Sob... hic... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..."

"What are you apologizing for, Tina?"

"I... sniff, I... was trying to leave you and mom... but you kept, kept helping me, Dad... It makes me so sad..."

"There's certainly a lot to be sad about."

A child's sorrow is often hard for adults to understand. While I thought Tina's guilt was excessive, she seemed to feel so bad that she couldn't stop crying.

"You weren't trying to leave, were you? You were trying to find someone."

"Sniff... really...?"

"Of course. You saw how I won all those word games, right? I'm the smartest, that's what I'm saying."

"I... hic, see..."

"Since it's not your fault, you can stop crying now. Okay?"

"Huu... okay..."

Tina tried to force herself to stop crying, squeezing her eyes shut tight. It made her look like she was glaring.

I couldn't help but chuckle at how cute and adorable she looked, even though I knew I shouldn't.

"Why, why are you laughing?"

"Because I'm happy."

"You're happy?"

"From today on, we can really be together. That makes me glad."

I set Tina down and gently stroked her head. Tina mumbled with her eyes fixed on the ground.

"Me too..."


"I'm happy too..."

While I was glad to see Tina's faint smile, I was also worried. The atmosphere when we got off the carriage had been rather solemn, after all.

'I wonder if it feels like saying a grand farewell to set off on an adventure, only to run into each other at the village tavern the next day...?'

I'm worried Tina might feel embarrassed. Especially that brat Yulian, who's been taking a liking to teasing people.

If he so much as jokes around, I'll have to smack his behind, prince or not.


My worries proved unfounded, as Tina hesitated not because of the children, but because of Elphisia.

She seemed uncomfortable, probably feeling guilty for choosing her birth mother over her current one.


"... Yes?"

Tina tensed up and raised her head at Elphisia's seemingly cold call. But contrary to Tina's expectations, Elphisia quietly extended her hand without a word of rebuke.

"What are you doing? We need to go back."

"Where to...?"

"Where else?"

Elphisia tilted her head slightly.

"... Our home."

Her cheeks flushed slightly, apparently unaccustomed to giving such heartfelt comfort.

But the effect was more than enough. Tina shook off her unease and ran to take Elphisia's hand.

"Hmm, at least it won't be lonely."

"Shall we play hide-and-seek when we get back? Yulian and I will be it!"

"Let me be clear - that's the last thing I want."

"Phew... thank you. Both Yulian and Glen..."

A warm atmosphere settled among the children who had boarded the carriage first. Perhaps children healing each other is indeed the best solution. This might be something that even divine power can't touch.


"What is it?"

"Your escort."

I offered my hand to Elphisia after letting her go first. She exhaled as if exasperated, but ultimately took my hand and boarded the carriage.

As the last to board, I clapped my hands to get everyone's attention after closing the door.

"Now then, my little friends. I have an important announcement."

"An announcement?"

"What is it?"

Glen and Yulian reacted immediately, while Tina tilted her head in confusion.

It was a strange feeling.

I felt both regretful and happy to be able to share this news.

"Actually, we're not going back to the orphanage yet. Instead, we're going to enjoy a party at Border Count Behiroth's mansion!"

"Dad? What party?"

"Well, you see, we decided to throw a fun party to comfort you if you didn't leave."

"Because of me...?"

"It's a party just for Tina... and it was all Elphisia's idea!"

"Hey, you...!"

Elphisia tried to object immediately. But unable to deny the truth, she clamped her mouth shut.

"As expected of Elphisia. She's the kindest. She'll never be called a villainess in her life."

"Do you want to die...?"

Elphisia threatened me through gritted teeth.

This is quite chilling.

Even so, the truth that she was the one who suggested going to the Border Count's mansion remains unchanged.

'I wondered how it would turn out back then...'

It was during our journey to the border - inside the carriage.

Just before Elphisia made the terrible mistake of leaving a kiss mark on my cheek.

She wanted to prepare for the possibility that Tina's reunion with her birth mother wouldn't end happily.

Tina would likely be heartbroken, so she thought it best to have a backup plan ready.

After some discussion, Elphisia suggested a small party at the Border Count's mansion.

When I asked if that would be possible, Elphisia immediately said yes.

Aron Behiroth, the Border Count. He had great respect for warriors more skilled than himself.

And Elphisia was the daughter of Duke Luminel, known as the Empire's Greatest Sword.

Given their prior acquaintance and the ideal conditions, there was no need to hesitate.

I readily agreed, and Elphisia nodded willingly.

... What happened right after was the "Dad, Mom's kiss is left on your cheek" incident.

'It's getting hot just thinking about it again... haa.'

Since it actually happened, it's borderline voyeurism... but safe. That's not to say I don't feel guilty about it.

Anyway, the children's reaction to our plan was very positive.


Tina's eyes sparkled as she listened intently to the end. She opened her eyes wide, especially towards Elphisia, almost uncomfortably so.

"Mom. Um..."

"What is it?"

"Can I sit on your lap?"


This time, I was the one taken aback.

Though Tina was small for her age, she was clearly ten years old. She might be too heavy to sit on Elphisia's lap, unlike mine.

But while I alone fretted and tried to read the room, Elphisia gave her permission in a cool voice.

"Hmph, if it's just for today... I suppose I can allow it."


"Harte, are you trying to make me eat my words?"

"That's... uh, sorry..."

"I wasn't particularly looking for an apology."

Then Elphisia mumbled softly.

"... You were just worried, after all."

"Ahaha, that's a relief."

Tina climbed onto Elphisia's lap and leaned back. I thought Elphisia might show a fleeting expression of discomfort, but she looked surprisingly serene.

Elphisia seemed to be a stronger person than I had thought.

Both physically and mentally.

"But sitting on your lap like this, I can smell Mom's scent. Even though you're not wearing perfume, it's like there are roses."

"Then Tina shouldn't lean on me?"

"Why not?"

"Because roses have sharp thorns. You'll definitely get pricked."

"She won't get pricked. What nonsense are you saying to the child?"

"Nonsense... is it?"

I think Elphisia does resemble a rose.

She reacts coldly even to the slightest friendly gesture, just like a thorny stem.

I don't mean it in a bad way. I just thought Elphisia was the kind of woman who suited those thorns.


As I mulled over my impression, I felt embarrassed and clamped my mouth shut.

In such a lively atmosphere with no room for boredom,

We finally arrived at Border Count Behiroth's mansion.



Despite trusting Elphisia's bold declaration, Harte still felt some unease. After all, they were heading to the mansion of a Border Count, who commanded respect equal to a Marquis, without so much as a notice.

Even as a commoner, he knew how rude an unannounced visit could be.

But as soon as they arrived at the Count's mansion, his doubts vanished. The moment Elphisia revealed her identity to the guard, Aron Behiroth came running out in his socks.

"My goodness, Lady Luminel! What brings you here without notice?"

"There are circumstances. Would it be alright if we stayed for a night?"

"Of course! How could I disregard the only daughter of Duke Luminel? Please, make yourself at home!"

"I appreciate your hospitality, Count. However... there's one thing you should correct."

"Oh? What's that?"

Elphisia interlaced her fingers with Harte's and led him forward. Then she proudly displayed their matching wedding rings.

"I've been married for quite some time now. Unlike before, the title of 'Lady' is no longer appropriate."

"What did you say...?"

The surprise was so great that his teeth were visible as his mouth gaped open.

The Border Count quickly regained his composure and awkwardly scratched his cheek.

"Well, I know news travels slowly to the border, but to think I didn't know about the marriage of Duke Luminel's precious daughter. This is... quite embarrassing, quite embarrassing indeed."

Then he asked for Harte's name.

"So, what is your name?"

"It's Harte."

"Your family name?"

"I don't have one."

"Uh... umm...?"

He looked visibly confused.

Unless Elphisia was playing a prank, the only conclusion was that she had married a commoner. But this was something that would be impossible even if dirt, let alone a needle, entered Duke Luminel's eyes.

"Ahem... excuse me, but did you two elope?"

"Hard as it may be to believe, the Duke himself arranged this marriage."

"Is there... a particular reason?"

"Well, I suppose he was impressed by his exceptional swordsmanship?"


As expected of Aron Behiroth, a man who revered martial arts, he accepted it quickly.

He seemed to have understood using the logic that if he would do so, the Duke would as well.

"You can just call me by my name."

"I see. By the way, I'm curious about your husband's skills... If it's not too presumptuous, may I request a sparring match? It's just that 'the' Duke Luminel taking a commoner as a son-in-law... well, it piques my curiosity."

"If you wish to sully my reputation, by all means."


Only then did he realize his rudeness at Elphisia's pointed remark.

But Harte's stance was slightly different.

While equally unwelcome, he wanted to uphold Elphisia's honor. If he just let this pass, everyone in the Count's mansion would doubt his qualifications as a husband.

So if only his own honor were to fall, it would be bearable. But being bound in marriage, their honor was now one and the same.

Therefore, Harte chose to elevate his wife's honor as a husband.



"I accept. The sparring match you proposed."

A calm declaration.

Elphisia immediately protested.

"Harte! There's no need for that. You don't even like fighting!"

"It's fine, it's not a fight but a sparring match, right?"

"That's just wordplay..."

Elphisia was dissatisfied with Harte's course of action. She knew from the start that he was the type to avoid showing off to others.

"Well... I feel bad for causing a marital dispute..."

"What marital dispute?! This is ridiculous..."

Elphisia glared at Harte fiercely while grumbling.

"Do as you please. But don't overdo it."

"Okay, got it."

Aron Behiroth grinned broadly at the couple's agreement.

"Excellent, adjutant! Prepare to depart for the training grounds right n..."

For the briefest moment. Yes, that's the only way to describe it.

His words didn't continue beyond that point.

Due to the thunderous roar that followed.


It came with a vast shadow, without any warning.

The massive body that descended from the sky and embedded itself in the earth exuded an overwhelming presence.

A veritable descent.

A gale blew from the slight flap of its wings.

Grass was uprooted and swirled in the updraft. The vast estate was devastated by the mere aftershock of its landing.

"What in the world is this!?"

Aron Behiroth exclaimed in shock as he looked the massive body up and down.

Crimson scales haphazardly covering its skin, and vertical blue pupils pulsing with an abnormal energy.

Moreover, its overflowing energy materialized and dripped to the ground like blood.

He knew of only one creature with such distinct features.

"The Bloody Dragon...!"


It tore off the roof of the carriage.

Meanwhile, the horses had given up even being startled, cowering flat on the ground instead of panicking.

Then the crimson dragon forcefully projected its words directly into their minds.

[I sensed an energy similar to mine and wondered what it could be...]

Its eyes gleamed with interest.

[So an unexpected half-breed was born.]

It was a lightning-fast development.

In that moment, it snatched up its only blood relative and took flight.




Harte swiftly reached out his hand, but missed by a hair's breadth.

Aron, who belatedly reacted, drew his sword, but it was futile to aim at the dragon that had exponentially picked up speed.

The dragon's sudden descent was overwhelmingly brief.

Like the very incarnation of violence, it ravaged and vanished without a trace.

The crimson behemoth that had flaunted its massive form instantly became a mere speck in the sky.

"... Ha."

Amidst the silence as everyone held their breath, only one person exhaled as if in shock.

It was Elphisia.

She fixed her gaze solely on Harte.

Elphisia had witnessed her husband's eyes, devoid of any focus, only once in her entire life.

Recalling that time made her head throb.

'You've really done it this time... against such a soft-hearted person. Damn lizard.'


She clicked her tongue bitterly.

Simultaneously, the memories etched in her mind shook off the accumulated dust.

As Elphisia remembered, that day was when the map was rewritten.

And also.

It was the day when one person's death sentence was decided.

Divine radiance shone like a blessing.

It was a holiness that enveloped the entirety of the estate and more.

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