The Villainess Proposed a Contractual Marriage

Chapter 12: An Incomprehensible Proposal

"My name is Elphisia Luminel. I've come with a proposition for you."

"Elphisia... Luminel...!"

I gasped as soon as I heard her introduction. Then I shook my head, wondering why I hadn't recognized her immediately, given her distinctive features.

Elphisia's appearance matched her description in the original work perfectly.


She glanced around the orphanage. Her eyes roamed about as if examining a curious object, eventually settling on me.

"It took a while to get here. May we go inside to talk?"

"... Very well."

As I opened the orphanage door for her, a thousand possibilities raced through my mind. Even though all three main characters had converged at the orphanage, I never expected the villainess to show up as well.

It seemed my offhand joke had become a prophecy.

Elphisia showed no reaction as she passed through the narrow, shabby corridor. For someone as noble as her, one of the most distinguished ladies in the empire, it was surprising she didn't wrinkle her nose in disgust...

When Elphisia finally reached the humble room that we called a reception area, I offered her a seat. She smoothly slid into the chair.

A moment of silence.

Then, from her delicate lips came my name.






"... Yes?"

What was this? Some kind of test? Or simple harassment?

I couldn't read anything from that cynical face.

So I decided to ask outright.

"Should I call you 'Lady'?"

"Yes, for now."

"For now...?"

The tone was odd, but it wasn't the time to press the issue.

"First, Lady Luminel. How did you learn my identity? Has news of the illegal auction spread that far...?"

"Half right. You're quite the celebrity, more than you imagine. But I've been watching you since before that."

"... Pardon?"

"It was difficult to track you down. The temple protected you so well, I barely found you."

Though she said it was difficult to track me, she didn't say it was impossible. This implied she knew about the orphanage even before the illegal auction incident.

What on earth did this woman want from me?

As I raised my guard, she continued.

"Anyway, it worked out. I managed to find you, and now I can make this proposal."

"Proposal? To me?"

Elphisia, the cherished daughter of a renowned family and a ruthless strategist.

This woman, with who I seemingly had no connection, promptly produced some documents.

Dropping a bombshell so shocking I nearly blasphemed...

"Let's get married."


"Well, more precisely, a contract marriage. These documents are to formalize our agreement."


Elphisia was a woman beyond comprehension. I couldn't fathom her intentions or motives.

It seemed more plausible that this situation was a dream.

I chuckled, utterly dumbfounded.

"Uh... Marriage. A contract marriage, at that..."

"Yes, a contract marriage."

Her confidence was striking. Truly befitting Elphisia Luminel. It prompted me to blurt out nonsense.

"... Um, am I perhaps incredibly handsome or something?"

"Why don't you look in a mirror and judge for yourself?"

"... Right."

I felt like pounding my chest in embarrassment.

But seriously.

Even if Elphisia was destined for a bad ending in the future, she currently had everything.

Beauty, wealth, power. She was the very embodiment of perfection.

'This is insane. I can't just dismiss her as crazy and send her away...'

Honestly, I felt dizzy with confusion.

As I struggled to formulate a response, I noticed small eyes peering through the slightly open door.

They must have finished their naps and come looking for me. Curious about the rare visitor, they were now secretly spying.

Finally, I managed to speak.

"Let me get this straight... Are you in your right mind? We've never even met, and suddenly... marriage..."

"I have my reasons. Besides, I'm as determined as anyone can be to stand here and make this proposal."

Oh ho, prepared herself, has she? I wonder just how impressive this resolve of hers is.

"Then, were you prepared for this too?"

I gestured for the peeking eyes outside to enter. After some hesitation, the children slowly opened the door and came in.

Yulian, Glen, and Tina.

When I signaled Tina to come hug me, she scampered over and clung to me.


"... What did you just say?"

For the first time, a crack appeared in Elphisia's face, which had been as precise as a well-oiled machine.

Oblivious to this, Tina helpfully delivered the final blow once more.


Elphisia, who had brought out the contract marriage documents, froze like a glacier.

I faced her awkwardly frozen form with an embarrassed smile.

"As you can see, I've got a kid."

As a noble lady, Elphisia would have already figured out the correct answer.

She should withdraw with her contract marriage documents immediately.

However, since there's always room for the unexpected, I reconfirmed her intentions.

"Were you... prepared for this too?"

Her evenly arranged white teeth were truly beautiful. Such an observation came naturally, as Elphisia's lips were gaping wide open.

Overwhelmed by confusion and bewilderment, Elphisia finally managed to speak.



A perfect victory for me... or so I thought.

Elphisia's face contorted like a malevolent spirit.

"You... madman...!!!"

"Eh, yes...?"

The next moment, Elphisia grabbed my hair and started yanking.

"Harte, you...! Whose child is this?! Whose child, I'm asking! Who gave you permission to have a child?!"

"Ow! It hurts! It hurts, Lady! I'm telling you it hurts!"

"You think pain matters? You think pain matters, you fool!"

Whack! Whack! Whack!

Not satisfied with pulling my hair, Elphisia started pounding my back. Faced with this unreasonable violence, I exploded with indignation.

"What's wrong with me having a child...!"


"... I suppose there could be something wrong with it."

"Oh, for heaven's sake!"

What the hell? What is going on?

'... This is strange. Really strange. Why can't I resist the Lady? Is this the power of authority...?'

A sense of dissonance.

It was the same dissonance I felt when I saved Elphisia from the carriage accident. No matter how many times I thought about it, that feeling remained certain.

To end this absurd violence, I finally confessed.

"... Tina is my adopted daughter."

"Adopted, you say?"

Elphisia finally lowered her gaze to look directly at Tina. At the little girl with cheeks puffed up as much as her hostility...

"Who are you to hit our papa, lady!"

'That's right, Tina...!'

"From today, I'm your mother."

"Oh, is that so? Well then, I guess it can't be helped... It's just parents arguing..."

"... Tina?"

I called out to Tina, dumbfounded by how easily she accepted it. But Tina's perception was changing far too simply.

Just then, I heard Yulian snicker.

"What's this, Director? It's too much to pretend not to know your beloved wife. And you've been hiding her from us all this time."

"What should we call her? Ma'am? Vice Director? Or just Wife?"

Glen was seriously thinking the proper form of address. For a moment, I hated these ungrateful little brats.

Especially you, Yulian, seizing this chance to annoy me.

One way or another, I was the first to back down.

"... Could you all leave for now? We still have things to discuss."

"Our director is quite the sinful man."

Glen and Tina left, followed lastly by Yulian, who exited with an unmistakable scoff.

Just you wait.


Despite the chaos, I needed to sort things out.

"Lady Luminel. I'm not in the mood for games. What's your real motive?"

"Then I'll be frank too. My father sold me to you."


"Father covets the divine power you possess. He wants me to seduce you and persuade you to use that power for the Duke's family."

"Do people usually reveal such things so openly?"

"Well, my thoughts differ from my greedy father's."

Elphisia rearranged the scattered contract marriage documents on the table.

It was basically a marriage vow form, but some sections were left blank. Likely spaces to fill in details about the agreement.

She then added in a solemn voice:

"If this marriage doesn't happen, I'll be cast out. In high society, our marriage is already considered a done deal. In such a situation... how many people do you think would take in a noble lady abandoned by a commoner?"

There would be some. Families who'd want to get their hands on such a woman, even in her current state.

But they'd be far beneath the worth of Elphisia Luminel...

"That's why I'm proposing a contract marriage. So you can use me. In return, I can avoid the label of a disowned child."


"I have no particular attachment to the Duke's family. The conditions I'll include in the contract are quite simple."

"Even so..."

"If you don't trust me, think about the children."

"The children?"


After answering, Elphisia pulled out more documents from her bag and presented them.

They were Elphisia's bank statements, showing clearly written amounts I couldn't even dare to imagine.

"This is my dowry. Resources I can use for you as I see fit."

"What is this...?"

"You're not becoming a son-in-law of our family. I'm the one marrying into yours."

"... Good heavens."

It was hard to gather my thoughts.

Not just because of the astronomical dowry, but also because of Elphisia herself.

I could understand Elphisia's circumstances. But it bothered me that this villainess was offering me such convenient terms.


'Tina... she seemed secretly pleased when Elphisia said she'd be her mother.'

I still remember how her face brightened for a moment, even as she acted annoyed. This deepened my inner conflict.

Logically, there seemed to be no downside.

In fact, refusing would be foolish given all the benefits.

Besides, I had planned to remain single anyway, so marriage wasn't particularly precious to me.

'... Am I overthinking this?'

Tina and Glen's futures had definitely changed. Their personalities would develop very differently from the original story. Following that logic, there was no guarantee Elphisia would remain a villainess.

The future was an unknown that no one could predict.

'I suppose it wouldn't hurt to hear her out...'

I stared at the contract marriage documents on the table.

"If I were to agree... what contract terms would you propose, Lady?"

"Mainly three things."

"Please explain in detail."

At my request, Elphisia picked up a pen and filled in the blanks. For all our grand conversation, the terms were surprisingly simple.

The exact wording of the clauses was as follows:

First, fulfill the duties of a married couple.

Second, do not fall in love.

Third, if the contract is breached, surrender everything to the other party.

There were some ambiguous parts, but the conditions weren't unreasonable.

"What exactly do you mean by 'duties of a married couple'?"

"It means not straying. Trusting and cooperating with each other, of course."

"I see..."

She really meant living like an ordinary married couple. Just without love...

The third clause didn't particularly worry me.

It might seem scary at first glance, but we just need to stick to these simple terms.

"Now it's your turn."

Elphisia passed the pen to me.

But I declined her hand and responded verbally.

"Always prioritize the children, no matter what. That's enough for me."

"... I see."

At some point, merely listening had led to acceptance. As if I'd been bewitched by some spell.

Next, we signed our names on both the marriage vow and the contract. With this, we swore to be husband and wife.

The feeling of crossing a river of no return was lighter than expected.

"Now you're my husband. Let's get along well."

"... Right, wife."

Thus, we formed the quietest marital bond in the world.



Elphisia unpacked in the empty room Harte had provided.

After tidying up sufficiently, she lay on the mediocre quality bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Half-closing her ruby-like eyes, she recalled the contract they had exchanged.

First, fulfill the duties of a married couple.

Second, do not fall in love.

Third, if the contract is breached, surrender everything to the other party.

She judged it a rather brazen contract.

After all.

It was a condition designed solely for her benefit.

Harte wouldn't even begin to guess the hidden loophole in the contract.

It was all just self-satisfaction.

'I've already broken the contract...'

Do not fall in love.

She never intended to keep this petty, childish clause in the first place.

'So I must fulfill the third condition.'

If the contract is breached, surrender everything to the other party.

Did he think it sounded ominous? What a fool.

Harte, you naive man.

'From the beginning... this is why I came back. For this.'

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