The Sugar Mommy System: The Evil Young Master is Villain!!!

Chapter 148: 5) the Zhao Family!

Wang's expression stiffened at Bai Lung's critique, a spark of frustration flaring in his eyes.

The young man, the chosen one had always prided himself on his skills, and to have them dismissed so casually by an outsider, an emissary no less was a blow to his pride. Yet, he held his tongue, bowing slightly in acknowledgment.

A protagonist hating the villain, nothing out of the ordinary.

"I thank you for your guidance, Young Master. I will strive to improve my arts and technique," Wang said, his voice carefully controlled, though the tightness in his jaw betrayed his true feelings.

Bai Lung merely nodded, his gaze remaining sharp and unyielding.

"Do not mistake my words for mere criticism, fellow Daoist, consider them a guidance. You have potential, but the potential is meaningless if left unrealized... No matter how fertile a field is if left empty, it's no better than a desert,"

The room was thick with tension, the air heavy as the Zhao clan members exchanged uneasy glances.

The other disciples, who had once viewed Wang with admiration, now seemed to falter, their confidence shaken by Bai Lung's presence and his veiled disapproval.

Wang tho creates trouble from time to time, was not a bottom servant.

Wang had some talent up his sleeve.

Zhao Fan, the clan head, stepped forward, his expression a mask of calm authority, though his eyes betrayed a hint of concern regarding the matter.

Yet he didn't make some haste and anger the Young Master Bai.

"Emissary Young Master Bai, we are honored by your presence and your words of wisdom. However, I must ask; what do you seek from us? Is there a specific task or trial that would satisfy your evaluation?"

Bai Lung turned his attention to Zhao Fan, a faint smile playing on his lips. "A trial? Indeed, that may be appropriate. After all, I must ensure that those I select are worthy of the Emperor's favor... Otherwise, not just Your Zhao family but my Bai Family will face consequences too,"

He paused, letting his words hang in the air before continuing signaling something harsh as the Bai family was at mercy too.

"I propose a duel. One that will demonstrate not just martial prowess, but also the spirit and resolve of your disciples. Let us see who amongst you truly possesses the qualities that the Empire desires,"


Woahhhh! Duel?

I don't think I can fight!

A murmur rippled through the crowd, the suggestion causing a stir.

Wang's eyes narrowed as he studied Bai Lung, sensing the underlying challenge.

A duel would not just test his strength, but also his ability to navigate the delicate balance of honor and ambition within the clan.

If that happens he might have a chance to tease young Miss and anger her thus gaining some points... Not just here, but he may even have a chance to anger other maidens too.

Zhao Fan hesitated for a moment before nodding.

"Very well, Emissary... We will arrange for a duel between our finest disciples. However, I must insist that the duel remains a fair and honorable match. We are a family, after all, and we do not wish to sow discord,"

Bai Lung's smile widened, though there was no warmth in it. "Of course, Master Zhao. Honor and fairness are the very foundation of the Empire. I would expect nothing less... It's just a friendly duel, no one needs to be hurt,"


With the duel set, the tension in the hall only grew.

Disciples whispered amongst themselves, each wondering who would be chosen to represent the Zhao clan.

It was clear only the top disciple might fight unaware that the patriarch might also show some mediocre disciples... After all, which family wanna lose a potential servant?



The atmosphere crackled with anticipation, and Wang felt the weight of expectation settle heavily on his shoulders.

He believed he could gain some good opportunities if he worked under the emperor.

Perhaps the princess? They might surely give him lots of angry points.

As the preparations for the duel began...


Wang found himself alone, his thoughts racing.

He knew that this was more than just a test of strength... Something is creeping him.

All while,

Bai Lung was watching him closely, scrutinizing his every move, every decision... It was clear this chosen one was merely a weakling

At the same time,

The emissary's words still echoed in wang's mind; the potential is meaningless if left unrealized.

The realization hit Wang hard: this duel was not just about proving himself to his clan. It was about proving himself to Bai Lung, to the Emperor, and the world beyond the Zhao clan's borders.

Something a servant like him could only dream of.

The stakes were higher than he had ever imagined, and failure was not an option.


(A few moments passed )

As the time for the duel approached, Wang steeled himself, determined to rise to the challenge, that way he could obtain some angry points from other maidens.

He even purchased the vitality boosting pill and temporary strengthening pill from the system shop to gain some advantage.

He didn't wish to lose.

Not to mention, He knew he had to be more than just a skilled fighter - he had to be a strategist, a leader, someone who could see beyond the immediate battle and grasp the larger game at play. The minions of Zhao Tui might get this chance to trouble him greatly.

As someone who is reincarnated, he can easily figure out it was an event set to him so that way Zhao Tui and his minions could beat him.

Which makes sense if the story was only written from Wang's perspective.



Go! Go! Go!

Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

The courtyard was soon filled with spectators, the air buzzing with excitement and trepidation.

Bai Lung sat at the edge of the arena, on a throne, his expression unreadable as he surveyed the scene.

He was cold as ever.

Zhao Fan had selected Wang as the representative of the Zhao clan, and now all eyes were on him, because Zhao patriarch didn't have much hope for Wang.

Indeed, Wang's father had lost his life to save him but Zhao patriarch is fed up with wang... Not to mention, his daughter keeps telling him that Wang keeps bothering her.

If possible patriarch Zhao wished Wang to be selected.


At the same time,

Wang's opponent was another servant, a fierce competitor with a reputation for ruthless efficiency.

The two faced each other, the tension between them palpable, their eyes sparkling.

The duel was about to begin, and with it, the first step in a game that neither of them fully understood.

Swoosh! Swoosh!




As the signal was given, Wang and his opponent clashed, their movements a blur of speed and precision.



Their first strike... Aura flaring up.

But as the battle raged on, Wang began to realize that something was off.

His opponent was fighting with a ferocity that went beyond mere competition.

There was a desperation in his attacks, a wildness that hinted at something more.

It wasn't a supreme level of intelligence to know that this man didn't wish for a fair fight.

Probably a minion of Zhao Tui.


Wang's mind raced, piecing together the clues. Could it be that his opponent had been coerced?

Like, That envoy named Bai Lung had somehow manipulated the situation to push Wang to his limits?

Because Wang had seen Zhao Tui with Zhao Ling, so, there is a very low chance that Zhao tho had set this up.

Not to mention, his senses are telling him that this envoy isn't a good man.

However, as arrogant as he is, he just treats them as stepping stones.

The thought was unsettling, but Wang knew he couldn't afford to hesitate.

East Mountains was a small place for a person like him.

He had to outthink, outmaneuver, and outlast his opponent - not just for his own sake, but for the future of his own.

Swoosh! ( rapid move - flash step)

Swish! ( a finger move )

With a final, decisive move, Wang disarmed his opponent, ending the duel in a flash of brilliance.

"Woahhhh! 103 after images... This guy is a beast,"

"Holy! How does this guy become so strong?"

"It makes no sense... This guy was a pig but now he is suddenly a tiger,"

"Shut up! It was a good fight!"

"Cool move! Wang! Wang! Wang!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, but Wang barely heard them.

His eyes were locked on Bai Lung, who watched him with an inscrutable expression.

Bai Lung nodded slowly, a glimmer of approval in his eyes. "Well done. You have proven yourself... for now. But remember, this is only the beginning. The path ahead is fraught with challenges, and only those with the sharpest minds and the strongest wills will survive..."

Wang bowed, but inside, he knew that this was far from over.

Bai Lung had set him on a dangerous path.

And Wang was determined to rise to the challenge, no matter the cost with the help of his system.

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