The Sugar Mommy System: The Evil Young Master is Villain!!!

Chapter 147: 4) The Zhao Family!

Bai Lung sat with a tranquil expression, sipping his tea as he surveyed the curious onlookers. The weight of their reverent gazes was not lost on him.

As the Young Master from the capital, he knew his presence here held great significance and that's exactly he wanted... The eyes that will look at him and ears that will listen him.

The mind that works under his command. The pawn that moves under his desire.

Glancing towards the Great Elder, Bai Lung couldn't help but feel a twinge of amusement.

For one such as he, who held secrets within secrets, the importance placed upon him by this family was rather comical.

He sets down his teacup, turning his gaze to the maid at his side.

"Saintess, it seems the Zhao clan is indeed eager to learn the reason for my visit. Perhaps it is time I addressed them..." he muttered lightly, using Qi voice transmission.

Bai Lung stands, his imposing presence commanding the attention of all in the room. With a regal tone, he speaks:

"People of the Zhao clan, I thank you for your warm welcome. I am Bai Lung, a humble emissary from the Imperial Court. I have been sent to assess the capabilities of your clan, for the Emperor himself has taken an interest in your esteemed family..."


W-What the emperor himself?

Emperor has taken a fancy!


A hush falls over the room as Bai Lung's words sink in. The implications of the Emperor's interest are not lost on anyone present.

"It is my understanding that you possess numerous talented disciples within your ranks. I have been tasked with evaluating their potential, to determine if they may be worthy of serving the Empire,"

Was it false? Not really...

Bai Lung, from Bai Family can submit few servants to empire on their family name so, he is using that 'feature' as a strategic advantage.

He can gain favor from Emperor and at the same time influence Zhao family.

A sharp mind doesn't lack ideas. It dumb mind that's fails to see it.


Bai Lung pauses, allowing the weight of his words to settle.

"I trust you will accommodate my stay here, so that I may fulfill my duty. Any objections will be met with the utmost...pleasure,"

He returns to his sipping, enjoying the tea.

His sharp gaze swept across the assembly of Zhao clan members, his words laced with an undercurrent of subtle power... The mere mention of the Emperor's interest had sent a hush over the room, the gathered disciples and elders alike awed by the implications.

For them it was a opportunity... Not aware they were fish that had already taken the bait, not questioning Bai Lung even a single bit.

Even if someone wanted, who would? He came from a powerful family at capital... There was no doubt for his words.

It even make sense if he came here to recruit some people for empire military or empire guards.


Wang, who had quietly slipped in at the back, narrowed his eyes as he studied this newcomer, proclaiming to be recruit people for emperor.

Something about Bai Lung's demeanor and the way he carried himself struck him as off.

There was a depth to this young man that belied his youthful appearance.

A calculating intelligence that put Wang on edge.

If he really came from emperor's order, shouldn't there be something like emperor's seal or emperor's token?

"Ah yes, the esteemed Master Zhao, Zhao Fan. I must say, your reputation precedes you... The Emperor himself has taken note of your family's illustrious history and the promising talents that have emerged from your ranks, I heard some minsktseds were even praising you for your recent growth here, telling that your family might surpass the other 3 major family,"

Bai Lung uttered and paused for effect, a slight smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he praised current family head do butter him up.

Win soul with butter, butter with words.

"It is now my duty to assess the full extent of your clan's capabilities. I trust you will provide me with ample opportunity to witness the true strength of your disciples," Bai Lung added.

With that,

His gaze once again swept over the assembled youths, evaluating them with a cool, analytical eye creating a feeling that he had indeed came here to gather some people.

At the same time,

Wang felt a shiver run down his spine as those sharp eyes lingered on him for the briefest of moments.

"Of course, I expect the utmost hospitality during my stay. Any...obstructions to my mission will be most...unwise. The Emperor's favor is a prize worth fighting for, is it not?"

Bai Lung's words held a subtle edge, a veiled warning that left no room for argument.

The Zhao clan elders exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the gravity of the situation. This was no mere formality - the Imperial Court had its sights set on their family.

For them... It was clear Emperor didn't wished their family power and influence to grow more.

One needs to look from base to fully understand the situation.

The Zhao Family is making rapid progress compare to other major family this, very soon only two supreme power will rule the East Mountains.

One is Heaven Fall sect and next will be Zhao Family.

Heaven Fall being the absolute powerhouse at the moment is understandable as it is a sect with multiple people from different origin... But Zhao family? That's a full unity.

( think of it like T-series vs Mr. Beast... Mr. Beast also has a large team but is considered a individual creator... )

With Zhao Family influence and power growing... The Zhao family will be a sole supreme power, and based on elders' calculation, emperor doesn't wish to see it thus, he had sent this young man to recruit some of the powerful people to the emperor's military or similar.

None had any clue that Bai Lung came here in his own and made a lie.

Perhaps fake it till you make it because at the end Bai Lung is going to hand them to the emperor.


A hint of amusement in his eyes as he observed the uneasy shifting of the Zhao clan members.

They were clearly unsettled by the gravity of his words and the implications of the Emperor's interest.

Some were happy, some were unhappy, sims were nervous, some were disappointed...

"But I sense some unease amongst you. Surely you do not doubt the magnanimity of our illustrious ruler? The ruler seeks only to elevate the most promising talents in his realm...The Path to growth is great working under emperor,"

He paused, taking a measured sip of his tea.

"It is a great honor that he has chosen to look upon your clan. I am merely the humble messenger, tasked with evaluating the true extent of your capabilities..."

Bai Lung's gaze swept over the assembled disciples, his eyes narrowing as they settled on a young man in the back - Wang, if he recalled correctly.

There was a spark of defiance in those eyes, a subtle challenge that intrigued the young emissary.

"I trust you will all provide me with ample opportunity to witness your skills. The Emperor's favor is a prize worth it or is it not? I eagerly await the chance to be impressed,"

He leaned back in his seat, a slight smirk playing on his lips.

"Now, I believe it is time we begin. Shall we start with a demonstration of your finest martial artists? I am most curious to see what the Zhao clan has to offer,"



Elder were confused and shocked.


Bai Lung's eyes gleam with a hint of mischief as he surveys the gathered disciples.

He raises a hand, beckoning one of the young men forward, that was looking from outside area of the hall.

"Ah, yes. You, there in the back. Step forward and show me what the Zhao clan is truly capable of,"

His gaze narrows as it settles on Wang, a faint challenge in his tone.

"I trust you will not disappoint me,"

Bai Lung wanted to test his deep the water is... It is a good opportunity to see what this son of heaven have in him.

Obviously such a person might not show his absolute technique right away but Bai Lung knows now to get the paste from almost empty toothpaste packet.


Wang hesitates for the briefest of moments, feeling the weight of Bai Lung's piercing stare.

Then, with a subtle nod, he steps into the center of the room, his stance poised and confident.

"As you wish, emissary. I am Wang, one of the Zhao clan's most promising disciples. Allow me to demonstrate our prowess," he said in a small tone.

Without further preamble, Wang launches into a flawless display of martial arts, his movements fluid and precise.

Bai Lung watches with a keen, analytical gaze, his expression betraying no emotion.

"This is...most impressive. You possess a natural grace and control that is quite remarkable, however you are still lacking on many things, perhaps you haven't fully mastered the art yet," says Bai Lung while he looked at...

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