The Villainess Proposed a Contractual Marriage

Chapter 11: Reunion

Today was no ordinary day.

The grand theater that had just opened nearby was all set to welcome its first audience. The promotional blitz had been so intense that even our quiet orphanage had caught wind of it.

On this historic opening night, I was heading to the theater with the kids in tow.

"Hmm, hmm, hmmm~"

Tina hummed a tune as she trotted along. Though her singing was far from professional, I imagined a grand orchestra was playing in her mind.

I didn't want to burst her bubble.

"Our daughter, with a voice like that, you could be an opera singer!"


"Of course. It's so sweet that Yulian's nodding off."

"I'm not sleeping."

"Actually, Glen was the one dozing off."

"I could start napping now."

These rascals.

One doesn't listen at all, while the other listens too well.

For the supposed male lead and villain, their roles seem oddly reversed. I guess this is what they mean when they say kids are shaped by how you raise them.

"So... I'm not good?"


Tina gazed at me with reproachful puppy eyes. At this rate, my little white lie would be exposed.

No choice then.

No one's better at flipping a sour mood than Yulian.

So in a flash, I scooped him up.

"Ack, Director? What's the meaning of—"


I took a deep breath. Then, giving Yulian a piggyback ride, I started running.

"Hey, everyone!!! Our! Yulian!!! Didn't! Fall asleep!!! How amazing!!!"

"What, what are you doing, Director?! Aren't you embarrassed?!"

"Please praise our child who can stay awake even during an opera!!!"

"Have you lost your mind...? Director!!!"

Ignoring Yulian's quavering voice, I turned and winked at Tina. She burst into laughter, tears in her eyes, and ran towards us with Glen.

Meanwhile, Yulian glared at me after wriggling free from the piggyback.

"Ah, no need to tell me how fun that was, Young Yulian."

"That's exactly the kind of comment I could die without hearing!"

"Let's ask the other two if you're telling the truth."

I lifted Tina and Glen. Though they were already about ten, they had some heft to them. Soon, I probably wouldn't be able to carry them on both shoulders like this.

"Wow, it's so high!"

"... This is surprisingly fun."

On my left shoulder, Tina squealed with delight, while on my right, Glen's eyes sparkled as he secretly enjoyed the ride.

Of course, I flashed a smug grin at Yulian, trying to look as annoying as possible.

"Oh my, you actually liked Papa's piggyback ride too, didn't you?"

"You... traitors...!"

As they say, a meddling sister-in-law is worse than a nagging mother-in-law. Yulian seemed more irked by Tina and Glen's obvious enjoyment.

Tina, unfazed by Yulian's glare, exclaimed in wonder.

"Wow... the whole street is beneath me. It's amazing."

"Is that so? If there weren't so many prying eyes, I'd have taken you sightseeing in the capital."

"The capital? I want to see it..."

At Tina's question, Yulian's shoulders twitched.

Being the Third Prince, he'd lived in the heart of the capital - the Imperial Palace - and seen all manner of luxury firsthand.

It wasn't clear exactly what he'd experienced there, but unpleasant memories seemed to have surfaced.

Feeling somewhat guilty, I deflected casually.

"Well, it's just a slightly bigger city, nothing special."

"Dad, have you been to the capital?"

"I have, actually."

The temple where I worked until just before my escape was in the capital.

Temples are scattered throughout the empire, but as a Holy Knight, I was stationed at the capital's temple due to my position.

I'd assumed I would spend my life as a knight guarding some important figure in the temple. Until that day I dunked my head in the Sacred Pond...

Suddenly, something nagged at me.

'Come to think of it, I wonder how they're doing?'

They might have felt hurt that I left the temple without a word.

It was a hasty decision made without time to consider the consequences.

'... Or not? I'm not sure since we weren't that close.'

Though we had a guard-and-guarded relationship, we'd spent enough time together to form an attachment.

Perhaps it was just one-sided affection I developed in the austere temple life.

I set Tina and Glen back on the ground and reminisced. Though the temple had been unbearably dull, those days were peaceful. I harbor no ill feelings.

Had I not learned of the future where I would lose my life, I would have remained at the temple without complaint.

'Of course... I have no regrets either.'

Thanks to leaving the temple, I now have this wonderful family. Moreover, while Yulian's fate remains uncertain, Tina and Glen's childhoods have definitely taken a positive turn.

The more I reflected on these strange encounters, the more my lips curled into a smile.

I'm glad I left. The temple.


Just as I was savoring this peaceful moment, Glen let out a sharp cry.

"Director, over there...!"

Following Glen's urgent gaze, I saw someone in a hooded robe crossing the street. The problem was a carriage speeding towards them on the road.

From what I could see, they had pulled their hood down too far, severely limiting their vision. It would have been better if they'd at least heard the noisy carriage, but that seemed unlikely too.



The startled horse let out a loud whinny.

Only then did the figure flinch as if shocked. It seemed the mortal danger had finally registered.

I couldn't let the children witness a person's death.

My judgment was quick, and my actions were swift.

I sprinted at full speed and wrapped my arm around the figure's waist. Then, I used a small burst of divine power under the horse's hooves to slightly slow its pace.

In the brief window that dramatically opened, I leapt while holding the person.

Only after safely landing on the opposite side of the road did I let out a sigh of relief.

"Haah... people these days...!"

Whoever they were, their lack of safety awareness was ridiculous. I was about to scold them, but.

I had no choice but to keep my mouth firmly shut.

"... Ugh."

Long auburn hair flowed from the completely upturned hood. Her eyes exuded a noble air and were crimson, while her skin was as clear as porcelain.

She was beautiful. That was undeniable, but it was too superficial a reason to be captivated.


Something was different.

'That's right... something is... off.'

A sense of unease.

The reason I couldn't help but be drawn to her gaze despite not being an unprecedented beauty. The unease stemming from my inability to pinpoint that reason was most peculiar of all.

Unable to shake off this feeling, my throat inexplicably felt dry.



Before I could figure out the nature of this unease, the woman immediately pulled her hood back on.

Then, as she ran away without even a word of thanks, I felt oddly bemused rather than angry.

"... Have I seen her somewhere before?"

If she were such a striking beauty, I should have some memory of her.

What a curious experience this turned out to be.



The children came running.

It was time to focus on the present and forget this unexpectedly strange encounter.

After all, I'm family to these children.



Today was no ordinary day.

Near the newly completed grand theater stood a branch of a reputable bank.

Elphisia Luminel was on her way back from depositing all of her dowry, which she had converted to cash, into a bank account.

The vast freedom granted to her felt unfamiliar.

It had been a long time since she'd walked the streets on her own two feet, without a carriage or attendants. So she felt excited, and also fell into deep thought.

She wasn't yet used to life without attendants, so her guard was down. She realized anew that becoming too absorbed in her own world could lead to unexpected accidents.

A carriage accident.

Who would have thought she'd feel threatened by a mode of transport she was more accustomed to riding in than colliding with? And at the end of it all...



Yes, today was indeed no ordinary day.

It was that kind of special day, led by an unsought stroke of luck.



Early evening, as the sun was setting.

When we returned from watching the opera at the grand theater, leaves had piled up annoyingly at the orphanage. So I sent the half-asleep children inside first and found myself wielding a broom.

As if that weren't enough.

After witnessing our children's behavior at the grand theater, I couldn't hide my disappointment.

"These brats... every single one of them fell asleep during the performance."

Tina in particular shocked me by snoring.

Tina of all people, not Yulian or Glen!

We tried various quick fixes like gently blocking her nose or turning her head, but to no avail.

If it weren't for the VIP tickets the Count had sent us, we surely would have been the target of countless glares.

"Phew, the chairs were as soft as clouds, though. Buying even one of those would be... too expensive, right?"

Though I'm no expert in furniture retail, I could easily tell from the seating comfort alone. It was clearly a luxury item ill-suited to my circumstances.

As I was lost in such idle thoughts, reminiscing about the day gone by.

Suddenly, a woman's clear voice caught my attention.

"Excuse me."

"Oh, you're..."

I recognized her immediately.

She was the woman who had nearly been in a carriage accident earlier. The sense of unease from then still lingered vividly, etching her presence strongly in my mind.

The only difference from earlier was her attire.

Wearing a dazzlingly splendid red dress, she carried a bag that seemed to contain modest luggage. This paradoxical appearance created a mysterious atmosphere.

On the other hand, I narrowed my eyes, finding her look rather suspicious.

Seemingly oblivious to my wary stance, she spoke calmly.

"Harte of the Holy Knight Order. Correct?"

As she casually disclosed my identity.

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