The Taste of Seduction

Chapter 20 - Owned

"What the hell is your problem?" Meredith snapped at him.

Aggravation lit in Atlas chest, but he kept his voice indifferent.


Her lips parted and she tilted her head. "Me?"

"Yes. You. The fact that you're at drunk at a club wearing a dress that barely covers your bottom and flirting with a guy who probably has STIs is my problem. You're drunk and have no idea what you're even doing."

Atlas scolded in a deadly tone.

"I know exactly what I'm doing Mr. Martini." She stared up at him, her frustration bubbled on her face.

Atlas watched her face flushed with anger and pleasure pulsed in his veins.

How can someone look so drunk, angry and hot at the same time? This woman had him captivated without her even trying.

"I'm not a kid. You're not my father, brother, boyfriend or even a friend to tell me what to do. You're just my boss who happened to kiss me. And a kiss doesn't mean anything. So don't come at me acting all possessive like you fucking own me because you don't!"

Atlas moved closer to her. So close that he could hear her breath coming out in soft pants. He tried not to notice how her chest heaved out of anger. Their faces were a mere inch apart as Atlas lowered his head so that he could whisper in her ears.

"Angel, are you sure about that? Because I do own you. The moment I kissed you and your body surrendered to me you were marked mine. See? I'm not even touching you but see how hard you're breathing.

Your body recognize me as the new owner. So, I can act possessive if I want because no man touches what is mine and you baby girl. You're mine." A misty smile graced Atlas's lips as he stepped back to look at her.

Her lips were parted, lush and wet. Atlas remembered the taste of her lips and a bolt of arousal ran through him.

"You're crazy." Meredith said her voice came out breathier than usual and Atlas found himself getting hard.

"You have no idea." Atlas said as his thumb and forefinger grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him. He had expected her to get angry at his words or make a scene because of what he had said but she just stared at him and called him something no one has dared to call him in his face for years.

"Mr. Ma-rtini"

"Atlas. Call me Atlas." He interrupted her. When they were outside the office, he wanted her to call him Atlas. The last thing Atlas wanted to do was mix business and pleasure.

"I don't know if you will remember this when you wake up tomorrow but if you do, I want you to think about what you said over the phone Meredith. And think hard if this is what you want.

Yes, you're mine but there is no way I will force you. You have to make this decision yourself. Also don't worry whatever happens or what you said over the phone is between you and Atlas.

Monday when we go to work. It will be just be Miss Rossi and Mr. Martini. We won't mix business with pleasure. And we won't discuss anything that happens outside working hours during working hours."

Meredith blinked, her breath coming out in short puffs. Her cheeks stained with crimson.

She opened her mouth to say something but unfortunately, Sofia appeared interrupting them.

"Meredith, are you okay?" She asked concerned etched in her tone as she glared at Atlas.

"Mr. Martini, what are you doing here?" Sofia stood in front of Meredith pushing her behind her back to avoid Atlas's gaze. Atlas found it cute though as if anyone could hide his Angel from him.

"Just take her home and don't bring her to the club again. Also don't dress her like that again" Atlas said sternly. He was pissed that Sofia had left Meredith alone for some stupid guy to put his hands all over her. If he hadn't shown up God knows what would have happened.

"And why should I listen to you? You're just her boss. You can't decide what she can or cannot do with her private life." Sofia said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Don't tempt me, Miss Russo."

Sofia's lips thinned. For a second Atlas thought she might argue but without saying a word or so much as not looking at him, she grabbed Meredith's hand and walked towards the exit.

Atlas followed them until they reached the parking lot and saw Albert standing beside his car as if he was waiting for them.

"Don't worry I will take them home." Albert said as he waved at Atlas before he got into the car and drove away.

Atlas frowned when he realized Meredith hadn't said a word or looked at him after Sofia appeared. He wondered what was going through her mind and what she was about to say before Sofia showed up.

Will she accept the proposition he gave her? Will she even remember what happened tomorrow when she wakes up?

Guess he had to wait tomorrow to find out.

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