The Taste of Seduction

Chapter 21 - The Message

Meredith sat on her bed with her book in her hands and stared restlessly at wall of her bedroom lost in her thoughts.

She bit her lips; she couldn't believe what happened yesterday night. She had not been imagining right?

The thoughts of Atlas had been stuck to her mind making her stomach swarm with butterflies.

She couldn't get how possessive and how he had held her at the club from her mind. No one has ever looked at her like the way Atlas did yesterday.

Like she was the center of his universe and will harm anyone that tried to steal her away.

Yes, she still remembered everything that had happened at the club. Especially what Atlas had proposition. Did she want to give herself completely to a man?

Meredith hadn't really known the meaning of complete submission but after hours of googling she finally had the answer.

She realized it was more than what the books she had been reading made it out to be.

Before you could submit to someone you had to completely trust your partner. Was she willing to take such a big risk?

Her phone ping interrupting her thoughts. Meredith picked up a phone and saw that it was a WhatsApp message from an unknown number.

Unknown number: Hello Meredith. This is Atlas. I was checking up on you since you seemed pretty sad the last time we talked over the phone. I understand if you might not remember since you were quite intoxicated. Please assure that I will not be offended and you can just ignore this message if you don't want to talk about it.

Meredith muscle stiffened while reading the message. She wasn't expecting him to hit her up so soon. She quickly saved his number. She had been staring at her phone all day because she didn't know how to even start this conversation and she was nervous too.

Meredith: Hy Atlas! Thank you for checking up on me. I'm really sorry about last night. And don't worry I absolutely remember everything that happened last night. Rest assured; I won't call you to cry over a guy again.

Meredith hit send and held her breath, knotting her fingers as she waited for a reply. For what seems like forever but a few minutes, her WhatsApp notification pinged.

Atlas: Good girl. Don't cry over boys again. Especially jerks like Mr. Martini. You deserved better.

Meredith widened her eyes when she saw the message. Did he just call her a good girl and told her she deserves better?

Meredith: And do you think you're the better guy I deserved?

Meredith closed her eyes and hit send. Did she just send him that? God what was she thinking?

She waited for a reply but unfortunately it didn't come. Meredith sighed and felt her stomach tied in knots with nervousness. Why hadn't he replied to the message yet?

Fifteen minutes later. Her phone chimed indicating she has gotten a message.

Atlas. No.

Meredith face flushed at his replied. She wasn't expecting him to be this blunt. A way to kill a girl's confident Atlas she thought.

Meredith: Okay..

This was so awkward for some reason. Meredith wished she could find a hole to hide in. Why the hell did she even send that message?

Atlas: So, have you thought about my proposition?

Meredith's breath hitched while she read the message. She knew he was going to ask sooner or later. She took in a deep breath and started typing.

Meredith: Can we meet to go over the proposition now that I'm sober? Just let me know when you're free.

She couldn't believe she had the guts to type this. Meredith wanted to talk to Sofia about this but she knew her friend would talk her out of it.

Atlas: Sure. I will let my driver pick you up at 7pm. Dress code: Elegant but Seductive.

Meredith blinked and read the message again. He wanted to meet her tonight? Wait what is considered as elegant but seductive for a dress code? Also, she didn't even have lots of dresses to go through to select what is seductive.

Meredith phone rang and an unknown number appeared on the screen.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Is this Miss Rossi?" Meredith's brows arched.


"Someone has ordered a dress for you from our company. I'm calling to inform you that we will deliver it in half an hour time."

Meredith bit her bottom lips. Did Atlas buy her a dress?

"Alright. Thank you." Meredith hung up the call with a conflicting emotion. Why did he buy her a dress?

A whatsapp message notification popped up on her phone screen.

Atlas: Hope you like the dress.

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